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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (FLAnatic @ Dec 2 2008, 09:12 AM)

    When I work on one screen only, I usually smash my window on the side of the screen while I'm trying to drag it to the other screen.

    QUOTE (FLAnatic @ Dec 2 2008, 09:12 AM)

    I have not tried this myself but have wondered whether it would increase(or possibly decrease) productivity while coding and debugging.

    If your are afraid of increasing your productivity, you can open LAVA on the 2nd screen then increase your ability with the same productivity.

  2. QUOTE (D. Ackermann @ Dec 2 2008, 09:31 AM)


    I am working on a DSC project and am having trouble to find a way to programatically change the citadel logging path of a shared variables libraray.

    The application has to run as an Exe. So using the Project properties won't be a solution I guess.

    I hope someone can help me on this.



    After taking a quick glance at some of my code it looks like...

    1) Stop logging

    2) Use "Create Database.vi" to specify where the data should be stored.

    3) Re-start logging.


  3. QUOTE (FLAnatic @ Dec 2 2008, 09:12 AM)

    I have been wondering if anyone has tried developing LabVIEW applications using a dual monitor setup, 1 monitor dedicated to the front panel and the second monitor dedicated to the block diagram. I have not tried this myself but have wondered whether is would increase(or possibly decrease) productivity while coding and debugging.

    I use a dual monitor set-up and I love it for development. Ww have only dipped our foot in the water using dual monitors in an app. THis get very complicated since the user can use different screens resolutions on each, and the orientation of the monitors can also manipulated. That can amount to a bunch of conditions that have to be handled.


  4. The message means that Labview couldnt load the Frontpanel of the VI. Probally because the build proces has removed them (as it does for almost all VIs).

    Go to your project build settings (> LV8.0) change the front panel options.

    In your build specification goto "Source File Settings" -> Select the correct VI -> Deselect "User default save settings" -> deselect "remove font panel"

    Regards Patrick

  5. QUOTE (Bulletman @ Nov 25 2008, 01:48 PM)

    Dear All,

    My name is Dennis aka "bulletman". I'm a chemical engineer and at this moment

    A chemical engineer called 'bulletman' oh-oh (and you're from the Netherlands, should I worry?)

    I would try to get some VIs for these instruments, so you have directly all the commands you need.


  6. QUOTE (subasa @ Nov 24 2008, 09:53 AM)

    Thanks for the insight. I though it was C but even if it's Visual Basic it doesn't help me much, I am not an expert in programming. I can understand LabView but not C or Visual Basic. So any help would be great.

    I recommend working through the code line by line. There's a alot of overhead in there, so the actual code is not that much. Use Google and online pages for specific information on VB functions.

    e.g. DIM is simply a declaration/allocation of a variable that will be used later in the code.

    Begin and End mark a specifc section of code.

    VB does use objects with their own properties and methods. For example dlg is declared as a UserDialog object.

    Dim dlg As UserDialog

    Therefore you will see calls to the properties and method of that object. (' marks a comment line)

    ' set defaults for dialogdlg.probe_name="probe"'dlg.distance = "60."dlg.phase_min = "0."dlg.phase_max = "-699.5"dlg.fmax="25.00"dlg.probe_name_pec = "probe"dlg.modfile ="3_hexa_structure_PEC"dlg.fmin = "0"

    You can also pass an object to another function.

    'MsgBox datafileDialog dlg

    As you get going, post specific questions here.

  7. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 20 2008, 09:45 PM)

    It likes vertical alignment a little to much, the VIs are aligned with the for loop and the enum and unbundle are aligned with the bundle function.

    QUOTE (Donald @ Nov 21 2008, 12:50 PM)

    A fast solution for NI could be: The choice between "CleanUp All" and "CleanUp Selection". Selecting the 2 problems cases and clicking Cleanup will produce a better result with existing clean up algorythm. Often only a part of the diagram needs cleanup.

    Ditto that.

    Another point, don't quote full messages (esp. with images).


  8. QUOTE (torekp @ Nov 20 2008, 02:48 PM)


    It figures. Every time I reinvent the wheel, either NI publishes the same thing a little later, or I discover it in OpenG or something.

    Usually a lot more robust & versatile than my version.

    Ditto that!

    I developed an architecture that would allow arbitrary data paths between VI to allow customers to compose a system from building blocks that I provided. I spent weeks getting it all to work correctly, in BridgeVIEW 2.1 (LV 5.1). Before the ink was dry on the paper NI released LV 6.0 that feature control references and completely invalidated all of my work. :headbang: Funny, but actually threw away the disks with backups of that code and enjoyed doing it. :thumbup:

    Sometimes you are better off being the second person with the idea.*


    *Grand unification theory is probably one of those exceptions.

  9. I enjoyed those as well. Thank you!

    I am not familiar with the vehicle pictured but is that the gas tank he is welding?

    RE: Weapons of mass distraction

    While loading in Yorktown (USS Detroit AOE-4 Amunition Oiler circa 1978) the guys dropped one of those bombs between the ship and the dock. We thought is was a big deal but it had happened so often the dock workers didn't think twice.


  10. QUOTE (km4hr @ Nov 20 2008, 12:30 PM)


    The classic graph is still not what what I'm looking for. I've found an example VI. See the attachment.

    This example has no border at all around the graph. The classic graph uses a flat panel border instead of a raised panel. But it still has a border.


    Reinforcing the previous...

    You can customize the graph can be customized using the control editor.

    You can paint the backround transparent to get rid of the frame.

    You could also replace most of the parts with an image of your own choosing. Try out the control editor and let us know where you get stuck.


  11. Getting paid to watch LV boot is generally not a problem unless....

    You are standing in the center of a semi-circle of people watching you and you have to come up with a speach to distract them while its happening.

    "This reminds me of the old days when customers used to use a CRT as the system console since using a line printer took ...."


  12. I feel it is time to dust off this thread since Rolf* just became a member of the 1000+ club!

    Congratulations Rolf and thank you for all of your participation in the various public forums.


    * About nine years ago I was just starting to follow info-LabVIEW as was the engineer in the next cube. It only took a little while for us to look at each other and ask "Who is this Rolf guy that seems to reply to every single thread?" Answer: One of my future mentors.

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