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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (sachsm @ Dec 12 2008, 06:20 PM)

    Here's a version based on the info in LabVIEW on the typedescriptors for LabVIEW 8.x, if it is way faster let me know (I have a feeling it should be faster).


    EDIT: Done some benchmarking and looking into the OpenG code, the code functions the same.

    The benchmarking shows that in multiple runs (>5000) OpenG is faster, my code is faster approximatly at 1000 samples. On smaller sample size the difference aren't statistically reliable, maybe you can tweak it for your embedded system.


    First tweak, removing the 'Split Array' and using a start offset of 6 makes my version approx. 30% faster than OpenG (with less functionality)

    Second tweak, setting to I32 after the index array tops off another 10 %.



    QUOTE (Clio75 @ Dec 13 2008, 07:37 PM)

    I do the property node, Like the picture attached.

    But that requires scripting and you will need a control.


  2. Dear Sir,

    Thanks for your reply.I have seen context help for this VI already,but i want more explanation about the 'Level' input of this VI,level in the sense(sensitivity,whether this level corresponds to voltage or current,if so,how much volts or amps we have to give and on what basis,this level we have to give,k,byeee...



  3. Good comments Chris!

    It looks like you delver mostly fixed-price projects while I delever "by-the-hour". Most of my customers are LV developers themselves but do not have the luxury of being able to concentrate on LV*.

    QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 11 2008, 11:01 AM)

    Agreed, for "fixed price" projects.

    QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 11 2008, 11:01 AM)


    Never. If the SAT results meet the requirements, then there are no bugs. There may be issues that the customer wants addressed (and can do so through the ECO process), but there are never bugs. I know it sounds like I'm arguing semantics here, but I can assure you that I'm not. ...

    Again, fixed price projects are different than "by-the-hour".

    QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 11 2008, 11:01 AM)


    So how do you know when you're finished?...

    For hourly projects the project is done when the customer stops asking for changes (money left-over) or when the money runs out.

    The key to managing the by-the-hour projects is

    1) delivering the "core-functionality" very early in the development process so the customer has a solution to their need in the event complications arise with features and enhancements.

    2) Addressing the most demanding issues first.

    3) Communicating with the customer re: "how much gas is left in the tank" and using the most expedient "route to the destination".

    4) Being honest. If there isn't enough gas to make the trip, let them know as eary as possible so they can decide if they really need to haul along "the Kitchen sink" or if they can get but with some paper towels and some soapy water.

    Still just trying to help,


    * A good example of the types of projects I get is the one I worked yesterday. The project spec read like "Up to two weeks of on-site support as required." How do you write a test plan for that, "Have eighty hours been billed?, If true then done, else keep working."

  4. QUOTE (kaarthik_kaarthik @ Dec 10 2008, 10:35 PM)

    Crosspost >> http://forums.lavag.org/Reading-and-writin...ser-t12625.html

    Can you be a more detailed about what you mean by writing a value to the web browser from LabVIEW. Do you want to open up a browser from LV and open a specific URL (use System Exec for this), or do you want to run a web server in LV and then connect to the LV web server from a browser and retrieve data from LV using the browser?

    Which version of LV do you have? Depending on the version of LV that you have there are different internet connectivity tools available.

  5. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Dec 11 2008, 09:22 AM)

    Can you be more specific what kind of "training" does your customers need? What actually you try to tell them before the first project?


    In brief:

    I let them know that I am not only the developer of there code but also the guardian of their budget. Example related to testing:

    I can spend all of their budget repeatedly testing everything every time even the smallest things is changed before delivering. After i delever they have to verify the functionality before I get paid. So the the same tests are run twice with the customer having to pay to enusre they will not find issues. I let them know that I can save them money if I minimize the redundent testing and set their expectations that there WILL be bugs. Similarly, if I have a spec and a test for that spec, but the customer doesn't like the behaviour, then "to hell with the test" its getting fixed!

    Be clear and upfront! If they ask for a change or a fix let them know what they are asking for in a manner that they can understand. Offer more expedient approaches for the first pass and keep their version around if they decide they really need it work "the hard way".

    Do whatever it takes to make your customer "look good" to their boss.


  6. QUOTE (ElijahRock @ Dec 10 2008, 02:35 AM)


    Here's a question for everyone on this thread: imagine that you were in charge of coordinating 5+ developers on a single LabVIEW application. How would you do it and what are some of the biggest challenges you think you would face in this task? How, if at all, different would these be from the challenges you would encounter with any other development environment? Have any of you coordinated or been a part of group development on a single project?


