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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (manojba @ Oct 7 2008, 12:19 PM)

    Are there any difference between C while loop and Labview while loop, I know one that is labview while loop is do while loop that is it executes atleast once other than this are there any major differences...

    It can be a 'Do While' or a 'Do Until', it can auto-index at outputs and inputs (for each).


    PS and it is patented by NI

  2. QUOTE (webbguy @ Oct 3 2008, 08:09 AM)

    Does anybody know if you can have two or more rt applications running on a compact rio. Possibly only having one run at a time and have the 1st be able to call the 2nd one to start?

    You can only have one RT Startup EXE, which is called when the cRIO system boots up. But you can call additional VIs from the EXE dynamically when it is running. So you can have two or more VIs running on a cRIO at the same time. Once a second VI is started, the main VI or RT EXE can stop running and the second VI will continue to run on its own. The second VI of course can start additional VIs dynamically as well.

    To do this, become familiar with how to call VIs dynamically using the VI server functions. When building the RT EXE you will need to explicitly include any VIs that you call dynamically in the Build Specification for the RT EXE.

  3. QUOTE (p.gabor @ Oct 3 2008, 10:03 AM)

    Imagine the following situation: My LabVIEW application sometimes has to perform a task that takes about 30 seconds. I would like LabVIEW to display a popup window asking the user to wait, and to close the window automatically (without mandatory user intervention, such as clicking a mouse) once the task is complete. What is the most reasonable way of implementing such a feature?

    As you can see, this is far from being a matter of life and death, but I would be grateful for any pointers. I believe LabVIEW allows for several different approaches :wacko: , but I have no time to explore them. Hence my question.

    You can make your task a VI and then set it as dialog (VI Poroperties, Windows Appearance, and click Dialog). Then you VI will be shown until execution ended.

  4. QUOTE (sahara agrasen @ Oct 3 2008, 05:28 AM)

    keynote videos are not downlodable and i m the one who has limited connectivity of internet. also ni week 08 summit presntatoin are not viewable. anyway i will definately working hard to get some more informatiion. meanwhile if you guys find any list of presenation or videos than please let me know. thank you

    usually there is a way to download such files...

  5. QUOTE (neB @ Oct 2 2008, 07:54 PM)

    That wasn't by any chance a GE built Locomotive was it?


    Not that I know of, it was a rail-grinder and I was there for reviewing a system. I think these loco's are custom built.

    I recently was visiting some upgrading of Class66 loc's where I met some GE folks from Canada.


  6. QUOTE (Ton @ Oct 2 2008, 01:29 PM)

    I was recently at a customer and looking up in the cabin of a maintenance train I saw a PXI device with custom cards. ...


    That wasn't by any chance a GE built Locomotive was it?


  7. I was recently at a customer and looking up in the cabin of a maintenance train I saw a PXI device with custom cards. No idea what it was doing there but it was there.

    PXI is just a platform for semi-ruggidized computers. (however I have other experiences with certain SCXI devices).

    Out of my head:

    • Testing Xbox 360 controllers
    • LHC


  8. QUOTE (crelf @ Oct 2 2008, 04:27 PM)

    Whoever posts it to the NI Bug Thread will get (by default) and email whenever that thread is updated

    That's someone's personal setting (the by default part), you can enable this on posts.

    My proposal, the person who reported it to the NI buglist is responsible for the feedback to LAVA. This can easily be done by getting the RSS feed for a specific bug thread and keeping it in a separate group in your aggregator. Then you will be notified if a new response is to that thread. So I would make a new normal NI thread simply stating the bug (might be crosspost) and refer to that NI thread in the NI bug thread so you only get updates for that specific bug.


    PS Crelf, how long have you changed your avator? (must be RSS-reading to long)

  9. I'll try to condense this to the basics.

    The LabVIEW Champion have worked with NI and have received their commitment to look into and follow-up on bugs reported here on LAVA with the following limitations/guidelines.

    1) The should be reported by posting the NI Bug Thread. (see example here)

    2) NI will evaluate those reports and take appropriate action.

    3) If the bug is confirmed, NI will confirm this with an update. If the thread is on the NI forum, they will relpy in that thread. If it is on LAVA, they will reply in the Bug Thread (see example here)

    So for LV this is great news but we still have a loose end that LAVA to deal with.

    How do we close the loop and get the original thread here on LAVA to reflect the NI follow-up?

    In the case I above I updated the LAVA thread with a link to the NI response. But I can't be counted on to keep these threads sync'd up.

    So how would LAVA like to handle this last step?


