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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2024 in all areas

  1. As an experiment in seeing what VIMs can do, here is an all-VIM implementation of a "circular buffer", based on code from a 2D DBL array circular buffer I had previously used. In LabVIEW 2018. Features: Works on any scalar type, giving a 1D array buffer, or any 1D array, giving a 2D array buffer (could be extended to a 3D buffer of 2D arrays) Has VIMs that accept either a by-Value Buffer, or a DVR of a Buffer Package contains simple examples. Comments welcome. jdp_science_lib_malleable_buffer-
    1 point
  2. For me it has improved but is not quite fixed. I still get broken wires on the calling VI when changing anything in some vims. In fact, I have a VI which I copied from the Debug Log.lvlib:Debug Write.vim in vi.lib and made some changes to. My version breaks when I change anything in it, but the VI.lib-one does not. I have force-recompiled and am now trying to make my VI work like the one in vi.lib, but mine still breaks. I just might recreate it and see where/if it breaks then. I don't know if I am unlucky or if that might happen for others too. When the wires do break, it seems like they auto-heal better than before, when I had to rewire at every broken place, but now its enough to just do something that triggers a compile (I think).
    1 point
  3. Put a new 0.5 version on VIPM.io Remember, this is still beta code.
    1 point
  4. Malleable Buffer.zip James: I did a lot of polish on your library -- cleaning diagrams, finishing out a couple of API points, documentation. I deleted the experiment stuff. You're free to take the attached files and add them to your published VIP if you want. There was only one real functionality change that I made: a performance improvement to "Add to Buffer (By Value).vi". Thank you -- this code is quite helpful in my current project.
    1 point
  5. Decided to update this to 2020 and release (this is 0.3; I never posted 0.2): jdp_science_lib_malleable_buffer-
    1 point
  6. This IS fixed in LV 2020, but it got left out of the Upgrade Notes*. I have posted details here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/LV-2020-Upgrade-Note-Altered-rules-for-named-Bundle-and-Unbundle/td-p/4035624 The fix is very healthy for most apps, but we did find one internal-to-NI app that was dependent on the dumb-luck-that-it-sometimes-works behavior. We had to fix that one up by using the Coerce To Value primitive to set a name of the element in the caller. But going forward, such antics should not be necessary... the adaptation rules of named bundle/unbundle are now well-defined. * My mistake -- apparently my tech writers cannot read my mind; I actually have to hit Submit on bug reports, not just leave them in Draft. *chagrin*
    1 point
  7. The New Data Value Ref and Delete Data Value Ref nodes will be able to be in inline VIs (and thus malleable VIs) in LV 2020.
    1 point
  8. I've put the freezing of the bundle/unbundle nodes (including those on the In-Place Element node) into LV 2020.
    1 point
  9. Major differences: One was an off-the-cuff prototype that frequently crashed, couldn't nest properly, had no well-defined recompile semantics (so you couldn't trust that if you made a change the callers saw it), and didn't integrate with any of the rest of LabVIEW features except by accident (and, in the case of polyVIs, that accidental interaction was a bug). The other is an actual feature. I don't think we retained any of the original code. Comparing them, especially in the context of complaining about loss of functionality, spreads disinformation to anyone who doesn't know the background history. If you meant it as a joke, you forgot your </joke> tags. I did not find your semantic antics amusing.
    1 point
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