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  1. You should have a look at the examples shipped with LabVIEW: Hardware IO\DAQmx\Synchronization\Multi-Function\Multi-Function-Synch AI-AO.vi. Express VIs are not suitable for such tasks. You try to acquire for 90 seconds of data in one shot, this will (standard) not work since you have a timeout of 10 seconds. Ton
  2. The Gtoolbox from Georg Zhou has a mask function for LabVIEW VIs. Ton
  3. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 20 2008, 04:44 PM) Another great resource to take advantage of at NIWeek is the NI Systems Engineering group. SEs are available to meet with you and discuss your individual applications in person and provide recommendations for the design and architecture of the application and answer other development related questions. Offline SEs can work on additional benchmarking of using NI products in specific applications or can work with you to analyse and understand specific risk items in your application through prototyping of application components. Systems Engineering is an extension of the NI field sales and business development team, providing more advanced technical resources to customers during the application design and architecture phase. We work closely with the R&D and product management groups to get your questions answered and guide the direction of product development to improve the customer's application development experience. Systems Engineering subgroups specialize in the following application areas and associated products: Automated Test (including Vision) Embedded and Industrial Control (including Motion Control, Sound & Vibration acquisition and analysis) Control Design and Simulation (HIL, RCP, aerospace and automotive control) RF and Communications Please contact your local FSE/DSM to arrange a meeting with a SE during NIWeek. If you have any difficulty getting this setup, you can also contact me directly at my NI e-mail address and I can help you. Christian Loew
  4. QUOTE (MikaelH @ Jul 21 2008, 12:57 AM) Thanks for that reply Mikael! For self-taught (ah-hem, cough cough) OO types like myself, snippets like this are "Golden Nuggets". Thank you! Ben
  5. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Jul 21 2008, 09:48 AM) Pane.Background Image Pane.Background Mode Ton
  6. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 20 2008, 11:36 PM) Here's my LabVIEW OPML file. If you have Info-LabVIEW delivered into a special Info-LabVIEW label at gmail you can read those too. To setup Info-LabVIEW filtering I have the following filter: to:(info labview) deliverd to InfoLabVIEW. Ton OPML files are rejected by LAVA, here's the content as exported by Newsfox: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><opml version="1.0"><head> <title>NewsFox OPML Export</title> <dateModified>Mon Jul 21 2008 08:00:14 GMT+0200</dateModified></head><body><outline text="LabVIEW" type="NFgroup"><outline type="rss" text="LAVA" xmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=rssout&id=8" htmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?autocom=portal" NFuid="forums.lavag.org3" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:19 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LabVIEW" xmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/rss/board?board.id=170" htmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=170" NFuid="forums.ni.com7" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:34 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="OpenG" xmlUrl="http://forums.openg.org/index.php?act=rssout&id=1" htmlUrl="http://forums.openg.org/index.php" NFuid="forums.openg.org" NFdeleteOld="false" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:40 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="BreakPoint" xmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/rss/board?board.id=BreakPoint" htmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=BreakPoint" NFuid="forums.ni.com8" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:35 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="technically speaking" xmlUrl="http://lvtechspeak.blogspot.com/atom.xml" htmlUrl="http://lvtechspeak.blogspot.com/" NFuid="lvtechspeak.blogspot.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:28 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="InfoLabVIEW" xmlUrl="https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/InfoLabVIEW" htmlUrl="http://mail.google.com/mail" NFuid="mail.google.com" NFdeleteOld="false" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:19 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Ideas in Wiring" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/IdeasInWiring" htmlUrl="http://ideasinwiring.blogspot.com/" NFuid="feeds.feedburner.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:16 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Charles On Software" xmlUrl="http://www.charlesonsoftware.blogspot.com/atom.xml" htmlUrl="http://charlesonsoftware.blogspot.com/" NFuid="www.charlesonsoftware.blogspot.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:28 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Open Measurements" xmlUrl="http://beta.blogger.com/feeds/4273799050747704870/posts/full?alt=rss" htmlUrl="http://openmeas.blogspot.com/" NFuid="beta.blogger.