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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (LV_FPGA_SE @ Sep 25 2008, 01:12 PM)

    Why do we need to control the NDE? What good does it serve? Sounds like controlling the weather.

    Anybody have a good PXI-based weather control system?

    Without an NDA I can't comment on that topic.


  2. QUOTE (alfa @ Sep 25 2008, 06:07 AM)

    People can have more than one NDE; you have to learn what to look for during a NDE, to control the NDE.

    Why do we need to control the NDE? What good does it serve? Sounds like controlling the weather.

    Anybody have a good PXI-based weather control system?

  3. QUOTE (Pollux @ Sep 25 2008, 08:20 AM)

    Can it be done using NI technology? I'm thinking of some PXI system... :blink:

    Probably that conference only cover the public method. The private method are reserved for the remaining 2%.

  4. QUOTE (TobyD @ Sep 24 2008, 05:02 PM)

    I'm just curious what you mean by this? Is it against your beliefs to vote?



    When Reagan was running for his first term I came to understand that we (humankind) are incapable of governing ourselves. So I did a write-in vote for God since I fealt he could govern us. Since I was the first person into the voting station that day, I walked out thinking "well at least it is starting out 'God 1 everyone else 0' ". When reviewing the detailed poll results days latter I was shocked to see that my vote wasn't even counted. I have not voted since. I am at a point now in my life where I feel I would be turning my back on "The Big Guy" if i voted for anyone else. I follow politic closely just the same. I think it an interesting specator sport.


  5. QUOTE (brianlachlan @ Sep 24 2008, 02:36 PM)

    I guess I am just a stupid American voting for W.


    Before I say anything else let first bring up BEER*

    Hi Brian,

    I almost qualify as a "stupid American". If it wasn't against my beleifs I would have voted for W both times. He#$ I'll even go as far as saying that if Nevil Chamberlin (sp?) would have done what W did (pre-empting a dicator before it was too late) we would not know who ....** was. He#$ I think W desrves a spot on Mt. Rushmore.

    So you are not alone Brian.


    * I here-by invoke Krings law.

    ** The criteria for that other law has not been satisfied by the above post.

  6. QUOTE (joey braem @ Sep 24 2008, 06:08 AM)


    You all know the vi Analyzer tookit and Ni wrote a special driver check extention plugin for it.

    My idea is to write some extra test and add this to the vi Analyzer as a new plugin. Has anyone a idea to implement a plugin to the vi analyzer?

    Or has anyone did this before?

    i'm interrested in any posible sollution.

    greets JB

    If you check at the existing test provided with the VI Analyser, you will find some test not password protected like : LabVIEW 8.5\project\VI Analyzer\_tests\General\VI Properties\VI Lock State.llb . Note that is VI Analyser toolkit v.1.1 compatible with 8.5 that have some plugin not password protected. In the new version for 8.6 they lock those plugin.

    It's pretty easy to figure how to make one by your self.


  7. QUOTE (jlokanis @ Sep 23 2008, 01:09 PM)

    All politics aside, you can't judge something you have never seen.

    I think the media has proven you false there. They do it every day. :thumbdown: May be it should be "you can't judge something intelligently you have never seen".


    You certainly don't have to watch a movie or read a book if you don't want to, but you don't have any standing to make comments about the contents without seeing for yourself.

    I agree to a certain degree; you can anticipate something about the contents of a movie you have never seen based on the writer/director.

    - After seeing four of five Jerry Bruckheimer movies I have a feeling for what his next movie may be like. It won't be a slow moving drama.

    - I don't have to tune into Rush Limbaugh every day just to know that I still agree or not agree with his viewpoint.

  8. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Sep 23 2008, 10:52 AM)

    You couldn't pay me to watch a Michael Moore film. :thumbdown:

    For the most part I agree with you Paul. The exception was his short film "Pets or Meat" which featured a woman that raised rabbits. It was comical watching her transition from trying to sell a rabbit for a pet to selling it for meat. It was inclcuded as an extra feautre with his first film (that I know of) "Roger and Me".


  9. QUOTE (alfa @ Sep 22 2008, 03:51 AM)

    I'm right about the 98%: you'll not find a wise elected president or prime minister in Occident or in the world.

    And if the leader is not wise…

    Once agian paraphrasing Soctrates from "Plato's Republic" "THe only person qualified to lead is a person that is smart enough to know they don't want to lead."

    With the system is the US, as it stands, a person has to REALLY want to be elected to get elected.


