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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ May 30 2007, 04:32 PM) One more useless technical breakthrough ! This reminds me of a 200 years old poem from Jean de La Fontaine in which he was criticising people who were showing off loud with useless thing to hide the fact they couldn't do basic things. So is doing microsoft !
  2. I'm not quite fan of soft that "pretend to know better than me what I mean" I always turn off "automatic tool selection", I also turn off automatic correction in MS Word... I was surprised to see that if I write "ask NI people" and post, my post was be changed to be "ask National Instruments people".. the work around is to "quick edit" and "complete" without changing anything in the text. I don't really mind because it doesn't not change the meaning, and it makes things clear for people who would not be used to that acronym. But still... If a new LAVA guideline asks me to write "National Instruments" instead of "NI" I would do, but I don't really like my posts to be modified without my knowledge .
  3. Like Eugen, I would ask for roadmaps in order to have more long term visibility, to know more about forth-coming products (both hard and soft). I asked a couple of times to a couple of NI people I know when LV, DAQmx, IMAQ, etc would be not 64bit compatible (which they already are) but 64bit "natural". From the answers I received (or did not receive shall I say) I deduced that they will make the effort when the think the market is big enough. Unfortunately for those who need it now they are big enough to take time to do it (a bit like Microsoft). This is what I personnaly assume, I may be totally wrong.
  4. Hi all, I'd like to record a RS 232 signal to disk so as to be able to regenerate it (to simulate a device), the RS 232 speed is 57600 Baud. I read that I should over-sample at least 16x if I go for a Analog Input board because RS needs steep rising edges. Has anybody ever done something similar ? Does it work ? I have never used HS DIO (655x or 656x series), maybe this would be more appropriated to record and regenerate an RS 232 signal ? Any comment, ideas, though or orientation will be very appriciated, thanks in advance.
  5. QUOTE(pallen @ May 29 2007, 10:23 AM) My hair is too out of control to let it grow long, tried a LONG time ago, but it just wasn't right. It does work out for some guys though... Congrats on your 100th, I'm slowly picking away at the next level...
  6. I haven't taken the test yet. It turned out that there was a Multisim training class in the room where I would take the test. I'm scheduled to take the test on June 4th. (By the way, what the heck is Multisim, and why should it interfere with my test? )
  7. Every time I see LabVIEW discussed in the world at large, I get all tingley It pops up most often when discussing parallel programming difficulties. Also, the people discussing it know how to write it out properly (LabVIEW)! http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?...7/05/29/0058246
  8. Your question reminds me of this post: What's green, hangs on a wall and whistles?
  9. Interesting; just started playing with it at lunch. http://community.ni.com/examples/palette-api OpenG and toolkit creators might like this.....
  10. I see an outline with the original post, but if I click on any of the replies, I just see the original post. I just tried to view this thread in outline mode, and can't click on your most recent response to read it. I just see the first post ...
  11. I see an outline with the original post, but if I click on any of the replies, I just see the original post. I just tried to view this thread in outline mode, and can't click on your most recent response to read it. I just see the first post ...
  12. Here's another site: http://www.smileyhut.com/ This is for crelf... (aussie.gif) The pages actually have cut-and-paste strings for referring to the smileyhut web site. This sort of breaks the rule of placing it on the LAVA site to ensure the link doesn't break, but for one-time use it might be easier than save-as - upload - insert into post