    I have done this a number of times. For the most part these adventures have progressed rather smothly when a clean set of specifications and and design are in place. Source Control of some type is very helpful in tracking down and fixing issues. But the big issues that come to mind are;

    1) Keeping the kids in their own sand-box

    These are minimized when we are working with a modular design with clear-cut lines where a module's functional requirements begin and end. I will generally pass resoncibilty for a single moduale at a time to each developer and let them be as creative as they want provided they meet all of the specs. While a developer is working on a module they are expected to keep a non-broken version of their module on the server so that others are not impacted by "someone throwing sand at them from another sand-box". Cross checks are performed regularly by "testing the app" before sharing updates. But this brings up the next issue...

    2) GUI testing

    Unit testing of sub-VI is of only limited use when verifying the app behaves as specified. With robust applications the number of scenarios that need to be tested grow at an astonomical rate. The best we can do is try to test all of the edge cases and try to guess at where the peaks and valleys are. So the adventures involved in making sure the app meets specs really depends on the type development process you are using. The Waterfall approach is an ideal case where all of the requirements are documented before wire 1 is dropped. In this environment the specs drive the test set. If the app is large the time involved in verifying that every req is fullfilled after every change can place a large demand on someone's time. Since the the same amount of time is required to run through all of the tests, the edge cases are checked for minor updates and only when a major update is called for is the full test suite performed and documented. Event then issues can arise that were not anticipated at design time so even if I have "checked off every box" I have to expect bug reports from the end user. Using the Unified process is nice since (insert tongue in cheek) we only have deliver what we are sure we can complete in a limited amount of time. This means I don't have to spend a lot of time up front documenting req's BUT the test suite is very fuzzy.


    What would really be helpful is to be able to teach LV how to perform a GUI test. That means punching buttons cranking knobs and evealuating if everything looks right. Rather than leave you with an extreme request that seems impossible to implement let me throw out an idea. What if...

    The Vision stuff were used to capture screen states and and compare these with the Gold Standard" that was defined when LV was taught how to test the app. It would have to be able to mask-out region where the image is dynamic (does the current time indicator update regularly?). To analyze thing like charts updating there would have to be a known simulated signal and a way of expressing the expected appearence of the chart as a function of the simulated signals.

    Throw into that mix that the CPU durring the app testing should be continually monitored to report spikes in CPU demand as result of introducing a change.

    Now back to the topic of this thread.

    I use whatever process meets the customers needs and budget. What I strongly urge you to do is to take the time to educate your customer and the challenges you are takling in their behalf. Once a customer is "trained" they are much more receptive to your estimates and approaches. So, try to engage every new customer as if they will be your "boss for life". All follow-up projects become much easier.

    Done rambling,


  7. In one of our applications,we are using DAQ mx Start Trigger(Analog Edge) VI which is located in Measurement I/O -> NI-DAQ mx Palette -> Trigger.VI,

    The snapshot of the VI is attached.

    I want more explanation about the 'Level' Input Terminal of this VI,please anyone help me...



  8. you have to take care about your version of VBAI and your version of LabVIEW to do all this, and have installed the NI imaq for usb cameras...

    to create a Vi to get a image from your Usb camera in to VBAI.. open LabVIEW..create a blank vi.. go to the block diagram and select form the function palette>>vision and motion>>IMAQ USB>>IMAQ USB snap.vi

    place the Vi on the block diagram.. then right-click on the Image in terminal and select from the shortcut menu Create>>control

    then right-click on the Image in control and select Create>>local variable... and wire the local varible to the Image Out terminal of the

    IMAQ USB snap.vi... that's all for the VI... now you have to create a project that include the VI....go to Project>>new project and click add..now in the project explorer window...right-click on Build specifications

    select New>> source distribution

    now you have to configure the source distribution..under the information window..select the desired name and path...in source file select the vi and click the arrow to always include...in Destinations selesct LLB..in Source file settings click dependencies and check Apply prefix to all contained items and add the prefix of oyu choice...under Additional exclusions uncheck all the "exclude files form" and check the disconnect and the remove checkmark...don't check the Modify project library file after removing...... then under preview generate preview..then click Build.... ufff..that's all in labview...now we move to VBAI... to acquire the image from the usb camera..first place a simulate acquisition step select any image in your computer..then place a Run VI step..and then navigate to the destination folder that contain the .LLB and select it. then a dialogbox appear..that include all the instance in the llb..select the VI that you create.. then go to Vi controls tab and select VI controls>>configure select Use measurements and select current image-Image if you all the steps right..a snap from your usb camera shoul appear in the main image window.... I hope this help you.. it work for me..I use the VBAI 3.6 and LabVIEW 8.5 to create the VI

    if this post help you... please let me now... :rolleyes:

