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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. As your DAQ rate implicitly times the Consumer and it is set to 20 Hz i.e. 50ms then having a Timeout (currently 10ms) in the Consumer means you are executing the No Error case when there is actually no data (or default data) in the queue. Therefore, your log file will have lots of "default data" entries. I would suggest explicitly handling the Timeout (or remove it if not needed)
  2. I don't know about changing the message, but in the past I have investigated checking the registry first (I was using a batch file to do it).
  3. Ha! No need for the cover up - I have seen photos of this in the LAVA repository
  4. Hi Martin I don't think the Tab or using Subpanels is the issue here, it is that the buttons are in a Cluster that will not allow you to reset the latch easily on a button Value Change. Taking the buttons out of the Cluster would solve your issue. Otherwise, as a workaround, you could use switch action instead, and every time a Value Change event occurs on a button in the Cluster you to reset that Button manually (but this is probably not the most elegant solution).
  5. Hi Martin (There is no image attached) I have seen this before but not with LV2009 - what version of LV are you using? Place the following in the .exe's ini file: HideRootWindow=True This fixed it for me (LV 8.5.1 I think) Cheers -JG
  6. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'll be the first to admit that I am making an assumption here, but that is just the way I feel about the situation. I also like, and think its nice, that some LAVA members are rallying-behind and supporting one of their own.
  7. Well, the installer should include whats selected in the Installer screen of the build spec. I was guessing maybe a driver version changed between PC's (or over time) - which maybe isn't the case? Please post what you find tho.
  8. Thanks Yair. I was initially excited by the release, but as more and more information has been posted, it has soured it. It seems a lot of people are upset by this release. I don't like the thought of someone ripping off someone else work without consent/attribution. I am with Francois and will hold off for now too.
  9. I agree, maintaining a development PC with installers for every application you have to support is a nightmare. For that reason I usually have to set up and maintain a Virtual PC. I would take a stab in the dark that the size increase may have to do with DAQmx drivers. There are now three versions - Full (~1.1+ GB), Config (~600MB) and Core (~150MB). A while ago these where named differently (e.g Run Time 5) and whats installed in what version (e.g. MAX) has changed too. The size of DAQmx is crazy too - Version 9.02f0 Full got up to 1.3+GB!
  10. Hi Gator, I haven't looked at your code but it is standard practice to have one-to-multiple producers to every consumer. Thus ensuring the consumer receives all messages. And for this reason (in the case of a standard LabVIEW QSM-PC design pattern) we usually say the consumer owns the queue. Is there any reason not to have two queues in this case - one for each consumer?
  11. So can anyone confirm: is the AddQ release illegal?
  12. Maybe we could override its behavior using Dynamic Dispatching?
  13. Damn - are you serious! I will have to check it out... Seems NI have done the heavy lifting....(thanks Francois!!) Ok I take back my previous post.. this is the code I (should) have used
  14. Are all the areas in red, the ones you have passed out it???
  15. Yes, I tried and all I saw has a crow. Can you be a bit more specific, it seems like a long street?
  16. Thanks for posting a bit about the background of AddQ, that is interesting. Look forward to your next release with LVOOP + StarUML
  17. Yes, that is correct, as I fixed this bug in my last release of my LVOOP Theme Creator: This one threw me for a bit as I still got the 1004 error, until I released what was going on wrt Sub-Libraries. I use the from name always now so ended up deleting the from path method. I was meant to post the code to this thread, in case anyone else wanted to do the same thing. But hadn't got around to it! Thanks for the reminder Attached is the code I used to get the fully qualified name: Edit: the VI Server input/output says "Class" (as in LabVIEW Class Library class) but that is just artifact from refactoring, I ended up using the more general LabVIEW Project Library VI Server class.
  18. Very cool. I can't wait to check it out - do you have an ETA for this? Cheers -JG
  19. Hi Mattias thanks for the reply. I think that native support with Star UML would be a very powerful feature - so if it is a small thing to add, I would love to see it!!
  20. Wow! Looks sweet, I am off to check it out... Just quickly, can the Start UML plugin generate Native LabVIEW LVOOP classes?
  21. What on 6th Street? (I am guessing something spicy??)
  22. What will I do with myself? [JG ponders the inevitable]
  23. Ok, I am glad someone from JKI replied as I didn't want to be botching what they have done by posting incorrectly (although you seem to like the discussion!). I like the sequencer notion (haven't heard that before ) I have used all resources available (LAVA, JKI, NI Forums), as well as trial-and-error to find out the best way to use it, but, it still only my interpretation (and to face facts, my interpretation can suck). I am sure I have a lot to learns, I will def be attending that talk (are all the times up? - I will have to check), so in the meantime if anyone can post examples and comment more that would be much appreciated.
  24. Ha, I remember the old SDE back in 82 I think, I was recently asking a friend if they had seen it recently. I think Ben is right and it is now rolled up into the Module add-on and is unavailable - don't know if the SDE is in there or scraped completely but I haven't checked.
  25. Appreciate the details - now I can pack correctly It is Winter here, so I am thinking I may be bursting into flames regardless of my attire. I did check the Microfiche archive in Austin - it seems there a high number of Foreigner Spontaneous Human Combustion cases during NI Week.
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