I don't see the point of removing it as from an end user point of view, the BSD licence is so simple and non-restrictive
They probably spent more time editing it out
Will be interesting to hear the outcome of the nudging
Hi Shoneill, are you able to provide details of are planning? This code is 2012, open source, and includes a modification of the library references above (creates a wrapper around a delegate class).
Just had code that worked in development but returned a 1502 build error (cannot Save A Bad Vi Without Its Block Diagram)
Hunted it down and turned out to be a privately-scoped VI in a polymorphic API
Changed to public and all good
I would say the most important thing is to give it a go and find out
As for me, I find it easy but more importantly fun to use!
Also, I like creating an API that uses the event structure to communicate with a process and this compliments it well