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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. post-10515-005343800 1281582040_thumb.pn

    Yeah, you were taking way too much bandwidth anyway... No wonder my Garden Inn connection was so sluggish.


    Sorry about that - it just seemed to grow uncontrollably.

    However, in my defense, I was not violating any rules:

    post-10325-089858100 1281585571_thumb.pn

    But I wonder how many other people I annoyed? :P

  2. Haven't looked at this for a while but thanks for your input, I'll look into it. I'm running 8.6 (IT department's a bit slow) and that's what the code was written in. Annoying that it breaks just one major revision later,

    I too, I find the project tags can change a lot between versions, making supporting multiple version of LabVIEW very difficult. frusty.gif

  3. Of course it meant I couldn't hide in the back of the room during the sessions like I would usually do

    Haha! And why would you want to do that? ;)

    Of course you couldn't have got more up front to the room than Norm did when he was pulling faces in front of the main camera (hilarious)

    I think Ed got a good photo of it - has it been posted anywhere? I was classic.

  4. Ok, so I went to a big fight in Oakland on the way home from NI Week.

    Having just spend time in Austin, Texas I thought I would nice for me to represent the Longhorns if I got the chance to be on TV during the live PPV broadcast.

    Just as a thank you for NI Week.

    After the proverbial Thumbs-up and the mandatory Fist-pump, I whipped out my salute to Texas.

    I thought I had the sign language correct.

    Turns out that sticking my thumb out changes it from Representing Longhorns to I am a Heavy Metal Bogan


    Thanks to Omar for pointing that one out to me!

    I did however, manage to make the guy to the left of me chuckle.

    He was able to flip out the correct sign language, so all was not lost?

    <edit> Ok, ok, I probably look like a bogan either way

    :) </edit>

  5. So hopefully everyone has sobered up from NI Week. In planning for 2011 I'd like to know what people's experience with the local hotels was like and how much I should expect to pay. I checked a couple online and got prices from $140/night to $350/night.

    NI Week discounts apply to a lot of hotels in downtown area.

    Hilton Austin is very nice @ $140/night

    Apparently there is one with a nicer pool tho.

  6. The biggest thing I learnt from NI WEEK was to use Twitter - I am serious.

    I've had an account for years (so I could register and hold my name) but never used it til last week.

    The only problem I had is that not many peeps are following me, so if I tweeted it was kinda pointless.

    But it was really helpful finding out what was happening by following others.

    Using Twitter helped me stay in touch with what was happening at NI WEEK.

  7. Ditto - after meeting him last week, this should be good :)

    Starting to feel the pressure... hope I don't disappoint... :)

    Actually there seems to be a small difference (~4 posts) between my count in the forum and my profile, so I actually can't change it yet!

  8. My intention for this thread is to create a place where anyone can post additional information from the NI Week presentations - as the information may be distributed in multiple locations - so I can go to one thread to find it all.

    If you have any links or code to share please post (I for one, can't wait to get my hands on some of the example code from the presentations!)


  9. What was the challenge?

    Challenges really - multiple rounds where each round was a specific task

    E.g. Code a LED display and show each number 0-9

    Script a new VI that has Add primitive with inputs/outputs wired

    Create a VI with a yellow wire and blue wire class connected to a build array that outputs a green wire

    Create a race condition etc...

    Best of 5, fastest person wins.

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