hooovahh, we have been giving feedback for > 5 years. Nobody with any authority to direct change seems to be interested.
The thing I cannot understand is this... the engineers intimately familiar with LabVIEW today are the engineering managers of tomorrow. NI is pissing off the engineers of today who are the ones signing the purchase orders of tomorrow.
I never intended for this post to descend into a rant session, I am just disappointed that after so much investment by NI this is the product that has been laid on the table. There was no need to revisit change every single decision in current gen, most of the paradigms worked really well. I would literally hold captive anyone even remotely interested in LabVIEW and gush wildly over its amazingness, like a parent gushing over their favourite child. Now when people ask me about NXG I sort of blink and stare into the distance and change the conversation.