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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. Not exactly. What I remember from previous years is that the morning keynotes and demos are all available, but none of the other sessions are. There have been specific cases where people (such as JKI) filmed and released their own sessions independently.

    Really? Damn that sucks, ...making choices much harder... blink.gif

  2. So instead of trying to force the numeric controls by hiding and showing them I would instead change a numeric control's properties depending on its current state.

    I am under the assumption that both methods presented thus far are valid (depending on what you are trying to achieve/ how you like to program).

    Anyone care to list their thoughts on known pros and cons of each method from experience? beer_mug.gif

  3. Session: TS3033-MA

    Session Title: NI Requirements Gateway – A Power User’s Session

    This is one I want to attend but have a conflict.

    I'd go to Stephen's presentation. NI Corporate is neat, but unless you really really want to see where Jeff K sits, then I'd skip it.

    This is another I want to attend by have conflicts with the tour (which you have diss'd) and I want to check out the new licensing in LabVIEW pres too.

    (AQ mentioned this too) I am also thinking I need to weigh up which presentations will be available online (preferably online video).

    From previous years, I am guessing all NI presentations will be available online as videos, and most non-NI presentations have the slides available only

    Decisions , decisions.... (I really need a clone too!)

    How long are you going to be in town? The Texas State Museum (just north of the captial building) is well worth a visit.

    I am coming in a few days early, so I have some time to site see Austin as I have never been to central US.

    Yes - heaps of 'em! That said, you'll probably just want to hook up with a few LAVA members - we all know the good places. You'll know us as we always sit front-and-center at the keynotes (yes, we're geeks).

    Cool, if no-one minds if I tag along as I think this will be the best way.

    What time you do rock up to get down the front?

    Actually, this session is on Wednesday. I will be talking about deploying web services to a target machine that only has the RTE, how to implement a web based API for your applications and demoing some nice tools I have created for managing your LabVIEW apps remotely. Hope you can attend! Gotta go practice my presentation now. It is due to be turned in for final approval tomorrow!

    Hi John. I have booked this one in, and am looking forward to it.

    I am also interested in how to use a LabVIEW Web Service for a larger scale app i.e. experiences/issues with hosting on a standard ISP server (if that is possible) etc... - Is this within the scope of the presentation?

  4. For a complex application, with plugins, executables, and installers, a programatic build method (ie click GO to build the lot) has serious benefits. I've got this up and running on one of my larger projects but one of the things that has always bugged me with using the Application Builder API is this:

    Is there anyway to get any kind of status information out of the Build VIs? When building manually (right-click on the spec-> build...) a nice dialog pops up describing how far along the process has come etc. However, when using the App Builder API, I cannot see any way to get any feedback from within a build operation. Is there anyway to get some status information or at least display the standard dialog?



    For me, a programmatic build method refers to "automation" and therefore I don't normally stand there and watch it however, I do like to track the stages of building with messages to the UI.

    I used to have a timer running in a parallel thread however, running the NI Builder API locks up everything so the timer doesn't even update at slow rates.

    Anyways, I don't know how one would access the info from the API (if it was there) maybe by polling a resource in parallel or subscribing to an event?

    This would add extra complexity to your build process architecture which would be a pain IMO (and that is why I scraped the parallel timer and just get the total build time for interest).

    If the info is not available then maybe if the entire dialog (rather than just the info) was automated/included in the API; e.g. a parameter that was: Popup Status Window During Build = TRUE; then that would be easier to use in a custom build process?

    Maybe a post for the Idea Exchange??

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks,

    I also get a LV crash when I just try to mass compile all VIs (Ctrl-Shift-Run), so it must be some linking problem.

    I just have to continue looking for it.

    The fun thing it runs perfectly in the development environment. Cheers,


    I feel your pain on this one.

    The only thing I try to do is to integrate and build often so it narrows down the cause.

    Failing that, I usually have to copy the project and start stripping bits out and building 'til I find the issue.

    Also on rare occasions I have had "bad" files (e.g. a method VI) that looks fine but kill the build.

    I normally have to delete it and recreate it. I don't like the weird ones (where I can't explain the cause).

