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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. A simpler way (and easier) is to use a good old fashioned data pool. Your UI is completely separated from the data therefore you can not only bolt on new user interfaces, but create different views of the same data.
  2. I'd use FETS. Easy and cheap. http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-32.pdf
  3. Well. The terminology is clear. The licence says "computer" ( NI Licences ). I haven't read the full licence recently but based on that, I would be prepared to argue the case.
  4. A named user licence allows intallation on up to 3 business computers (hardware) and one home computer. There's no limit on installtion and activation on any one computer (and therefore "technically" you could have a million virtual machines on the one PC) but I imagine the activation would be problematic since the hardware is probably identified as different and manual activation it is done by secretaries looking at a checklist.
  5. Isn't that the pinacle of evolution? A creature that goes around trashing its environment
  6. There are 10 types of software engineer that have a sense of humour. Those that do and those that don't.
  7. Some LV code I saw today would have taken 1 monkey a couple of minutes
  8. ShaunR


    Devious I like it
  9. Theres a lot of bugs from 2007 and 2008 that are still unresolved.
  10. ShaunR


    Wrong answer. "What do you mean "seem"? is the right answer. Wrong answer. He works here? is the right answer. Does anyone else find it a bit strange that a) The wife is at work. b) Shes very confrontational.
  11. I thought about something similar a while back (in a different langauge with a compiler). I don't think you really need batch files and projects, you can do just fine with a "clone" vi. A slight modification to your premis means that you can "grow" more and more complex "creatrures" and see evolution (in theory at least). Rather than "spawn" the children and hope that one of them may survive, you can use your DNA program (Prime Mover?) to create a vi that has the DNA code + 1 random function. It continues to do that UNTIL something compiles and runs. Now you have DNA and DNA+1 in the primeordial computer soup and each continues to try and create a better "self" until it runs out of functions to try. At which point it becomes "Extinct". Of course. If nothing compiles and runs then it proves you are a crap God And, by the way, we all know the answer for a computer is not 42......it 10
  12. Were "Motley Morris" the full contact morris dancers the supporting act?
  13. Poor OP. He posts an innocent question and all he really gets is a load of old women arguing about thier crochet patterns
  14. Better still. I'll go and click on all of Alphas posts
  15. Indeed. You were a bit more subtle than me though If I were an unscrupulous person, I could log in with a different ID through a proxy and go round clicking on all my posts.
  16. Well. If that is the case then there should be an event case for each control or set of dependent controls. Still don't see the need to complicate it further. Me too. and re-reading what I posted I did say they should be checked there. What I was really getting at was to add a timeout so that his vi doesn't "hang". I think once he posts more, we will probably see that his issue is understanding how and why an event structure works the way it does rather than a design implementation. After all there are a few unintuitive things like having the control inside the event case.
  17. Yes you can. What do you have so far? If you post your vi, we can see the direction you are taking and advise better. In my opinion, the best way to approach long term graphing is to continuously log the data and provide "views" of that data. To prevent files getting too large (and therfore taking ages to load in the views), you can save the data log in a number of files (either using the date in the filename, or directory name). This would give you a file (or set of files) for each day or month which can be loaded "raw" and processed to provide whatever analysis you require.
  18. My reply wasn't a design proposal. It was to get his events working properly. Like you said. theres not a lot of detail, but its likely its a control with a couple of cases checking a value. Do you really need a Consumer-Producer design pattern with state machines to see if a value is higher or lower than zero for example?
  19. Many thanks. Labview IDE? I thought it would have gone in the UI section.
  20. I think its a case of emphaisis. Matlab is a mathematics package with some language features. Labview is a programming language with some mathematics features.
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