  10. QUOTE (Louis Manfredi @ Oct 1 2008, 11:22 AM)

    Hi Ben:

    I'd vote in favor of the Right-Click on Label option... I think that's and excellend idea which would be a time saver & encourage better vi documentation.

    I'm not hot about any wholesale copying of free labels to documentation-- too many of my free labels are labels for adjacent shift registers, notes over wires, notes to myself about things to fix or hooks for future features, and the like. If all that stuff ended up in the VI documentation, it would be counterproductive.

    Best, Louis

    I should add to my previous...

    I am not stuck on any of those ideas and methods. I just want to make the documentaion work easier and if Y'all have better/different ideas, please share them.


  11. Very often I find myself copying the documentation I put on the root of the BD (the white background, not inside structures) and pasting it as VI documentaion.

    It seems that I could save a lot of time if these comments automatically appered in the VI documentation.


    If there is already text in the VI documentation, then the new free-label text would be added to the end of what is already there, possibly with a header saying "Comments for Block Diagram follow:"

    If the there is more than one free label they would be seperated by two CRs to make them easier to read.

    If you don't want it to do this automatically, then how about a button on the VI dialog screen that when clicked copies the text?

    Another variation would be to add a right-click option to free-lables that woudl copy THAT text to the VI docuemtation?

    For LVOOP accessor VIs I'd like to it to add documentaion that reads "Get Y where Z" such that Y= the data element being accessed and Z= documentaion for that value as defined in the class data definition.

    Your thoughts and opinions on this idea are welcome.

    If y'all think this will save you time, chime in and I'll submit the product suggestion.

    Take care,


  12. QUOTE (crelf @ Sep 28 2008, 03:38 AM)


    QUOTE (Graeme @ Sep 27 2008, 11:43 PM)

    Crelf, like OOP, I've seen references to OpenG a lot. Similarly, I don't really understand it,

    Well OpenG is a toolbox, it comes with a lot of little programming snippets that will enhance your life (at least your programming life).

    On topic it contains a dictionary toolbox. If you have installed OpenG (how to) you will have a help topic on the dictionary toolbox, but basically it is a toolset of data that is addressed by a key, this key can be anything (truely) but I suggest a string to get started. Every piece of data to store is saved with a look-up key. Using this function


    To retrieve the info (stored in value) use this function



    A slick solution would be excellent, and if finding such enhanced my LabVIEW skills as well by methods new to me then that would be a bonus.

    A slick example always gets you further in the long run.


  13. Hi Graeme,

    what you want can certainly be done, but I have 2 more sophisticated mechanisms:

    Stamping, where you store the data in a cluster consisting of a string (stamp) that says the data type and a variant which contains the data.

    Even better would be a LVOOP approach, you define a LabVIEW class 'Graeme's Data' with a dynamic dispatch VI 'Data handler', each developer creates a child class with the appropriate 'Data handler' VI to handle the data.

    Good luck,


  14. QUOTE (Eugen Graf @ Sep 26 2008, 03:40 PM)

    I'm not sure if you are talking about a touchscreen attached to a normal PC (or a TouchPanel PC running Windows XP/Vista) or a Touch Panel running Windows CE. The NI Touch Panel computers and LV Touch Panel Module are targetted at the Industrial HMI market and use Windows CE as the OS on the Touch Panel. They are not designed to be a touch screen for a PC used as a LV development system. In fact the LV development environment does not run on the Windows CE-based Touch Panel computers.

    In regards to Windows CE Touch Panel computers, if you chose to deploy an application built with the LabVIEW Touch Panel Module to a non-NI Touch Panel computer, you need to purchase a separate LV Touch Panel Deployment license. The NI Touch Panel computers already includes this license in the price. In addition in either case you also pay a license for the OS running on the touch panel.

    By chosing the NI Touch Panel computer you will hopefully have a better deployment experience and better support from a single vendor if something is not working as expected. I don't know how much support a third party supplier will be able to give you if your LV application is not working. In addition NI may not be able to resolve issues that are caused by the third party HW or their OS.

    QUOTE (Eugen Graf @ Sep 26 2008, 04:59 PM)

    It seems I don't need the NI Touchpanel Module to track user inputs? But why NI sells them? Did anybody bought this module? Why?

    My issue is a CarPC project. So I can buy a common Touchscreen and work with them?

    The NI Touch Panel Module is required to build LV applications which will be deployed to touch panel computers running Windows CE. In a Touch Panel the computer is built into the screen and there is no separate PC.

    If you are connecting a touch screen to a PC (desktop, PXI, laptop, etc.) you do not need any additional LV module as the application will be running on Windows XP/Vista as before.

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