I was at a similar meeting with NI in 2014 (in Geneva, CERN). Their concern about old LabVIEW codebase was legit, but it seems they didn't even want to hear our concerns. I had about the same experience as you when they laughed it off. My concerns were "why to change the block diagram GUI? don't do it", "VIs should be compatible, don't make two parallel incompatible versions of LabVIEW", "why you're using WPF for front panels? Ditch it completely and get html5 compatible vector graphics engine like V8 for Chromium, use open source heavy lifting for the 'view' layer. You already had funny experience with Silverlight, why you wanna do the same sort of folly again?". On my last concern they replied that it's a strategic partnership with Microsoft that matters, and everything will be ok...