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  1. Actually, real reform will never happen UNLESS the government stops being bought and paid for by the health care industry (or the financial industry or the military industrial complex) and actually serves the people they were supposedly elected by. The 'market' will never reform health care (or global warming or anything else for that matter) because there isn't any profit in it. If you don't understand that, try studying the 'tragedy of the commons' problem in economics. Humans are just not wired to solve problems like this by individual actors pursuing their own best interests. The only way to solve this is by having an external authority impose a solution. To simplify this, think of what happens if you leave your dog and your cat alone for a week. If you set out enough food and water for the week, the dog will eat it all in one day and then starve the rest of the week. The cat will eat just what it needs and survive just fine. Humans are not cats. And since there is no way congress will ever vote to eliminate the hand that feeds them (lobbyists), we will not solve this or any other problem without a gun held to our head. And by that time it will be too late. That is not pessimism, just realism...
    2 points
  2. Thanks for your comments. I have test the hidden solution and the open project FP at the end, but i found a strange things . When i do that, the front panel don't open, but if i don't save the new project , i lost the labview start windows. Labview appear only in taskbar. So i decide to remove the hidden FP action and place it in unactive structure. With this, all become ok. I don't have front panel open and don't lost labview start windows if i don't save the new project. I send you the new version of this tool for validation. Regards Project_creation_tool-1.0-2.ogp
    1 point
  3. I know, I'm flooding the forum today... I would like to share with you method for creating icons I invented recently. Up to now I used great Mark Balla's icon editor (and I still use it sometimes). But whole the time it was hard to remember which bakcgroud color and which abberation mean what, simply to fit on the icon all the information I need using only limited amount of text and few colors. Besides this I simply like graphics on icons. But preparing graphical icons using LV editor is time consuming as well as using external editor and copy-pasting (which often leeds to some confusion as LV uses its own 200+ color palette). What's more LV don't update smaller bit depth versions of icons - even if one don't care about them (who cares nowdays?) they should look at least different then default ones. To prepare graphical icons efficiently you have to have prepared common backrounds for projects or separate parts of code, glyphs for classes, glyphs for common actions as get, set, read, write, etc., glyphs for most important datatypes, some arrows or other symbols. If you have such a library (of course it is being created as project grows, parts may be imported from icon themes as Tango or Nuvola). I started this approach for the project I call temporaily LVODE. It is set of wrappers with some my code for Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) (BTW, I plan to relase it to public and although it is already pretty usable for me and even documented, I need some motivation to make it usable for others). I decided to use Inkscape - vector graphics editor. My icon development environment looked like this: I was arranging icon by few moves of mouse (when not creating additional glyph), selecting it and exporing as 32x32 png file with always the same name. For importing to LV I wrote a VI I put to Tools menu which retrieved current VI reference and used "VI icon.Set from file" method. Pretty efficient but there were 2 major problems: color conversion from 24-bit image to indexed color icon sometimes led to ugly colors and interpolation of vector-raster conversion often caused limited readability of an icon. Then I moved to GIMP. It is raster image editor, uses layers and has native indexed color support. I exported LV icon palette to ACT file, imported it in GIMP, so I was able to draw using target colors. The icon development environment looks now like this: Glyphs and backrounds are located in separate channels - I simply turn on/off their visibility, there is also a possibility for editable text layers. It was little bit tricky to find font and options to be able to write readable text with small font size. Now the best part: GIMP has so called Script-Fu - macro language to perform automated tasks. It also has Script-Fu server making it able to receive commands via TCP. So when the icon is made I do not have to export anything - just switch back to LabVIEW select a command from Tools menu and voila! Here is VI which do the trick: Maybe GIMP is not so efficient and elastic for creating icons as Inkscape was (belive me - I was able to prepare an icon with some glyphs and text in 15 s), but this is the price for guarantee of readability. Now one icon takes me 0.5-1 min and it is always worth that time. And I hope that some day my experiences and ideas will grow into new GRAPHICAL icon editor as fast and convenient as Inkscape and generating as nice effects as GIMP. ------ I was writing this post quite a long time uploading images successively as I was writing and after some time I wasn't able to upload anything more (Upload failed)... I had to start topic again. Is time to write the post limited?
    1 point
  4. Alfa (not "Alpha") has posted quite a few times since 2.0. As far as calling me "Paul Gamma" you can call me anything you want. But here my name is PaulG. And what do you mean by "double post"? If you mean posting more than once before someone responds I apologize. I didn't think of it as being "rude". I see it as a continuation of what I had posted previously. "Expounding" if you will. A small minority have complained that I have not provided enough information to make my case. I am simply providing further information as I find it. Besides, you know as well as I do that I'm not forcing anyone here to read anything I post. I'm not an Alfa nor am I stupid. If I post here another 2, 3 or 10 times and nobody responds I'll get the message that this thread is dead and move on. I won't whine for cry about it. I have already done more for what I was wanting to accomplish (just bringing folks up to speed on the Scam that is Global Warming/"Climate Change") than I could have imagined. (Thanks, LAVA's ) I haven't done the math, but I think I've gotten more up-clicks on this post than I have on all my other previous posts combined. Someone(s) here likes what I'm saying and what we are talking about. This is the lounge. "Anything goes". If you want me to stop posting on this thread you can always take it up with the moderator. It wouldn't be the first time Micheal A. has brought to my attention something I posted on this thread because someone got their feelings hurt. ( ) As long as global warming, I mean "climate change" is a topic of discussion in the real world I will probably feel the need to post something here from time to time. GW/"CC" is too important of an issue for scientists in general and programmers specifically. As an aside, I spend a lot of time on other blogs/forums that have nothing to do with science but are more political in nature. For the most part my concerns about GW/"CC" are preaching to the choir. Here I get feedback from a lot of very intelligent folks all across the political and international spectrum. I find it rewarding and gratifying, whether someone agrees with me or not. And Hooovahh, (just some personal advice) the next time you and some co-workers reach some conclusions and/or concerns about me and what I am saying here, I suggest you let the person with more seniority make the case here. In this case I am certain that person is not you. We know what I am talking about. I have enjoyed your posts here and want to keep bantering here with you. I would not want this (or any) response to possibly hurt your feelings, either and possibly get me into trouble (again) with the moderator. Fair enough? I rest my case.
    1 point
  5. My suggestion isn't LabVIEW, so maybe you won't like it, but if you've never heard of it there is a scripting language called AutoIt designed for tasks like this. It implements a bunch of handy APIs which let you do things like find the current activate window, get a list of open windows, get details of controls within those windows, and send keyboard/mouse input to all the of the above. I've used it before and I know a couple other people who really like it (hooovahh, cough cough). You *could* implement these same APIs in LV, but why re-invent the wheel if you don't have to, right?
    1 point
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