  6. Hi

    I've made a change in my application to create all instrument objects using the Factory design pattern, and now suddenly I can’t build an executable.

    When I start the build, it finishes like this after a minute or so.

    post-941-038546000 1278982275_thumb.png

    It normally takes 20 minutes to build this application, wonder if this would be acceptable in any other programming language.



    I will say this upfront: the only relevant info I can add at the moment is that I have seen this too in LV2009, and the build, of course, did not work.

    I can't remember what the exact issue was i.e. why - sorry.

    But I do know when the issue was fixed I was able to get it to go (I think it was to do with a known LV issue e.g. not allowed to put xctrl ref in a class for build or something like that).

  7. My experience with the mobile module (the PDA module, actually) is both limited and old, but I can say that in the past it was quite buggy. You should plan some extra time for debugging.

    As for the UI design, you can either go with multiple windows scheme (where only one window appears at every one time) or try to combine everything into a single window. I'm assuming you can't use subpanels, and tabs really don't work. What I did in the past was use a tab control, hide the tabs and used a ring to control which page of the tab was visible.

    You may wish to have a look at NI's UI community. Simon H. (if I remember correctly) posted a cool UI demo where the screen (a tab) slides in and out based on your selection. I assume the design is based on an app from one of the smart phones so popular these days (and I assume you can have a look at some of those to get some design ideas).

    Thanks Yair, this is the only example I have "seen" with tabs - I will try to find Simon H's post.

    Yes, there a no subpanels either.

    The whole experience does not look like fun :) (compared to using standard LabVIEW)

  8. Yeah, I thought of that... unfortunately I have a trick to simplify things for my users: Each report gets "compiled" to a single "report" file - in reality, I have a build spec that puts the class and all of it's member VIs into a LLB - this makes distributing reports REALLY easy and logical for my end users.

    However, as LLBs cannot contain anything other than VIs, CTLs, etc, there is no way to add a text file into the mix.

    I too distribute classes as .LLBs but I just manage a folder that contains the text files, so never found that a restriction with my application.

    The text files then point to the plugin class (e.g. relative path) as well as provide any other info I need.

    Using VIs sound like a good idea too.

  9. This logic works but it has the problem of loading every single report class and all of its associated VIs etc into memory even if that report was never going to get used by a particular user.....

    ....Is this possible? Am I crazy for wanting to do this? and more importantly, anyone have any idea how?

    Hi Shaun

    Tomi Mali posted a method for this wrt for plugin classes.

    It is not exactly what you are asking for, but it will have the same effect (and is easier IMO):

    Distribute the class with a text based (or similar) config file - that way you only load a small file and not the entire class (which defeats the purpose of a plugin!) to establish its type: http://expressionflo...-lvoop-plugins/

    I have used this before and it works very well.

  10. Hi

    Does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations for design patterns when using PDA type devices and LabVIEW?

    Obviously screen real estate is tight, so to view data for our app I will need multiple screens (and therefore an Engine/API to manage them).

    Compared to things I do in standard LabVIEW the PDA environment seems really limited - i.e. no VI Server for interacting with the screen etc...

    Can any post their experiences/ideas?

    And anything that would improve the usability of such a UI (i.e. from a user's perspective).



  11. Howdy! - Anyone got any tips for getting the most out of NI Week?

    For example a few questions spring to mind:

    • Do the sessions rooms fill up quick?
    • How early should I rock up to get a spot?
    • Are there good seats to get?
    • Should I book a session for every time slot?
    • Or realistically will I not be able to make back-to-back sessions?
    • What time should I rock up at the venue?
    • What places are good to site-see around Austin?
    • Any great places to eat?
    • NI says there is a tour of their campus on Thursday morning - is that well worth a look (but it clashes with AQ's presentation tho :( )
    • Any sessions that you recommend? (Eyes on VIs has a list here)




  12. Any suggestions?

    As your DAQ rate implicitly times the Consumer and it is set to 20 Hz i.e. 50ms then having a Timeout (currently 10ms) in the Consumer means you are executing the No Error case when there is actually no data (or default data) in the queue.

    Therefore, your log file will have lots of "default data" entries.

    I would suggest explicitly handling the Timeout (or remove it if not needed)

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