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  1. I just finished looking at Aristos' LabVIEW Tarot Deck, and I must say that "The Palettes (IL The High Priestess) card is great. I hope he doesn't mind me placing it here. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6593 A change to the palettes is a break in harmony. I've been trying to come up with a good analogy, but I keep thinking of Figure 3.3 on Page 21 of "A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW" (recommended to me by Stephen). The figure depicts four interfaces; a British (right sided) dash board, a tank control, a joystick control and a gameboy type control. Quote from the book: QUOTE I don't want to die in the CLD test! I'll share one last thing; my IT department asked everyone to install Office 2007 by the end of July. I blindly obeyed, and now "experience" what M$ calls the "Fluent" interface, but I affectionately call "Effluent". The Office 2007 toolbar now looks like this: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6594 Note that the File menu option is missing. Not moved, GONE! "OK" I say; just press F1, search the help and figure out how to turn it back on... Aha! You CAN'T! http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6595 Now you understand why I'm frustrated and "touchy" about changing the interface...
  2. QUOTE(Christina Rogers @ Aug 9 2007, 09:41 PM) Hi, Who shall I direct the following request to ? I'd like to be allowed to bring my labview.INI file with me at the CLD. Maybe if NI receives dozens of same request, things will change Thanks
  3. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Aug 9 2007, 08:13 PM) As regards express VIs, well... I never used them and never liked them until I saw a demo of the brand new vision acquisition and vision assistant express VIs, these two are really really well done (nice job Brad :thumbup: ) and I encourage everybody to give them a try. I am now wondering if the other express VIs have been updated the same way, if so I'll start to use them.
  4. I appreciate that NI is trying to improve the user interface, but come on. Defaulting a new install to the Express VI pallete? :thumbdown: NI, for the love of god, PLEASE stop f'ing with the palletes! I spent over 10 minutes configuring the LabVIEW environment before STARTING my CLD test. I missed by two points because my functionality was not completed. The architecture was there, I just ran out of time. If I have to use 8.5 and a yet another NEW pallete scheme for my retest (in ~ 3 weeks) then I might just as well cancel the test and stay a CLAD. Sorry. This just sucks. What are people on forums supposed to do to help new users? You tell someone to look under Functions>Programming>Dialog & User Interface>Events and they reply "I don't have a "Function" or "Programming" choice? Again, I say leave the friggin' palletes ALONE! Link 1: No Express VIs Required! Link 2: Do you use Express VIs? Most answered NO! Link 3: Perfect analogy for Express VIs "They are what crayons are to art" (Whew. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...)
  5. QUOTE(silmaril @ Aug 7 2007, 12:32 PM) QUOTE(cobra21 @ Aug 7 2007, 09:31 AM) i heard from manufacturers of two devices that they are not USB demanding and should work well each other. My CPU is 2.3GHz dual-cure. USB? Hmmm. Is it USB 2.0 compliant? Are there intermediate drivers or is ActiveX involved? When I hear USB instrumentation, I also start to think laptop computer. A laptop might be configured to conserve power causing I/O delays... USB is fast, but not deterministic. If you're passing alot of data back and forth then there might be blocking; the USB interface is busy on a large read of data and is not available for a write...
  6. From the NI website: "As the industry's most famous and prolific data flow programming company, NI maintains the highest quality standards that its customers deserve. Unfortunately, their customers don't realise that they deserve project-oriented, self-optimizing, and altogether non-G code material in their 'SSP' subscription packs." Give us some GOOP to dip into and we're happy!
  7. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Aug 3 2007, 10:02 PM) Do not seem to do so.
  8. I just installed and registered 8.2.1 last week. No, really
  9. Reading my Developer Zone What's New RSS feed showed the LabVIEW 8.5 Touch Panel Module. A quick jump to the NI site and using their search with the keyword "8.5" gave these links... 8.5 Bug fixes Synchronize LabVIEW Project Folders Manage Memory in LabVIEW Using New Block Diagram Structures Configuring LabVIEW For Loops to Exit Conditionally Use Graphical Merge To Combine Individual LabVIEW VIs Happy reading!
  10. I heard something about a "Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ"... :thumbup: :beer:
  11. There are a number of activities taking place during the evenings.. I am curious to the dress code for the "Annual NIWeek Conference Party". Here are some of the activities that I'm aware of (for evenings):Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ NI Community Block PartySalt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQAnnual NIWeek Conference PartySalt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ The Ginger Man Pub (date?)Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ Are there any other? did I mention the Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ ?
  12. For all; there is a /. discussion on trackballs vs. mice. As usual, lots of crap mixed in with some good info...
  13. Off topic, but may I ask what you think of the camera? I've been using my Cannon A-80 for a few years now, and was thinking about buying the A-640 for my trip with the kids to DisneyWorld in November. I've always liked the CompactFlash and the two Custom settings capability of the A-80.
  14. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Aug 1 2007, 07:03 AM) From MANY years ago, I recall that the max length of an RS-232 cable was 25 feet for unshielded and 50 feet for shielded WITH soldered pins inside the hood. The transmission rate was 9600 bps. I would suggest going to RS-485 if your remote devices support it. You'll need an RS-485 adapter in the PC or have to use a USB to RS-485 adapter. Another choice might be using a device like those from Lantronix. You connect the RS-232 / RS-485 devices to the device server, then the device server to a LAN. You use TCP/IP to connect to the server, then use escaped strings to select the rs-485 device. UPDATE The Lantronix devices are also available in wireless, definitely a plus when working at home
  15. Would this problem have anything to do with this NI forum post? freelance programmer required There are lots of talented programmers and consultants on LAVA. In order to reach your goal you need to learn how to ask questions the smart way.
  16. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jul 31 2007, 04:54 AM) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071230/quotes' target="_blank">Excuse me while I whip this out... +3 for using behooves! Have you been reading "The LabVIEW Style Book" recently?
  17. You obviously spoke to the wrong person, the instructions specifically said to contact yourself and ask for nothing... I liked the benefits section: I assume this includes the greater Austin area
  18. No mime options, damn! This is what I got... http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6495 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6496
  19. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jul 25 2007, 03:29 PM) Jim, You should bring a few "extra" copies of your book. I'm sure some people may want to buy a signed copy during NI Week. (Myself included). I read through this thread and didn't see the cost for the BBQ.. (Don't have a PayPall account, yet)..
  20. QUOTE(orko @ Jul 26 2007, 03:18 PM)
  21. QUOTE(crelf @ Jul 26 2007, 02:33 PM) Unfortunately, no. I'll try and dig up an old picture at home and scan it in. Maybe I'll update my avatar
  22. QUOTE(nturri @ Jun 9 2006, 05:59 AM) QUOTE(abdulrahman @ Jul 27 2007, 02:09 AM) me too need this application please if u reach to any thing post it please please Try using this: "LabVIEW .NET web service"
  23. QUOTE(orko @ Jul 26 2007, 11:52 AM)
  24. In addition to any other technologies NI is planning on using Twitter (www.twitter.com/niweek) to update conference attendees on the latest changes in conference schedules, cool demos, etc. You can check these udpates at the link above or sign up with Twitter (free) and have them routed to your other favorite tech gadget including text messages on your cell phone. Using Twitter you can also create and communicate with your own network of contacts at the conference and let them know about anything cool that you see, your thoughts on the sessions and keynotes, or where you'll be for happy hour. Think of it like a cross between text massaging on your phone and blogging.
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