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:32 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Eyes on VIs" xmlUrl="http://eyesonvis.blogspot.com/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://eyesonvis.blogspot.com/" NFuid="eyesonvis.blogspot.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:33 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="VI Road Show" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/viroadshow" htmlUrl="http://viroadshow.blogspot.com/" NFuid="feeds.feedburner.com1" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:33 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="JKI Software Forums" xmlUrl="http://forums.jkisoft.com/index.php?act=rssout&id=2" htmlUrl="http://forums.jkisoft.com/index.php" NFuid="forums.jkisoft.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:21 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Thinking in G" xmlUrl="http://thinkinging.com/feed/" htmlUrl="http://thinkinging.com" NFuid="thinkinging.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:16 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="ExpressionFlow" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/Expressionflow" htmlUrl="http://expressionflow.com" NFuid="feeds.feedburner.com2" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:21 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LAVA wiki - recent" xmlUrl="http://wiki.lavag.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=atom" htmlUrl="http://wiki.lavag.org/Special:Recentchanges" NFuid="wiki.lavag.org" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:43 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="OpenG wiki - recent" xmlUrl="http://wiki.openg.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=atom" htmlUrl="http://wiki.openg.org/Special:Recentchanges" NFuid="wiki.openg.org" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:43 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LAVA CR" xmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/downloads.html&rss=1" htmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&req=search&code=last_ten" NFuid="forums.lavag.org" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:43 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LAVA Community Blog List" xmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/blog-rss-feed-b.html" htmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?automodule=blog" NFuid="forums.lavag.org2" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:45 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/></outline></body></opml>
  7. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 20 2008, 11:36 PM) Here's my LabVIEW OPML file. If you have Info-LabVIEW delivered into a special Info-LabVIEW label at gmail you can read those too. To setup Info-LabVIEW filtering I have the following filter: to:(info labview) deliverd to InfoLabVIEW. Ton OPML files are rejected by LAVA, here's the content as exported by Newsfox: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><opml version="1.0"><head> <title>NewsFox OPML Export</title> <dateModified>Mon Jul 21 2008 08:00:14 GMT+0200</dateModified></head><body><outline text="LabVIEW" type="NFgroup"><outline type="rss" text="LAVA" xmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=rssout&id=8" htmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?autocom=portal" NFuid="forums.lavag.org3" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:19 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LabVIEW" xmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/rss/board?board.id=170" htmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=170" NFuid="forums.ni.com7" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:34 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="OpenG" xmlUrl="http://forums.openg.org/index.php?act=rssout&id=1" htmlUrl="http://forums.openg.org/index.php" NFuid="forums.openg.org" NFdeleteOld="false" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:40 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="BreakPoint" xmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/rss/board?board.id=BreakPoint" htmlUrl="http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=BreakPoint" NFuid="forums.ni.com8" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:35 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="technically speaking" xmlUrl="http://lvtechspeak.blogspot.com/atom.xml" htmlUrl="http://lvtechspeak.blogspot.com/" NFuid="lvtechspeak.blogspot.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:28 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="InfoLabVIEW" xmlUrl="https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom/InfoLabVIEW" htmlUrl="http://mail.google.com/mail" NFuid="mail.google.com" NFdeleteOld="false" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:19 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Ideas in Wiring" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/IdeasInWiring" htmlUrl="http://ideasinwiring.blogspot.com/" NFuid="feeds.feedburner.