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asbo last won the day on November 14 2012

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    LabVIEW 2019
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  1. This smells a little bit like an X-Y problem. Can you clarify what you're ultimately trying to accomplish?
  2. Have a look at the Programming > Graphics & Sound > Picture Functions palette. The [Get Image Subset] VI sort of does the opposite of what you want, but you can look at the block diagram to see what it's doing, and see how you can perform your own manipulations on image data. The Vision module also has a lot of image manipulation capabilities, but is not included with the base LabVIEW install or license.
  3. For what it's worth, I've been using the dot to browse for a very long time and never had issues with getting to the right post. Based on where those links point, I don't think it could be a client-side problem, but I don't know for sure.
  4. This doesn't work because LabVIEW doesn't control the rendering anymore, it's moved into dotNET's domain. In terms of aesthetics, the system controls get you 90% of the way there. WRT functionality adjustments, I think LV will always be lacking because it's such a low value-add.
  5. I don't think VIPM plays any role in selecting the correct reuse for a solution. The ability to do that comes down to familiarity with the tools in your reuse library, and more importantly, have it all installed/available so that tools like Quick Drop can point you in the right direction when you're fishing for nodes.
  6. Shot in the dark, but maybe Wine could work on Linux?
  7. That would be very strange; the 32-bit and 64-bit IDEs are all but guaranteed to produce different binaries, but I can't speak with confidence about it. You could clear your cache, compile a VI in 32-bit LV, pick a file to watch, then open it in 64-bit LV and see if that same file is messed with again.
  8. It sounds like the device is either damaged or not connected to your computer properly. I'd recommend reviewing NI ELVIS: Resources for Measurement and Instrumentation and NI ELVIS II Manuals to make sure you have it set up correctly.
  9. Oops, good catch - I overlooked the express part. I don't see a PXIe version, but I've been successful in the past getting custom hardware quotes from Pickering. However, it doesn't look like Pickering does *any* PXIe equipment, so you'll probably have to check out some other vendors. You may end up having to fork over some cash for NRE.
  10. How about a breadboard?
  11. You may be interested in: site:lavag.org openoffice
  12. You should post some sample data that you're trying to analysis as well as the code you're using. Otherwise, any advice is going to be shooting in the dark.
  13. Well, aren't you fancy? I think there's supposed to be an attachment on your previous post, any chance you still have the relevant snippet?
  14. Yes, you would have to synchronize your LV2 with your FP control/indicator. Likely the biggest slowdown you're facing is that operating on controls/indicators can only work in the UI thread, while most code can work (often in parallel) in various other threads. I vaguely recall someone posting about doing something like that before; at least related to not wrapping. An XControl would provide the encapsulation you need, I think, but XControls are not necessarily for the faint of heart. Are the value non-sequential AND non-contiguous, or just non-sequential? If it's the former, play with values in the unassigned spaces between values and see how it handles coercion. neil does beg a good question, however - seems like an awful lot to dig through for a user. Maybe it could be broken down into three or four separate rings and selected in stages (e.g., the Add A Vehicle pane on advanceautoparts.com)
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