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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(eaolson @ May 16 2007, 02:23 PM) I went to the NI Developer Day here in Boston, and by attending I received a voucher for $200 off of a training class or test. An associate of mine was told he could use this voucher to take the CLAD test (cost $125 or FREE!) During the presentations, it was mentioned again and again that NI is working hard to get LabVIEW more widely used in educational institutions. If more and more grads start showing up with "formal" LabVIEW training, A CLD certificate might be worth having...
  2. QUOTE(hooovahh @ May 10 2007, 04:03 PM) You mean I can use PartPE to put a Windows XP compatible OS on 500 PC's? (The 500 PC's do not have windows XP installed on it.) Because that is how I want to use it... The website, will all respect, doesn't explain to me what what free and legal use is. I haven't read every word of it, but regarding licensing, all I can find is in step 7 in the getting started. I'll see if I can find your article in CT from a while ago. I'm sure I have it somewhere. Regards, Wiebe.
  3. I'm going in on Monday the 21st for my first try at the CLD. I've been reviewing my Intermediate I & II course books along with the downloadable examples. I'm also looking over The LabVIEW Style Book when I get a chance. Where's the nail-biting emoticon?
  4. QUOTE(skof @ May 15 2007, 05:27 PM) When I took the CLAD the exam was quite similar to the blank exam on the web, maybe the real exams cover more different subjects that the online exam, but there isn't a huge gap between the two. Good luck !
  5. I failed my first CLD last year because : #1 Lack of experience #2 I was not appropriately prepared #3 I was much too slow (because of my lack of experience and also because I was not appropriately prepare for this type of exam) oups... I'm going round I took the exam again last friday and now expect the result quietly. I had time to prepare myself, to train to do a small state machine with enum in a short time, to, first do a template vi with error handling + empty text for documentation + specific icon + documentation filled with "date, author, project".
  6. QUOTE(mesmith @ May 14 2007, 10:52 AM) I don't disagree that OOP is useful, but I don't see it as "the way to go" in this case. My argument is that a driver developed for distribution to users needs to be: multi-revision compatible (7.x, 8.x) functional with different LabVIEW levels(base, full, prof) modification friendly to the end user There are still lots of 7.x users out there (even a few 6.x) An base OOP driver would put the instrument(s) at a competitive disadvantage Not all users have full or pro licenses, so a LVOOP driver could limit use ( and limit to 8.2x ) making a modification to a driver based on classes would be above the skill level of > 75% of LabVIEW users at this point. When developing something like this, identifying the least common denominator is as important as selecting the sharpest tool in the shed. Just my :2cents: ...
  7. QUOTE(balendran bala @ May 14 2007, 09:06 AM) Welcome to LAVA! I've never written commercial grade drivers for card based (PCI/PXI/VME) hardware before, so I don't know if there are special cases for this. I can tell you what I've seen though... Example: Fluke has a group of GPIB based instruments called multicalibrators. The NI driver for these instruments is a single driver download. The driver use a combination of the IDN query, VISA properties and an error handler to initialize the instrument and to check if a command is valid with that instrument. The driver sub-palletes are also broken down to allow selection of commands specific for the model. You would write a single driver for the series, and include code to handle the different models... Your could write a common function library that would reside in the root directory of your driver. This would be in the form of a LVLIB, and you would call this from the individual drivers. This would limit your driver to the later versions of LabVIEW ( 8.0 and up for LVLIBs). If your customers are using < 8.0, this wouldn't work... Another option would be writing an IVI based driver if you're looking to market these cards for languages other than LabVIEW . I would contact NI and ask them for their advice on this... As a final note, you might want to watch http://openmeas.blogspot.com/' target="_blank">Brian Powell's BLOG. He's a NI software architect who specializes in instrumentation.
  8. QUOTE(chrisdavis @ May 13 2007, 12:15 AM) I used the forums and gallery to upload multiple images at once... Sorry to all for starting this off the wrong way. I was using the tool I knew (forums) instead of learning how to use Wiki. I was placing the images in a gallery using bulk upload, but even that supports only five files at a time. I thought of creating a Wiki with links to the images coming from the gallery, but... as crelf pointed out this will limit other people's ability to update/edit the gallery. I've been taking a bit of time to look at how NI loaded and named their images on their web site for the HTML on-line manuals. Specifically, they used short names (8.3 DOS type naming) for most, and use a convention of 'C' as the first character for controls, 'I' for indicators, and 'funct', fun' or 'fn' as a suffix. This seems to be a good way to remember the names, and would make them easier to key in for those who would use them regularly. Their images are all GIFs, but I think PNG seems to be the accepted standard in the Wiki world... QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 11 2007, 11:15 AM) This thread contains artwork for various LabVIEW block diagram constants, functions and VIs. For the sake of continuity and to prevent confusion, anyone looking for artwork to use in postings or Wikis should look in the Block Diagram Images Wiki entry. I have deleted the images in my postings, and provided a Wiki link in their place.