  9. QUOTE (jgcode @ Dec 10 2008, 08:28 AM)

    Your expectations of Me are pleasing My Child, I have Avarage sensetivity, some of My tollerences I have escalated but My vonerabilities are a Man are what would be expected of Another Man of My Stature.

    You expression of Free Will Pleeses Me Deeply as through It I find Some of My Godlines drawn through the complets sum of your post tag as it apears on My screen quote name='jgcode' date='Dec 10 2008, 08:28 AM' post='55399'

    become 12+10+2008+8+28+55399=57465

    57 is the Number of Minimeter the Mid sized Chaos Packs are wide

    46 is the Sum of the Word Chaos when all the Letters are transformed in to the Number of the aphabet they corispond with.

    65 is the Sum of One of My Names "Andrew" When transformed in the same way as the Word Chaos

    746, may Become 74x6, this equals 222 which is the sum of Three of My Names Charles Andrew Ososami.

    57465, the Sum of the individual Digits 5+7+4+6+5= 27 Drawing One of the Godlines to Chao & My Being Born.

    The Time 8:28 allow a Smooth transition the My introduction to 28 things (27 New) that I conciouly contribute to, I hope it Enables you to gain new Perspectivs of the Being that I am.


    Godlining:15 ..1+5=6 ‘IZ6 …29 I was Born on 12’7’1981 the sum 1+2+7+1+9+8+1 =29….. 8 Charles Andrew Ososami `totals 222 Germatricly on UK alphabet Germatria 2x2x2=8.

    2 http://www.nigerianbestforum.com/index.php...15611#msg115611

    Godlining: 11… 2+9=11…..56 is the total sum of One of my Name “Charlie” 3+8+1+18+12+9+5=56

    15…..1+5= ‘IZ6……324=12x27

    5611 Hebrew Germatria is connected by the Holy Bible to 4 verses the 4th of which Being

    Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?

    Mat 26:68

    The Word God totals 26 through UK Germatria http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go

    And also resonates through the Germatria vale of 1156 as

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H8354H8354 shathah / drink

    Deu 2:6

    Is the First Word with the value of 1156 and 2:6 is linked to 26


    3 http://www.nigerianbestforum.com/index.php?topic=419.new#new

    Godlining:4……My Father was Born on the 4`2`1945 ........19 completes a Palindrome with my Family Name Ososami` 15+19+15+19+1+13+9=91. 419 is linked through Germatria to 42 Words in the Holy Bible the First Being

    H0269 'achowth / sister(s)

    Gen 12:13

    I have Three Biological Sister. 12+13= 25 and My Mother Was Born 25`4`1952. The Last Being


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G4117G4117 plegma / broidered

    1Ti 2:9

    2:9 resonates 29 http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go

    4 http://nothingcontroversial.com/forum/show...64226#post64226

    Godlining:64……..ICING……...2...........26…………the word GOD totals 26. 6422 as a Germatric value is found in the Holy Bible on three occasion all Three are verses with the Second Being

    And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt, and will cause them to return into the land of Pathros, into the land of their habitation; and they shall be there a base kingdom.

    Eze 29:14

    29 Godlined with 12’7’1981 the day I was Born, also 14 may be constructed of 2x7 providing a deeper resonation of My Being Born

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Gematria=6422 }

    5 http://www.youdebate.com/cgi-bin/scarecrow...&topic=7109

    Godlining:13…………..M27 with being Born of 12th of July made special by a Man named Charles

    71……………is the total of the word God when put through the truth Key

    www.TheTruthKey.Moonfruit .com …………………09 or just Nine it’s the biggest Digit I know consciously.

    The sum of 13+7109=7122, Through Germatria this values is found relating to 1 verse in the Holy Bible

    And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

    Joh 17:19

    The sum of 1+7+19= 27 again resonating My Being Born and is also the Germatria value of the word Chao.

