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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. Hi there,

    I am developing an app with a tab control. Each tab contains a cluster with the controls relevant to that tab in it, including a couple of buttons.

    Now, I've just realised of course that I can't use latching buttons properly because the button state does not get reset when the 'Value Change' event goes off - normally I would include the terminal in the event case of course.

    Is there a way of getting this to work elegantly or am I just fighting when I should be using subpanels instead?

    Thank you,


    Hi Martin

    I don't think the Tab or using Subpanels is the issue here, it is that the buttons are in a Cluster that will not allow you to reset the latch easily on a button Value Change.

    Taking the buttons out of the Cluster would solve your issue.

    Otherwise, as a workaround, you could use switch action instead, and every time a Value Change event occurs on a button in the Cluster you to reset that Button manually (but this is probably not the most elegant solution).

  2. Hello there,

    I have a weird problem with a very simple exe that I've built.

    As you can see in the attached image, when I launch the application (which happens correctly) two icons show up on the task bar. Does anyone know whey this happens please?

    Thank you,


    Hi Martin

    (There is no image attached)

    I have seen this before but not with LV2009 - what version of LV are you using?

    Place the following in the .exe's ini file: HideRootWindow=True

    This fixed it for me (LV 8.5.1 I think)



  3. I REALLY dislike such judgement.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    I'll be the first to admit that I am making an assumption here, but that is just the way I feel about the situation.

    I also like, and think its nice, that some LAVA members are rallying-behind and supporting one of their own.

    • Like 1
  4. Ah, I was not aware of the different versions. That makes sense. It's possible a hardware configuration on my core development PC triggered a different DAQmx install, which automatically gets included in the build now. I'll have to play and see if I can force the minimal version to be included.

    It's still a mystery though how the same source setting can produce two entirely different installers. This simply should not be. A source, is a source, is a source. If something external to the source dictates the resulting build, that something should be a part of the source. Near as I can tell, I don't have any control over whatever that "something" is in my build settings.

    Well, the installer should include whats selected in the Installer screen of the build spec.

    I was guessing maybe a driver version changed between PC's (or over time) - which maybe isn't the case?

    Please post what you find tho.

  5. Jon, I believe the release itself isn't illegal regardless of its origins. At most, it would be violating some ethical rules and possibly business agreements IF it was partially copied. It's possible that there are some laws about this, but it's not up to us to make a call about those. The decision whether or not to use it is, of course, yours.

    Thanks Yair.

    I was initially excited by the release, but as more and more information has been posted, it has soured it.

    It seems a lot of people are upset by this release.

    I don't like the thought of someone ripping off someone else work without consent/attribution.

    I am with Francois and will hold off for now too.

  6. Well, after all that, it seems my installer has tripled in size. It went from a "reasonable" 366 MB (*cough*), and for some reason is now 998 MB. It contains my exe, along with the LVRT, NI DAQmx, and NI MAX.

    I agree, maintaining a development PC with installers for every application you have to support is a nightmare.

    For that reason I usually have to set up and maintain a Virtual PC.

    I would take a stab in the dark that the size increase may have to do with DAQmx drivers.

    There are now three versions - Full (~1.1+ GB), Config (~600MB) and Core (~150MB).

    A while ago these where named differently (e.g Run Time 5) and whats installed in what version (e.g. MAX) has changed too.

    The size of DAQmx is crazy too - Version 9.02f0 Full got up to 1.3+GB!

  7. Hello,

    I have an application where I am collecting some data with a DAQ card, doing some simple processing, plotting or otherwise displaying a few parameters (some raw, some calculated) at one frequency and logging a few parameters to a file at another, slower frequency. At first I thought it would be best to use one producer loop and two consumer loops, however once one of the consumer loops de-queues an element it would not be available for the other loop. I ended up dividing the loop counter by the multiple of the two frequencies and feeding the remainder to a =0? block and into a case statement - sorry this is hard to explain in words, please see attached block diagram. Is this the best way to do this?

    Also, I have used LabVIEW off and on for years but am by no means an expert so any comments on style/functionality etc of my app would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.

    Hi Gator,

    I haven't looked at your code but it is standard practice to have one-to-multiple producers to every consumer.

    Thus ensuring the consumer receives all messages.

    And for this reason (in the case of a standard LabVIEW QSM-PC design pattern) we usually say the consumer owns the queue.

    Is there any reason not to have two queues in this case - one for each consumer?

  8. Just noticed this... actually, you would *always* use the Name and never the Path. Why? Because the class name will include its fully qualified name. If the class happens to be a member of a library, it's qualified name is X.lvlib:Y.lvclass, and you need that full qualification when you build X.lvlib:Y.lvclass:Y.ctl or else Open VI Reference by name won't work (or will give you a completely different CTL if there happens to be a plain Y.lvclass in memory at the same time).


    Yes, that is correct, as I fixed this bug in my last release of my LVOOP Theme Creator:

    Version History (Changelist):

    2.6-1 2010 06 28

    - Fixed (): Classes as Sub-Libraries caused error as Namespace was incorrect

    This one threw me for a bit as I still got the 1004 error, until I released what was going on wrt Sub-Libraries.