  10. QUOTE (Attila @ Sep 19 2008, 01:21 PM)


    I created a module for my application what uses vi scripting technology for dynamically create controls in a new vi.

    This is a wonderful feature of labview, but when i build my application and run the exe file, i get an error with code 53.

    The Source text is varying.

    In my example: I get this error when i try to create an object: 'New VI Object in Visualization.lvlib:mod_create_UniConstans.vi'

    Is there any way to build an application when i use the vi scripting?

    I think you can not build such an application- if possible you coud "just" make an exe and with this exe you could make new LabVIEW code, without LabVIEW licence. That's probably not the wisch from NI...

  11. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Sep 18 2008, 05:03 PM)


    Thanks Ben!

    You are very welcome.

    Just for the record there is a lot more to LVOOP than what more over-simplification covered. Many of them are just plain "Great" (is "plain great" an oxymoron?).

    LVOOP has a bunch of functions built in that create the right type of VIs to access the stuff in the cluster (class) where all you have to do is click on what you want to access in a dialog and auto-creating the Icon image and pattern. It even is smart enough to know what folder to save the VI to.

    It also enforces a bunch of rules about which VIs can access what data.

    One of the "blow-your-mind" aspects featured in LVOOP is Dynamci dispatching. Dynamic Dispatching is a lot like polymorphic VIs but instead of you manually determining the flavor of VI that get run at development time, LVOOP does it automatically at RUN TIME!

    OK now I feel better about over-simplifying LVOOP.


  12. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Sep 18 2008, 04:02 PM)

    Hello all!

    One late afternoon, not long ago, I was given a very finite time (like two hours max) to help someone with a LabVIEW project left behind by someone else. The new developer was having problems shoe-horning a new piece of hardware into a system. Piece of cake I thought, as long as there were available channels, I'll be home in time for Family Guy.

    Funny 3-D vi's.... Objects! I've never used OOP in LV. I found it completely impossible (given the time constraints) to edit the code and add the device into the available DAQ channel. Mission failed. I threw my hands up and agreed with the other developer that you "can't edit it".

    Once I wiggled myself out of the fetal position and the uncontrollable crying subsided, I substantiated my indifference to the code with the fact that nothing was documented, Then I ran accords THIS in the help...

    Because a LabVIEW class user only has access to the information you provide when you document the LabVIEW class, be sure to document the class and member VIs as completely as possible.

    Can someone please explain what that means?


    I have not been out of the "Funny 3-D vi's.... Objects! I've never used OOP in LV. " frame of mind that long, so lets see if I can help.

    You can think of LVOOP as a way of managing type-def'd clusters and a set of VI's that go with them all wrapped in a single llb. The "class" is the cluster. The member VIs are the VIs in the llb that are allowed to use Bundle by name and Unbundle by name on that cluster.

    So a translation to non-LVOOP speek is "Document the cluster and the VIs that use it."

    I will now step back and let the more LVOOPish out there correct me.


  13. I am currently seeking to fill a full time position in Danbury Connecticut. The qualified applicant will be an electrical engineer with LabVIEW experience with the following relavant abilities:

    Electrical Engineer

    Duties & Responsibilities:

    · Uses computer assisted engineering and design software to design and develop electrical solutions and test overall design

    · Directs lower level engineers and designers and confers with project managers, engineering and research personnel to clarify and resolve problems and develop designs.

    · Participates in scheduled department meetings to report progress of overall project or portion of project and required to prepare and give design presentations.

    · Analyzes test data and reports to determine if design meets functional and performance specifications.

    · Monitors progress and status of all assigned projects and reports progress and problems to management on a timely basis.

    · Ensure that design implementation, test and maintenance methods/processes are developed as well as executed in a manner, which supports all company quality standards.

    If you feel you are qualified and currently live in the Danbury Connecticut area please contact me for further details

    Thank You

    Jeff McNamara

    Managing Partner Top Tier Recruiters


  14. QUOTE (DavLog @ Sep 17 2008, 09:54 AM)

    I have just started to learn to use Labview. I have a program that creates 4 separate white noise waveforms. I need to convert this to 1 waveform then back into 5 waveforms. I can only use arrays and for loops.

    Ok. Do you have a question?

  15. QUOTE (rkanders @ Sep 17 2008, 06:01 AM)

    Has anyone else had any issuses with this approach?

    No the only downside I have heard of is that the .svn files are masscompiled (if you place user.lib inside svn, my advice don't do that). Or that the VI analyzer toolkit tests these VIs as well.

    You can set SVN to name the folders _svn which are ignored by LabVIEW.


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