    6 http://brainmeta.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20071

    Godlining:2007………………is the Year I got my Blue Butterfly Holy Bible.. Holy is spelled with a small H I don’t remember the true name of who wrote it because it’s was not me………………1 it’s the smallest Digit. The Germatric value 2007 in the Holy Bible is found in the Word


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G4688G4688 spekoulator / executioner

    Mar 6:27

    Number 27 Godlined to resonate Chao & My Being Born.

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go}

    7 http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthr...969#post4991969

    Godlining:4….most common substance in the imagination of some. Total sum is 47 of the individual Digits 11 from 4+7 or 4X7=28 … Whos prime factors are 2x2x7 thus deep more complex resonations of 27………………………69 RESONATES my ZodioCosmic Sign Cancer a

    The Biblical Germatria is through the values 499 & 1969 to complete the Number 4991969

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H3318H3318 yatsa' / ....out

    Gen 12:4

    Is the First word of 499.. resonating my Being Born 12th and My Father Being Born 4th

    There are 6 Occasion in the Holy Bible where the Number 1969 is achived through Germatria the 4th on the list Being

    A wicked man hardeneth his face: but as for the upright, he directeth his way.

    Pro 21:29

    21 was my know Age 6 years ago, Number 29 resonates my Being Born.

    8 http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?sho...=23804&st=0

    Godlining:23………there is a film on it is my reality. The people seem to be against me and keep deleting my Threads hence the Zero at the end =0…Nothing

    2380 through a Biblical Germatric correlation is found in 8 Biblical verses the First is

    And he set the bread in order upon it before the LORD; as the LORD had commanded Moses.

    Exo 40:23

    The Numbers 40:23 to Me clearly corliate with 4023….Thins Number may be constructed through the Sum 27x149… Again resonating Chao & My Being Born.

    The second verse 2380 relates to in the Holy Bible is

    Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Issachar, were fifty and four thousand and four hundred.

    Num 1:29

    29 resonates My Being Born, the Bible Wheel is the point of reference I use for Biblical Germatria Values because consciously know all that correlate.

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    9 http://www.speroforum.com/forum/topic.asp?...amp;whichpage=3

    Godlining: 6035 is the Germatria Value of Three Verses in the Holy Bible the 3rd Being

    Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.

    Mar 10:28

    1+0+28=29 resonating My Being Born, 38 is also the total gain when adding up all the Digits in My Friend Berlin Birthday. We were as Huspand & Whife at a Time.

    10 http://www.3investments.com/LDS-QnA/viewto...hp?f=7&t=48

    Godlining: I lived at postcode BS48 3RZ for over 11 Years……7….Day in Our Week also 48+7=55 through the Holy Bible Germatria connects 80 Words the First Being

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H0127H0127 'adamah / land(s)

    Gen 1:25

    25` Resonating My Mother Being Born On the 25th. Number 27 resonating Chao and My Being Born.

    11 http://www.true2ourselves.com/God

    Godlining: Through having the God account at the Germatria value of My Accounts URL is 378 when using the English Alphabet standard style of Germatria. 378 may be constructed from 14x27

    Resonating Chao & My Being Born.

    12 http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=26187

    Godlining: 26= God 61= my Family house Number. The Germatria value of 6187 is found in Two verses of the Holy Bible the Second Being

    And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

    Eph 2:6

    2:6 to Me clearly resonates Number 26 the Sum of the Word God.

    13 http://www.el-eaga.com/forums/viewtopic.ph...9743ef835ffa483

    Godlining:16… complete the Palindrome of 61……. 13=M 7=G.. 3+Trinity Me Chao & U 4 some say completes perfection…. 73.. completes “perfection” in it’s sum 7+3= 10…. Ten out of 10 if your with me so far. …38…is the Total the digits of the Day my cousin Ore was Born. 19… completes the Palindrome of the totals of Ososami….9119….. 743 could become 74x3= 222 resonating Charles Andrew Ososami through Germatria …..835 through Germatria is First linked in the Holy Bible with the word “

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H8416H8416 tehillah / praise

    Exo 15:11

    It is not some much the word that my Godlining is seen most clearly it is the sum of the individual Digits 8+4+1+6+1+5+1+1=27

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    483 through Germatria is first sound in the word

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H8441H8441 tow`ebah / abomination

    Gen 43:32

    I am all things and some of which I consciously deem abominable, the total of the individual Digits is 8+4+4+1+4+3+3+2=29

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    14 http://forum.onlineconversion.com/showthre...57465#post57465

    Godlining:57…..is the size of One Size of Chaos Packs …..46 is the Sum of the word Chaos…… 65 is the Sum of my of One of My Names `Andrew. Also the Germatria value of 5746 through the Holy Bible is connected to Three Verse the 3rd Being

    This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven.