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:16 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Charles On Software" xmlUrl="http://www.charlesonsoftware.blogspot.com/atom.xml" htmlUrl="http://charlesonsoftware.blogspot.com/" NFuid="www.charlesonsoftware.blogspot.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:28 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Open Measurements" xmlUrl="http://beta.blogger.com/feeds/4273799050747704870/posts/full?alt=rss" htmlUrl="http://openmeas.blogspot.com/" NFuid="beta.blogger.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:32 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Eyes on VIs" xmlUrl="http://eyesonvis.blogspot.com/rss.xml" htmlUrl="http://eyesonvis.blogspot.com/" NFuid="eyesonvis.blogspot.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:33 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="VI Road Show" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/viroadshow" htmlUrl="http://viroadshow.blogspot.com/" NFuid="feeds.feedburner.com1" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:33 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="JKI Software Forums" xmlUrl="http://forums.jkisoft.com/index.php?act=rssout&id=2" htmlUrl="http://forums.jkisoft.com/index.php" NFuid="forums.jkisoft.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:21 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="Thinking in G" xmlUrl="http://thinkinging.com/feed/" htmlUrl="http://thinkinging.com" NFuid="thinkinging.com" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:16 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="ExpressionFlow" xmlUrl="http://feeds.feedburner.com/Expressionflow" htmlUrl="http://expressionflow.com" NFuid="feeds.feedburner.com2" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:21 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LAVA wiki - recent" xmlUrl="http://wiki.lavag.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=atom" htmlUrl="http://wiki.lavag.org/Special:Recentchanges" NFuid="wiki.lavag.org" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:43 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="OpenG wiki - recent" xmlUrl="http://wiki.openg.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=atom" htmlUrl="http://wiki.openg.org/Special:Recentchanges" NFuid="wiki.openg.org" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:43 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LAVA CR" xmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/downloads.html&rss=1" htmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?automodule=downloads&req=search&code=last_ten" NFuid="forums.lavag.org" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:43 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/><outline type="rss" text="LAVA Community Blog List" xmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/blog-rss-feed-b.html" htmlUrl="http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?automodule=blog" NFuid="forums.lavag.org2" NFdeleteOld="true" NFdeleteUnread="false" NFautoCheck="true" NFstyle="0" NFstorage="false" NFlastUpdate="Mon Jul 21 2008 07:57:45 GMT+0200" NFautoRefreshInterval="15"/></outline></body></opml>
  8. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 18 2008, 11:01 PM) What brand of coffee are you using Norm. Must be superb. (although the mouse movements seem agitated). Ton
  9. QUOTE (Omar Mussa @ Jul 19 2008, 11:48 AM) THanks, so you really just need to know after the fat and not durring... [Pushing my knowledge = True] All of the debugging and profiler stuff seems to be built into the under-lying C code. Even poking around in prvicate methods only let you turn stuff on-and off. [Pushing my knowledge = False] The Trace Execution Toolkit is something I have only used in the RT environments but is supposed to run under Windows now. It works by putting hocks into all of the code before you run it and will produced detailed reports of everything that called when for how long and also gives you an idea if anything goes idle waitng for memory management. That toolkit may be helpful. Ben
  10. QUOTE (Maca @ Jul 19 2008, 07:02 AM) ni.com was getting a lot of upgrades this weekend, so some of the systems were offline at times. The link is working now.
  11. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 18 2008, 05:34 PM) Sure is! If you are looking for gloabl solution that finds which of all of the VI's in memory are running, (note: there maybe more than one running) it seems you would have to interact with the OS's scheduler to do that since LV utilizing the OS to schedule VIs and for that matter the multiple possible threads within each VI. The only other thing that I feel is worth mentioning is the "skip if busy" option availabe for VI's marked as sub-routine. When a subroutine VI is dropped on a diagram, it exposes an option called "skip if busy". This option is the one and only exception to the data flow paradigm in that when that option is selected AND the VI is alredy executing, the sub-VI call will be skipped. If there any return values expected from the VI that was skipped, LV will use the "default" for the data type (Note the default as defined by the sub-VI will NOT be returned since LV would have to access that VI to know that and since its being skipped LV does not know that). So... If the VI in question is structed like an AE you could call it using a "check method" that returns a true boolean. If you try the "check" and it returns false, the VI was skipped because it was busy. Those are the only thoughts I can offer. Anyone else have thoughts on this matter? Ben