  13. Outline mode seems to be broken this morning . I've switched to standard mode and can view the threads...
  14. Outline mode seems to be broken this morning . I've switched to standard mode and can view the threads...
  15. QUOTE(kunal227 @ May 22 2007, 03:14 AM) Welcome to LAVA. I don't have experience with the Omega Tempscan, but I did a quick search of the Omega and NI web sites for drivers, and found nothing. Your profile indicates you are somewhat recent to LabVIEW. If you ever need drivers for an instrument, the first place to look is at NI's web site at http://www.ni.com/idnet . The next place is here or the NI forums. I used to work for an equipment manufacturer that OEM'd equipment for Omega. Omega stuff is spotty, some is really good and other stuff is cr@p. Omega probably sources the Tempscan from somebody that has LabVIEW drivers; the Omega data sheet for it indicates they are available. You need to contact Omega support to get the driver. My experience is that these types of drivers are written in a poor style and long ago (LabVIEW 5.x). Just getting a driver doesn't mean that you can install and go. If you look carefully at the instrument (worst case: take off the cover and look inside) you might be able to figure out who makes the instrument and get the driver directly. I suggest this only if the Omega support is unable to help. This may void your warranty, so don't call me if you have problems :laugh:
  16. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ May 16 2007, 08:08 PM) Maybe if you sing "Write in G" Great song by the way ! :thumbup:
  17. QUOTE(hooovahh @ May 17 2007, 03:46 PM) Basically, you agknowledge excactly what I was thinking. It would be illegal in my case. With the article, I ment the article Bart wrote a few years ago in a Dutch magazine. Btw. This thread hasn't been about "LabVIEW and DSL" for a while now, so we might as well talk about BartPE... Thanks, Wiebe.
  18. Guys... your killing me with so much acronyms... I've just added CAPTCHA and BYOB to the WIKI - Acronyms [http://wiki.lavag.org/index.php/List_of_acronyms] Not sure BYO :beer: is really related to LabVIEW but I love it, anf well... it appears on LAVA
  19. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ May 17 2007, 08:41 PM) I love that one ! QUOTE(jpdrolet @ May 17 2007, 08:41 PM) I usually set server.vi.access="+Server*" so only VIs with names beginnig with Server are accessible from the VI Server interface. Maybe the "+" is missing in arg3, so sorry my mistake... That sounds like a good trick ! Thanks a lot for your help ! :worship: I was about to
  20. QUOTE(crelf @ May 17 2007, 07:08 PM) Great, I can't wait ! :thumbup:
  21. QUOTE(jpdrolet @ May 17 2007, 02:28 PM) Hi, Does it actually work if you build 2 EXEs and run them on the same PC I've checked my LabVIEW options VI server settings... everything is enabled. First "localhost" will NEVER be accepted, neither in LV code nor in EXE. Then "+IP address" will be accepted but then no VI name will work... :headbang: After a couple of lost hours I can't have a clear overview of such a basic thing... I really feel stupid, I guess there is a wrong setting somewhere else than in the VI... but where ? http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5896 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5897
  22. Hi there, Is there any requirement to be invited at the LAVA/OpenG BBQ or is it just opened to any LAVA member ? I'd love to come :worship: !
  23. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ May 17 2007, 12:56 AM) Yes but not only, it is also: - the VI documentation press ctrl + i to open the "VI properies", then go to "documentation", there you can describe what the VI does (this will be what you'll see in the context help) - the VI icon, double click on the icon to edit it - the tip strips on front panel controls and indicators, right clic on the control and go to "documentation" If you do this for all you VIs, put a label for any constant, and place text all over the place to describe you code, then you'll easily get a very good mark for the documentation part.
  24. QUOTE(Wolfram @ May 17 2007, 12:43 AM) Not so fast... setting up a required "LabVIEW skills certification program" is also a way to increase the value the Alliance partnership for NI and for the partners. NI makes sure that the alliance member have a certain number of developper with a minimum level. Being a partners doesn't mean only selling NI hardware and software licences, it show you can bring expertise. And... well... Can you tell me one and only company that makes huge profits and that is not tight @$ ?
  25. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 2 2007, 09:44 PM) Hi, I know that thread is starting to be "old", but it let me doubtfull. Is there really a way to pass data between 2 EXEs (built with LV 7.1.1) running on the same computer through VI server ? I ask this because I've been transfering data between 2 EXEs for for a long time, but one EXE was on a Windows PC and the other EXE was running on an RT PXI... so I though it was going to be as easy as the example "VI server Manager application" (example that comes with LV 7.1.1), but apparently it works only betwwen a WinEXE and a RT EXE. Am I wrong ? A small example or a screenshot would be very highly appriciated (a diagram is worth a thousand word )
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