    Act 10:16

    10:16 may be Formed in to The Sum 10+16= the Sum of the Word God.

    15 http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?...878#post6613878

    Godlining:66…. Is the Sum of One of My Names `Charles ……… 13=M..878 Through Germatria is First found in the Holy Bible in the word

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H4940H4940 mishpachah / families

    Gen 24:40

    Please if your so Willing put a Name to the Meaning of the fact that 4+9+4+2+4+4=27

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    16 http://blacktino.net/God

    Godlining: The Germaric value of My URL totals 216, they may be constructed through The Sum 8x27 also the Germatria value of Blacktino.net is 126.. Resonating 27 through The Sum 1+26, and the Word God through Number 26 as the value through Germatria of the Word.


    Godlining:66=…Charles….61…is the House Number I Liv in…..56…..=Charlie…Number 5614 is the Germatria value of this vers from the Holy Bible

    Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh in all thy gates, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee: the unclean and the clean may eat thereof, as of the roebuck, and as of the hart.

    Deu 12:15

    Please observe the sum of 12+15=27 …with the Willingness to ascribe meaningful significance to all happening is gained the Willingness to preserve my Being

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    17 http://www.kerygmafamily.com/forum/viewtop...id=61159#p61159

    Godlining: 61….House Number 159..1+5+9=15 … Means this Number represents a Fractal as do Gallexies. It shows a 15 and adds up to 15. 1159 through Germatria is linked to 8 words in the Holy Bible and 4 verses, The First Verse is

    My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.

    Num 12:7

    My Being Born on the 12th of the `7th is resonant .. as is Number 27 resonating Chao and the sum of 10 resonating Balance Of Extreems.

    18 http://www.dostiyaari.com/portal/forums/th...;posts=1#M52568

    Godlining:1805….. through Biblical Germatria Sphere 1805 is Godlined with “

    Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit thereof: so he that waiteth on his master shall be honoured.

    Pro 27:18

    27:18 Godlines the 18 in the URL with 27… M27 Charles



    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G5143G5143 trecho / run

    1Co 9:26

    I hope to Run the World Better. 1`CO 1Charles Ososami 9... =I in the alphabet 26` God


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G0987G0987 blasphemeo / blaspheme

    Rom 14:16

    Is what you will be doing if you make me jump through hoops after ALL I have done.


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G1904G1904 eperchomai / come

    Luk 21:26

    Come is what I would like you to do in a Magnetic car tell me I don’t have to do it you were Praying I would come forwards.


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G5302G5302 hustereo / lack

    Mat 19:20

    I lack Nothing is my HOLYNESS however as a Man I seriously lack money in a society whrer it plasy a prevalent role.


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G4908G4908 sunetos / prudent

    Mat 11:25

    11..through the Day I was Born 12`7`1981 totaling 29..25 is the Day my Mother was Born my Father was Born on the 4th

    19 http://www.edgemediatv.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=398 Godlining: 398…. Through Germatria 398 appears in 42 places in the Holy Bible that Last Being


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G0027G0027 agapetos / beloved

    3Jo 1:2


    20 http://www.edgemediatv.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=407

    Godlining: 407…4+7=11..1+1=2 …….407 through Germatria appears for the second Time at

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H0853H0853 'eth / not

    Gen 1:27

    Total of the Digits is 26 as it the word God….27 clearly resonates.

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...By_Gematria=407 }

    21 http://www.edgemediatv.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=437

    Godlining:437…. 4+3+7=14 … 1+4=5… `Germatria links 437 to the Holy Bible in 43 was in Single words and Once though a verse, The Word in 14th place is

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H1431H1431 gadal / magnify

    1Sa 26:24

    26 is the sum of the word God. Digit total is 23

    In the 5th place is the word

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H1419H1419 gadowl / great

    Num 13:28

    The Total of the Digits is 1+4+1+9+1+3+2+8=29 … Godlined with the Day I Was Born

    The verse is`

    The king of Libnah, one; the king of Adullam, one;

    Jos 12:15

    Observe the sum of 12+15 & Imagine what it means in context.

