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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. Jim Kring

    The book

    Hmmm, they must think that you are a spammer or something. I wonder what would give them that idea :headbang:
  2. Wow! NATI just hit 33!
  3. Anyone know how to programmatically change the plot group label in the legend of the Mixed Signal Graph? I can't seem to find any properties or methods to do so. Click Here to open "Mixed Signal Graph.vi" example in LabVIEW 8.0 (you must have LabVIEW running, before clicking on the link.) Thanks.
  4. Make sure that (1) you installed the dynamicpallete package and that (2) you rebooted LabVIEW. This should fix the problem. After doing that, you will see an "OpenG" palette submenu in the Functions palette. Also, If you switch to the "Dynamic Palette View" or "2-D Dynamic Palette View" palette view you will see that the OpenG libaries appear in the applicable subpalettes.
  5. Here is a solution: Download File:post-17-1135383630.vi Happy Holidays! :beer: PS - you will need to download and install OpenG Commander you will need the the OpenG Toolkit Array and String libraries (oglib_array and oglib_string packages) in order to run this example.
  6. I get a lot of spam emails offering virtual PhD degrees (diplomas for sale)
  7. Jim Kring

    The book

    LabVIEW is at a Level of Evolution equal to approximately 8.0.
  8. Jim Kring

    The book

    Please expand upon your statements. What aspects of LabVIEW programming do you find complimentary to writing a book and how has this forum helped you (aside from the free advertising)?
  9. Rolf: How do you do this? I could not find a VI property with a name such as "debugging". Thanks,
  10. No problem, welcome to LAVA and the world of LabVIEW (not LABView), which stands for Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation and Engineering Workbench.
  11. See this link and read the section called Setting Up the Connector Pane.
  12. Here is a solution: Download File:post-17-1135059066.vi
  13. That does the trick! Thanks
  14. I am doing an operation on a VI using VI server. I would like to change the VI's modification bitset to show as changed, so that that user is prompted to save the VI when it is unloaded from memory (and also the VI Name in the window title should have an "*" to indicate that it has been modified). I have experimented with "Begin Undo Transaction" and "End Undo Transaction" and calling these is not enough to cause a "modification". Anyone know a good way to do this? Thanks,
  15. I just installed some NI software and got the following... :headbang:
  16. Many people who are attempting to run LabVIEW on Linux will come accross this error when running LabVIEW: segmentation fault: LabVIEW caught fatal signal 7.0 - Received SIGSEGV. Reason: address not mapped to object The quick fix is described in an NI Knowledge Base entry here. Worked for me!
  17. I just checked on the NATI stock price and was very happy to see that there was just another run-up, following several new product announcements and an analyst recommendation. What are your speculations? My opinion is that NI is going to be around for a long time and is a great stock to have in one's portfolio.
  18. I don't think that you installed it -- you only extracted the ZIP archive. Try again, but preserve the folder structure when you unzip and then try running Install.vi again.
  19. Download OpenG Commander and install the PortIO package (oglib_portio). This will allow you to write to the parallel port.
  20. One simple way is to use System Exec.vi to obtain this information using the ipconfig utility. Use the command "cmd.exe" and the input string "ipconfig /all[CRLF]" (where [CRLF] is a carriage return + line file). This will output something similar to the following: You can parse this output string and to determine the status of your adaptors.
  21. I believe that LabVIEW 8.0 might fix your problems. There have been additional features added that allow debugging reentrant VI instances:
  22. A file is a FIFO, if you read it from front to back and append data to the back. However, you should look at the Queue as a way of doing a FIFO. Why are you using a file as the FIFO? Are you sharing the data between two applications? You say that you can't do what you want with the options in LabVIEW; but which approaches have you tried? Show us some examples of your code, where you are getting stuck.
  23. Joe: In LabVIEW 8.0, items launched from the menu run in a different application instance. You will need to use one of the mechanisms described by Kennon Cotton in a previous discussion thread called "App.AllVIs and application instances".
  24. Please post an example that demonstrates the problem.
  25. Here is an interesting post from info-labview:
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