    I use the from name always now so ended up deleting the from path method.

    I was meant to post the code to this thread, in case anyone else wanted to do the same thing.

    But hadn't got around to it!

    Thanks for the reminder beer_mug.gif

    Attached is the code I used to get the fully qualified name:

    post-10325-024227200 1278119416_thumb.pn

    Edit: the VI Server input/output says "Class" (as in LabVIEW Class Library class) but that is just artifact from refactoring, I ended up using the more general LabVIEW Project Library VI Server class.

  9. Actually not, but since the G# Framework is able to generate native classes it would probably be a quite small thing to add. We will discuss it and see when we could support it. It is a very good idea!

    Hi Mattias thanks for the reply.

    I think that native support with Star UML would be a very powerful feature - so if it is a small thing to add, I would love to see it!! worshippy.gif

  10. First, this is a great discussion. Keep it going! I just have a couple minor points of clarification to make.

    Regarding the "state machine" terminology, it is absolutely true that the JKI State Machine is not a state machine in the strictest sense of the word. It's really more of a sequencer. For those of you who have seen JKI's LabVIEW User Group presentation on the JKI SM, you may remember that we usually point this out to head off exactly these discussions :). I suppose you can call it a message handler, too, but we don't get hung up on the exact terminology. Besides, rightly or wrongly LabVIEW developers (especially beginning ones) think of a state machine as "a While Loop with an enum in a shift register, which drives a Case Structure." The JKI SM is string-based, but it looks a lot like what they're familiar with and so calling the JKI SM a state machine helps them understand it.

    The other point I want to make (which might be sort of at odds with the "state machine" terminology issue), is that we don't just treat the JKI SM as a state machine. We use it like a fundamental building block for creating LabVIEW code. It's as much a first-class citizen in the language as a While Loop or a Case Structure, and it's the basis for other, more complicated designs. If you need to build a "real" state machine, you can absolutely do it using the JKI SM as a starting point. Or if you need separate loops for UI handling and asynchronous processing, each of those can be a JKI SM. Part of the reason we love the JKI SM so much is because of its scalability and flexibility.

    FYI, I'm going to be doing a presentation at NIWeek 2010 with Nancy Hollenback (The G Team) and Norm Kirchner (NI) called "State Machine vs. State Machine," comparing two different SM designs (JKI's and one of Norm's) and discussing how each one approaches different design decisions. It's currently slated for Tuesday morning right after the first keynote, so if you're coming to NIWeek 2010 put it on your calendar :).

    Ok, I am glad someone from JKI replied as I didn't want to be botching what they have done by posting incorrectly (although you seem to like the discussion!). I like the sequencer notion (haven't heard that before thumbup1.gif)

    I have used all resources available (LAVA, JKI, NI Forums), as well as trial-and-error to find out the best way to use it, but, it still only my interpretation (and to face facts, my interpretation can suck). :)

    I am sure I have a lot to learns, I will def be attending that talk (are all the times up? - I will have to check), so in the meantime if anyone can post examples and comment more that would be much appreciated.

  11. Just curious what tools people have found useful for Designing State Diagrams.

    Remember the NI State Diagram Toolkit? I wonder if that will ever make a comeback.

    I found this free online tool which is pretty neat:


    Ha, I remember the old SDE back in 82 I think, I was recently asking a friend if they had seen it recently.

    I think Ben is right and it is now rolled up into the Module add-on and is unavailable - don't know if the SDE is in there or scraped completely but I haven't checked.

  12. Typically I wear long pants & a short-sleeved shirt during the day, but I make sure to bring a light jacket or light pullover or something for if it's really cold in the convention center.

    At the end of each day (5PM or so when all the presentations are over) I go back to the hotel to change into shorts and some other short-sleeved thing for dinner / after-dinner activities.

    If you try to wear shorts and/or too light a shirt during the day in the convention center, you might be cold.

    If you try to wear long pants when you go outside in the afternoon/evening, you will burst into flames and die in agony :).

    Appreciate the details - now I can pack correctly beer_mug.gif

    It is Winter here, so I am thinking I may be bursting into flames regardless of my attire.

    I did check the Microfiche archive in Austin - it seems there a high number of Foreigner Spontaneous Human Combustion cases during NI Week. blink.gif

  13. nono.gif I don't want to end up in the picture gallery with you in an ackward posture...

    I am ashamed to say it won't be my first time... :(

    (The digital age is a b#?ch)

    I like Vugies ideas in general (and artwork).

    I don't have a 2009 shirt so I don't mind :)

    I just ordered L, 5-12 days shipping - can't wait.

  14. Is it possible to filter the twitter feeds for latin characters?

    If I can believe Google Translate, some of this would be censored anyway if it were in English... (so I won't write it down here)

    post-10515-033539500 1277773512_thumb.pn

    Yes, I agree, marrying your sister is a little weird and should be censored ;)

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