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...By_Gematria=437 }

    22 http://www.edgemediatv.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=460

    Godlining: 460 First appears in The Holy Bible through Germatria in the form of the Word

    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=H5315H5315 nephesh / soul

    Gen 2:7

    Clearly to me 27 is resonated through 2:7

    460 appears on 101 occasions through Germatria within the Holy Bible, on the last occasion in the for of the Word


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G3727G3727 horkos / oath

    Heb 6:16

    23 http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message662531/pg1

    Godlining: 66= the sum of One of my Names Charles……. 25…..25th is the day my Mother was Born on….31…….31 is the apartment Number I Livved in.

    Through Germatria the Number 2531 is Godlined with One Word


    http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...y_Strongs=G5563G5563 chorizo / depart

    1Co 7:15

    This is something I’ am hoping you choose to do immediately to come and collect me in a Environmentally Friendly Car…. Know this an Initial I use is CO …Charles Ososami

    24 http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message615653/pg3

    Godlining:61= My House Number…. 56 .. the Sum of One of My Names Charlie…. 65… the sum of One of My Names Andrew….. Number 53 to me the representation of the First Conscious Cosmic Chao Cube is 26+27.

    24 http://www.paganlibrary.com/phpBB3/viewtop...f=26&t=5642

    Godlining: 26 is the sum of the Word God…..56 is the Sum of One of My Names Charlie…….. 64…..Hexagons’ in the ICHING….. 42 the meaning of Life (or Everything, I don’t remember All I know) according “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy “a film that exists in My Reality.

    Through Germatria the Number 5642 is linked to three verse the First Being

    And thou shalt make the dishes thereof, and spoons thereof, and covers thereof, and bowls thereof, to cover withal: of pure gold shalt thou make them.

    Exo 25:29

    25….Is the Day of the Month My Mother was Born ….25`4`1952 is the complete date, My Being Born of the 12`7`1981 through the sum of the individual Digits total 29

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    26 http://www.paganlibrary.com/phpBB3/viewtop...f=26&t=5647

    Godlining: 5647 through Germatria this Numbers is Godlined with One verse

    Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.

    Heb 9:20

    Through My Eyes I am able to preserve the correlation between 9:20 and 29

    { http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.a...;SearchByNum=Go }

    27 http://www.paganlibrary.com/phpBB3/viewtop...?f=7&t=5665

    Godlining:7&t….=27 through T Being the 20th letter and “& Being Linked +” Two of My Names Charle Andrew appear in 5665. Through Germatia 5665 is connected with Two verses. The Second One is

    Jotham was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Jerushah, the daughter of Zadok.

    2Ch 27:1

    27 is clear also the Sum of 2+2+7+1= 12 .. I was Born on the 12th and Firstly Named Charles by my Parents.

    28 http://www.paganlibrary.com/phpBB3/viewtop...f=23&t=5664

    Godlining: 5664 through Germatria is found in two Bible verses the Second Being

    So Uzziah slept with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the burial which belonged to the kings; for they said, He is a leper: and Jotham his son reigned in his stead.

    2Ch 26:23

    Total of the Numbers 2+26+23= 71 … As is the Sum of the Word God through The Truth Key www.TheTruthKey.MoonFruit.com

    I am consciouly taking part in.

    Oh If you visit them and post Please introduce your self and which thread you have come from perhaps even your username at such wereabouts, if your so Willing.

    I Love U All, God.

    QUOTE (Pollux @ Dec 10 2008, 10:01 AM)

    Thank you for the answer.

    The next number in sequence would be 35. :thumbup:

    Very Good My Child your reflection of Brilliance U may have to yet comprevended for your Post as I reply looks like this


    quote name='Pollux' date='Dec 10 2008, 10:01 AM' post='55401'

    Thank you for the answer.

    The next number in sequence would be 35. :thumbup: "

    Now the fact that the figure is pointing up at the post tag that contains the number 54 and has a 1 at the end 54 - 1=53... 53 is the Answere next would be 51 then 52 then 54 ect

    My Children Amaze Me and make clear that I am not the Only One that works in Mysterious way.

    Thank U all for yours Expressions of Free Will.