  9. Hi, In OOP you also need the ability of encapsulation. Not just encapsulation of data, but also encapsulation of functionality. With your idea, how can I make two drivers (or in general objects) to two hardware devices, and choose which object to use at run time? (I know this can be done with dynamic references, but that's not oop!) If you find a way to embed this into your idea, I think you'll end up with pretty much the same as LabVOOP. Also in you say: "Then the unbundle would let you see what was "initialized"" That seems easy at first. But how can LabVIEW determine if the wire is initialized at compile time (or worse: during edit time). Lets say we have a wire comming from a case. The false case does the initialization, the true case doesn't. LabVIEW can't know which case is used, so it cannot disable the unbundle elements correctly. Some applies to class wires comming from sub vi's outputs, the connector pane (sub vi inputs), locals, globals, property nodes, variants, type casts or flattened strings. How would you make a sub vi that acts on the class? The user can wire both uninitialized and initialized wires to the sub vi. during editting, the wire will most likelly be uninitialized. Regards, Wiebe.
  10. Boolean Pallete http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5822 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5823 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5824 http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5825
  11. This thread contains entries for various LabVIEW block diagram constants, functions and VIs.
  12. WOW! You can drag-and-drop an image from one post into a post editing session. No edit, or copying the URL. Ugh. Why didn't I try this before :headbang:
  13. I'm willing to spend time into this :thumbup: What would be the preferred file format? These will be fairly small files, so I don't think compression ratio difference will be significant. Michael had mentioned that GIF format was better for posts, but a quick web search regading Wiki images indicates that Wikis should use SVG or PNG.
  14. QUOTE(JFM @ May 10 2007, 12:29 PM) I noticed the same thing, I tried to get it to not concatenate, but could not duplicate. His avatar says 8.2 and that is the version I am using. How'd he do that?
  15. QUOTE(Mike Ashe @ May 10 2007, 09:03 AM) I didn't want to do the guy's homework, so I was trying to give him a description of what to look for. If I could easily show him ( like ) then I would be closer to "teaching him to fish" without actually coding the whole thing. The logical progression is an on-line graphical editor, but who's got the time to write that .
  16. QUOTE(chrisdavis @ May 10 2007, 03:30 PM) Indeed... nice solution, but really to long...
  17. QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 10 2007, 01:30 PM) I do love the idea ! that would be so much easier than opening LabVIEW, do a snippet, make a screen-shot and post it. This would also let us post "labview code screenshots" form a computer without LabVIEW, I do not have LV installed on my computer at home. Question is :" is that possible ?"
  18. I was responding to a homework type post this morning. I wanted to help, but wasn't prepared to create an example, SnagIt, save as GIF, then upload. I was sort of wishing I could have quickly placed a couple of BD function icons to help the poster. I then thought of the INI file WIKI and showing the datatype graphically http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5800. I realized that it might be useful to make the BD core functions and controls/indicators into emoticons for instruction/reference. The idea would be that one could enter something like :U32ctl: in a post and get a U32 control http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5800 or :bldarray: to get http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5801 as an emoticon. Any thoughts? Comments?
  19. You already have a case that is controlled by a boolean (F/R). You now want to control left/right (I presume) and need to handle 4 possible cases. I'm not going to do it for you, but one thing you can do is: add a second boolean control combine the F/R and L/R control outputs into an array convert the boolean array into a number connect the numeric result to the case statement set/add cases to the case statement for the values 0,1,2, and 3 (as a SeniorStudent, the boolean logic should be simple ) There are other ways to do this, but these are basic and useful functions anyone using LabVIEW needs to know. p.s. Thnx 4 usn' str8 english in ur 2nd post
  20. QUOTE(Bryan @ May 10 2007, 05:51 AM) I think our situation was a bandwidth/productivity problem in general. The blocks include the categories "Entertainment" like theonion.com, streaming media such as YouTube.com. QUOTE(Bryan @ May 10 2007, 05:51 AM) favorite "demotivational poster" http://despair.com/pressure.html At least despair.com isn't blocked (yet).
  21. CITATION(JustinThomas @ May 10 2007, 09:24 AM) Hi Justin, Why do you not want to close the file after each write ? If you end up with very big log file, you may add maximum file length - eg : 10k lines - and create a new log file whenever the max size is reached. This would be quite easy if you turn your "write event to log file.vi" into a FGV that increment a counter each time you call it to log an event. Hope this can help
  22. QUOTE(SeniorStudent @ May 9 2007, 11:50 PM) Give us more information that we can help you...
  23. Sigh, my company recently installed Websense, no YouTube or MySpace anymore :thumbdown: and time at home is too precious...
  24. QUOTE(Phaedrus @ May 5 2007, 10:49 AM) Thanks. I found out about alien, but it's really hard to tell if that is the normal way to do it. I tried rpm2cpio without luck, and each try is can take hours (days) for a Linux beginner. I've also considered rpm2tar.gz, but haven't got around it. All Linux stuff is outsourced for now, but eventually I'd like to know more about it. BartPE is really not for us, unless I'm missing something here. We really need the system to be as cheap as possible, and with BartPE we should pay licence fee to M$. I know the Windows fee could be cheaper then the development cost in some cases. The aim is to make 1000 peaches, so we chose Linux. Regards, Wiebe
  25. See Andrej's post on NI Forum http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...ssage.id=246133
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