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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. No No No, the code exists to easily figure out from coordinates where the change happened. Doing the compare is just too much overhead. But I will say that there are times that it is warranted, this just doesn't seem like one
  2. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ Aug 15 2007, 12:56 PM) WOW... $2.00. Must be an increase because of the premium membership
  3. I recommend reviewing the document on NI's site 'Can LabVIEW C" http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2718 This may give you some ammo against the nay sayers regarding the capabilities. And I'll echo the comment a few posts up. LabVIEW is a programming language and you can do ANYTHING with it. Aside from the fact that it is bloated at times, that bloat gives you so much functionality, you could choke a donkey with it.
  4. QUOTE(orko @ Aug 15 2007, 11:03 AM) Just re-read his original post and I think we're right on. Being able to detect events from elemnets inside of a cluster as an element of an array. No?
  5. LAVA 1.0 Content


    What is your favorite place to spend your time. Scripting makes me happy, good UI and graphics too.
  6. I guess to be fair we should know if this blog is a labor of love (personal time & effort) or an NI sponsored activity. I think Colin started the blog, but don't know how Brian and Todd became involved. Much of the previous YouTube content was third party (Lego stuff for example) and linked to from the blog. Some of it was NI source, such as the Halloween demos and a Future version of LabVIEW spoof (something about boring meetings and flowers for the wife). Maybe there is some way to proxy serve YouTube videos? (Premium LAVA members only )
  7. QUOTE(orko @ Aug 15 2007, 11:41 AM) I TRIED to create an XControl once, but learned that the blinking is only active when the XControl is running. A possible place to look for inspiration might be Stephen's Scrolling LED XControl.
  8. The NI site has lots of real world examples in various fields. Try looking here: http://www.ni.com/solutions/customer_solutions.htm Good luck! I worked several years ago for a company that used C & CVI for test coding, and they wanted my group to change. Luckily, we had a large enough group and a manager that loved LabVIEW.
  9. Simple, and works great! There are so many ways to skin a cat. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6633 Using the picture ring, you could have a single indicator that shows not connected, connected, busy, error, etc.; update it by value based on an enum (like in a state machine) AND have it animated (almost "for free"). You can do it without property nodes or extra code.
  10. Lookup the toughbook I have seen these in action and quite possibly are the best rugged laptops I have come across.
  11. My implimentation uses an animated GIF file. The GIF will always update, even when the VI is not running. I effectively stop the animation when running by selecting a different item in the ring. I should have placed a single frame 1 pixel gif as the first item in the ring; this post was jus a quick example for someone on the Info-LabVIEW mailing list where attachments aren't possible. Note that you can use any type of GIF on the front panel or the block diagram ( didn't mean to leave that there). I included the decoration and custom background color on the fp to show the transparency. Drag and drop a few of the "smileys" from the LAVA forums into a picture ring. Don't get carried away, though. You wouldn't want your VI to start looking like a myspace or geocities page Animated GIFs :thumbup: :headbang:
  12. OOOOOoooooh This is one of my favorite hacks. Do not give up on the array just yet, although I am a member of the camp that tries to avoid arrays on FP. SIDE NOTE: if the baby (Anna) does not start crying before the end of this post, I'll make a quick code snibbit detailing this process That being said, you CAN get a reference to the element of an array, now keep in mind that it is a generic reference BUT and this is a big BUT You can register that event to a value change event/and or whatever other event you are looking to trigger off of. And here is the beauty of it all. Say you register that array element for the mouse up event, the event structure will give you a CtrlRef to the specific array element that fired the event, thus allowing you to get the value of the specific array element that triggered the event. Now the only caveat is that you have to do some mouse/ctrl position magic to determine which # element changed in the array, but you're in luck, this code already exists somewhere on this forum, possibly in the CR. Well the baby did start to cry...... REALLY Cry and I'm out for now, i'll try to update the post later ok back... inside of this VI you will see 2 examples 1. Registration of the entire element of the array to a val change event 2. Registration of an element of the array to the val change event. The way to get the static reference of the lower level elements is to simply right click the element and say make reference. Enjoy From your friendly neighborhood captain
  13. QUOTE(Puzzlemaker @ Aug 14 2007, 12:24 PM) Can you explain this statement a bit further. How would the data storage avoid the need to develop a large complex data structure? As was mentioned earlier this is really two separate problems; desiging the data structure (cluster or otherwise) to contain your configuration information and, secondly, storing that data structure in a file. The cluster is the most native way to store such a structure in LabVIEW, but other options are available. Then storing such a structure is the seocnd challenge. Quick and dirty ways to store any cluster from LabVIEW into a file is the Datalog file or the conversion to XML/XML file storage VIs included in LabVIEW. The XML functions are in a sub-palette of the string palette, while the Datalog File VIs are found in a sub-palette of the Advanced File Functions. Christian
  14. Example of using a classic transparent picture ring to show & hide a Mozilla type "throbber" on your front panel. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6617LabVIEW 8.0
  15. If your company has a content filtering system like Websense then the VI Road Show page will load, but the video frames will appear blank. The best you can do is watch these videos from home :thumbdown: or hope that NI can find a place to host these videos on their own servers...
