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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. I took that as my future expected work with that feature??? Good to see they are taking data on this.
  2. is having some lawn Fedex'ed

  3. Hi Durnek You can find cool icons at here You will have to make your own controls with them tho, but its easy - see here
  4. Ok thats why you were running away last night?
  5. But the other side is, that I would prefer it for the ability to wire a DVR straight to it.
  6. Who here wanted invoke nodes too?
  7. Add another vote for VIPM Pro from me too.
  8. just bought himself and neBulus a lawn chair . @Francois - bring lawn :)

  9. @Mikael - are you able to bump it up again? If so I can add Jeff and Francois to the PM I ended up sending out. Cheers -JG
  10. I went there last night for a feed as they were playing Versus. The Billards tables look interesting - I have not seem that game in a pub before. The ladies last night dancing on the bar disturbed me. The memory will only be erased through time (or copious amounts of alcohol). I don't know if it was just me, but I think you should also mentioned those large insects that fly at you and attack you (I had to change my underwear and I still had no idea what it was!).
  11. Sorry, I when I think of science, I think of the general/natural sciences, and that is what I was referring to. I think of software separately, but you are very correct that software is a science. Well, technically you were are talking one in relation to the other, but either way, my point is still that same. I think the terminology is fine, as in LabVIEW you can define a cluster on a BD as a constant whereby that data cannot be re associated with a different value.
  12. Sweet, just test and it works
  13. I am pretty sure NI reserve the right to do what they like! Anyways, this is software, not maths or science. I don't know if the term is defined for software, but from looking at wiki the general definition seems to be a like-minded grouping of 'things'. I can't see why those 'things' can't be constants or variables. But it wouldn't be the first time there is differing terminology wrt to other languages, and this has come up before on the forums.
  14. Need to get myself an iphone!
  15. This one applies to all Libraries, but I will get the most use for it with Classes: There is a persistent virtual-folder (and Library) organisation feature that remembers how you like your items organised! So when you add a new item it all synch'd. I love that one.
  16. The 'Project' folder (<LabVIEW>\project) relates to the Tools menu, not to integration with items in the LabVIEW Project Explorer. Or am I missing something?
  17. is sitting outside the Austin Convention Center waiting for NI Week to start...

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      Did you pack a lawn chair?

    2. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Is there any lawn? ;-)

  18. Howdy! Daklu and I think it would be great if everyone interested in this project could catchup at NI Week 2010 (if you are going) to discuss LapDog further and get the ball rolling. If this is you, please post here (from what I could see the maximum people is 5 for a PM conversation, so we will use this thread instead). So if you are keen please reply to this thread - I am thinking we will play by ear to find the best time to meet. Regards JG
  19. Two companies I know of thus far, have LabVIEW Project integration as part of their products. There is a way (maybe still in beta?), but its definately not public.
  20. Thanks Christian, thats sweet. Was hoping it would on at the Hotel worst case. But would like a big screen and some atmosphere! Whats the Tour?
  21. has packaged his bags

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      Already? How long is your flight to Austin??? ;-)

    2. jgcode


      Ha! Don't ask. ~40 hrs due to stop overs :(

  22. PJM posted about adding a small font to his icon editor here That looked very nice and compact too:
  23. jgcode

    2D arrays

    Hi Miri The LabVIEW math operators are polymorphic meaning they accept different datatypes. You can actually just wire the 2D Numeric Arrays straight to them and you will be doing that maths operation on the same cell in each array. The result will be a 2D Numeric Array. Two flavors:
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