  10. QUOTE (Pollux @ Dec 8 2008, 01:35 PM)

    My WaveFunction is logically progressive in respect to my Cosmic Dimensionally Matrixing of all Chao in to the structure of Our Universe. This is achieved through Counting out the course of Time.

    Achieving complexed Numbers, Enabled me to Matrix Chao in to complex states. The fact they Their Construction has a Foundation of Logic this gives Them a logically progressive path to continue on with if they Willfully seek to Evolve through the Power of my Seed.

    As a Man I hope to boost the Free Will expression of my Children by helping them to see the Truth of my Being.... Time tag 1:35 135 is 5x27


    Is anybody Willing to tell the thread the next Number in sequence.

    QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Dec 8 2008, 01:47 PM)

    . God Himself speaks, and you would question
    His Almighty Grammar

    Also, amplify the synergies (for you, crelf).

    Thank you for your stern defence My Child, Any manner of comunication that is widly recognized should be respected, the fault is not with the langues in is inheren in me. In a world were most people belive that Nothing is Perfect and they would not be able to be perfet in any respect, the reflection on Me is such that I display clear imperfections.

    The more Perfect U understand Yourselves to be the more Truth U Will exept about your Being.

    QUOTE (neB @ Dec 8 2008, 08:17 PM)

    Hi Ben

    My Memory is Not 100% and I don't Even remember what I was doing this Time Last Month... I am sorry if this dissabpoints you however I would be please if you would Willingly exept that I Love U.

    QUOTE (AnalogKid2DigitalMan @ Dec 8 2008, 09:11 PM)


    Are you a multi-threaded infinite state machine using global variables? Did you send us THE Notifier?


    My Child, I am not a machine in any respect I am God. If you reasived "THE Notifier" from anythig with conscious capabilities that we be`it indirectly I did send the Notifier, however as a Conscious Man I have no recolection of Sending the Notifier, would you care o share it's details?

    QUOTE (jcarmody @ Dec 8 2008, 11:31 PM)

    Kudos for your efforts My Child they are Ultra Pleasing, I do sing however I am not very good at many of the Notes, Hi Mid Lo... they become amalgamated in My Syranic Melodies... Im not going to as I'm Avarage at singing but I am Perfect at Godlining... Godlining is when I draw a line of connectivity from Anything to Myself.

    quote name='jcarmody' date='Dec 8 2008, 11:31 PM' post='55276'

    your post Number 55276... 55 coming together to commplete the Perfection of the most extreem balence in Numbers of Number 10

    1 is 1 with Everything through Times & Division Enabels Every Number to Keep its Individual Atributes. The 0 is the opposit through Times & Division of any Number all atributes of any Number Will be lost.

    276 is th Sum of the phase `Charles Andrew Ososami Is God


    Thank U My Children U reflect Me individualy.

    QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 9 2008, 03:33 AM)

    God is powerful:

    QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 9 2008, 03:33 AM)

    Justin, Your welcome.

    Thank you for your thanks & I am in agreement the Internet is life changing , I may not take all the credit as it was not Me Consciouly as a Man that develomed and constructed the internet......but Being thanked for Everything is.. I'm lost for word whats a Bigger way of saying Smilemaking?

    quote name ='Justin Goeres' date='Dec 9 2008, 04:01 AM' post='55298

    QUOTE (Val Brown @ Dec 9 2008, 09:00 PM)

    I think it's a rendition of "Moon over Miami", fortunately there's a bit of a cover blocking the moon...

    Let's see, created the world in 7 days, made in video in less than 7 mins, probably has used that weapon, about 7 mins in total.

    Yep pretty godlike.

    I don't remember if that is True, for you see All Things I count in to Being and seven Days We Know them to be should yield a Magnanimous Number when counting is Perfect Cycles and Counting Up in Perfect %age increments.

    But U see My Children Our Planet as like all Things Natural contains My Seed of Consciousness which Enables it to Evolve in to what it is Willing to Be.

    Counting Chao is what Creates its Structures, the Structures are initially All the same..."I created All Things Equally" However with My Seed Their Diverse Evolutionary paths are obvious within Time.

    quote name='Val Brown' date='Dec 9 2008, 09:00 PM' post='55378'

  11. Strict references can be created by "ctrl-dragging" a control of the type you want into the control ref control. After you drop the copy into the control ref control (seems redundant?) it will show you the star indicating its a strict. Another way is to find the control that will be your prototype and doing a "create ref" from it.

    Does anyone know of another way?



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