  12. QUOTE (Daklu @ Jul 17 2008, 09:21 PM) If that device was supported by traditonal DAQ then RDA may help. Ben
  13. QUOTE (normandinf @ Jul 14 2008, 10:17 PM) I think they will read the INI file Ton
  14. QUOTE (Thang Nguyen @ Jul 17 2008, 06:11 PM) Yup! you are correct. Then query this shared variable history based on the shared variable value returned by the event. Can anyone think of a better approach? Ben
  15. QUOTE (kmc @ Jul 17 2008, 03:03 PM) QUOTE (kmc @ Jul 17 2008, 04:14 PM) I SEE MORE THAN 70 VIEWS WHY ISNT ANY ONE REPLYING....?? I THINK I HAVE WASTED TIME BY JOINING HERE...NO BODY REPLIES...! QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Jul 17 2008, 04:28 PM) All caps is considered a form of shouting. Shouting doesn't inspire people to get involved. QUOTE (kmc @ Jul 17 2008, 04:53 PM) I SINCERLY APOLOGISE TO EVERY ONE.I SHOULDNT HAVE DONE THIS.........I AM REALLY SORRY FOR SPEAKING LIKE THAT. i AM SORRY FOR SPEAKING LIKE THAT. QUOTE (kmc @ Jul 17 2008, 09:22 PM) NORMAN,I HAVE ATTACHED FEW THINGS ALONG WITH THIS..I HAVE DONE FEW THINGS RANDOMLY...AS I TOLD THE TEXT ARRAY IS CONVERTED TO NUMERIC ARRAY AND DO I NEED TO CHANGE TABLE1 AND TABLE2 ACCORDINGLY.HAD STARTED WITH IT. I THINK YOU WOULD BE EASILY ABLE TO FINISH IT.COULD YOU PLEASE CHECK THIS..? THANKS ASHWIN Ashwin, check your keyboard, one of you shift-keys is stuck. Here's a generic solution. You could put this inside a sub-vi and use for several tables. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_07_2008/post-2399-1216323628.png' target="_blank"> Some tips: Don't use stacked sequences, they will bite you (I am aware this is a 'demo' VI). Ton
  16. QUOTE (Thang Nguyen @ Jul 16 2008, 07:41 PM) Isn't there a "previous value" property to which you can make your compare? Ben
  17. QUOTE (Yair @ Jul 17 2008, 07:10 PM) Whoah, that was hard to find. But you disabled the string control... Enabling the string control makes the right-click working (it already worked on the picture control). To disable selecting of the text (which is most likely why disabled it) you should filter for mouse-down? events on the array. To disable the changing of the mouse you should look for mouse enter and leave events and alter the mouse as desired. Ton
  18. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 17 2008, 12:33 PM) You show me yours and I'll show you mine. Ben
  19. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 17 2008, 11:49 AM) You have a VI that produces this list? Ben
  20. I can't help with the Q re: figuring it out from the exe, but I can share how I avoid this. I use Tree.VI also called a catalog.VI or in this post by Greg McKaskle, "Fakeroot.vi". I make sure this VI is open why editing. As long as the tree is OK my app is OK. Just trying to help, Ben
  21. QUOTE (sukhiray @ Jul 17 2008, 03:15 PM) why do you need a patent?
  22. QUOTE (crelf @ Jul 16 2008, 12:46 PM) I think http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=175255&view=by_date_ascending&page=1' target="_blank">this was the thread. Ben
  23. Shane's Nugget on on using VISA to access USB devices (found on the dark-side)has branched into a possible universal USB driver architecture that may harness LVOOP to allow for adding other devices in the future. If you are interested in LVOOP and have any advise you can offer, it would be greatly appreaciated (by me). Even if you can't offer any assistance, you may find that thread interesting (if for no other reason just to laugh at us trying). Ben
  24. QUOTE (Tim_S @ Jul 16 2008, 08:05 AM) I used to think the same but reading and writting controls and indicator do NOT require a switch to the UI thread. I can't quickly cite proof but I beleive CRELF was involved in the thread were this was settled once and for all (well maybe not all). CRELF, Do you remember the thread? Ben
  25. QUOTE (Götz Becker @ Jul 16 2008, 03:20 AM) The inplace structures are new enough that I can't speak specifically about them but as I undersand this code guide-line intent... When LV has decide how it has to pass data to a sub-VI it first tries to do it as effciently as possible. Since copying data (particular large arrays) is time consuming, it tries to avoid doing so. It can avoid copying the data if the data is not modified in the sub-VI. But how does it know if the sub-VI modifies the data? The sub-VI itself can let a caller know it is not going to mod the data. THis condition is possible if the controls indicator that are on the icon connector are located on the root of the block diagram. I look at it this way. The caller can look into the sub-VI only as far as the root of the diagram. If it can see the data will not be modified, it only passes a ref to the buffer holding the data in the calling VI. If you run your two VI examples through the same benchmark test I post in the thread on the NI forum, you MAY be able to see a slight differnce in the two methods. Ben
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