  16. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ Aug 14 2007, 08:39 AM) I don't think this will happen in Alfa's lifetime; (n-1)/n * 100 is the closest it will get...
  17. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 13 2007, 08:02 PM) Jim, I could not agree with you more. My solution to the problem is semaphores, I create a wrapper around Daqmx read with an acquire semaphore before the DAQmx read and a release after. I pass the reference to the semaphore using a VIG or just obtain the named semaphore inside the wrapper. This gives the Daqmx Read the functionality you would expect it to already have, it works pretty good.
  18. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 13 2007, 10:38 PM) Hi AQ, I do understand what you mean and don't expect the type def to be a magic tool, but I just wanted to point out that the behaviour is different wether the cluster is a type def or not. You say "The behavior you get is the behavior you get" well... Regardless of what classes can do, to me, the behaviour I get is a non-consistant behaviour ; this is what bugs me. Now, this said, I guess you're right and I should free some time to learn to use LV classes ; that's on my roadmap.
  19. I belive your best bet is to try to re-architect what you are doing because I don't think that since the limitation has already been fixed in future versions that NI will help you find a work around.
  20. Welcome, feel free to ask for anything other than 2 things: cracks to licensing and solutions to homework problems. And keep an eye out for scarchasam, it's currently running a muck and we're trying everything we can do to isolate it. Have fun ~,~ Premium Blend
  21. Hi, Take a few seconds to do this : - create a cluster with a few control in it - save it as a type def (or strict type def) - place it in a VI, and create a property node on one the control inside the type def - save the VI - open the type def and modify the order of element of the cluster >> The property node is no longer linked the same object but to the object that now has the same index as before, idem for an event in an Event Structure. This behaviour is surprising and not consistant because if the cluster is not a type def (or strict type def) the property node and the event remains linked to the same object, no matter its new order. Noticed in LV 8.20 Anyone thinks this should be repported to NI as a bug ?
  22. Oh, the food is GOOD in Texas!!! Yummy!! And people were great! Thanks again guys for the fantastic BBQ!! You guys ROCK!!
  23. Can the work be done remotely, with final integration done on-site?
  24. I have a large (multi-gigabyte), fixed record length binary file that I extract values from in a post-processing step (no data acq running). I used queues and parallel loops to improve my data load time from ~5 minutes to ~30 seconds! Here is a picture of my VI. My records are binary, but you could use "read lines" and a for loop to enqueue the strings in the lower loop. Part of my conversion to actual values is done in a sub-vi that I use in other places; you could use Ton's example to extract the values from the string (spreadsheet string to array). To improve your load time; Use parallel loops to retrieve data and convert it; predefine your array sizes and use replace element instead of build array or autoindexing. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6615
  25. The "King of Staves" might have been renamed the "Kring of Staves". Some of the avatars look familiar! (and thanks http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6598)
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