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Everything posted by Cloedu72

  1. I would recommend to use the Bash console commands. If you want some tool support use TortoiseGIT or GitExtension: https://gitextensions.github.io/ https://tortoisegit.org This is also a very good way to learn the GITcommands: (GIT Online-Sandboxtests) https://learngitbranching.js.org/
  2. Does anyone have any idea what this means for us as developers? https://eu.statesman.com/story/business/technology/2023/01/13/austin-national-instruments-exploring-possible-sale-technology-sector/69807646007/ https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/ni-explore-options-including-sale-amid-interest-emerson-electric-sources-2023-01-13/
  3. TestStand and LVLIP are always a bit special. I found out that all visible controls on the called VI from LVLIBP must be in public scope. Did you compile the code as debug? If so, this rule partially applies to subVI's as well. Sometimes it is "Disabled structures" with broken code that cause problems. => See my checklist: https://forums.ni.com/t5/DQMH-Consortium-Toolkits/my-DQMH-PPL-and-VILIB-PPL-best-practices/td-p/4155993 Claude
  4. Hi Niko I think you need to ask this question in the NI forum. There are a lot of similar errors visible on the DET that I always ignore. best Claude 😉
  5. Welcome back! I'm glad you're back on board. I'm really looking forward to your summary. If I could make a priority list, I'd have a few exciting items as well.... 😉 Have a great restart at NI!
  6. For me this sounds like a typical "ObjectCache" problem. For patches from NI it is always recommended to clear the LabVIEW ObjectCache. C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\VIObjCache - Close LabVIEW - Delete all files in this directory. Best Claude
  7. LV2017 and VIMs is a bit tricky. I know this or similar problems also under LV2017. From LV2019 it has become much better from my point of view. => Clearing ObjCache is always a good idea for similar problems.... 😉
  8. Hello forum I have noticed a special behavior when reading array of clusters. Normally missing entries are filled with the default value or the existing value of the variant. But when reading array of clusters the default (of datatype) value is always used. I have implemented a customization for myself that does exactly this behavior. The use case for this behavior is e.g. that you can have the default settings and then overload them with specialized values. expample: Default.ini [DAQ 1] AIChannels.<size(s)> = "2" AIChannels 0.Name = "Pressure" AIChannels 0.Channel = "D1_AI_Mod3/ai0" AIChannels 0.Unit = "hPA" AIChannels 0.Gain = "2.000000" AIChannels 0.Offset = "5.000000" AIChannels 1.Name = "Temp" AIChannels 1.Channel = "D1_AI_Mod3/ai0" AIChannels 1.Unit = "°C" AIChannels 1.Gain = "2.000000" AIChannels 1.Offset = "7.000000" Special.ini [DAQ 1] AIChannels.<size(s)> = "2" AIChannels 0.Gain = "4.000000" AIChannels 0.Offset = "7.000000" AIChannels 1.Gain = "20.000000" AIChannels 1.Offset = "17.000000" Can this customization be included in the OpenG Lib? Greetings Claude Read Key (Variant)__Zuehlke.vi
  9. You can use this library: CRC16-CCITT-0xFFFF CRC_VIs85.zip
  10. Use the CRC Calculator: https://crccalc.com/ => CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE Sorry, did not read your question precisely... ;-(
  11. If you are interested in older versions, I can provide you a link to LV3.1.1: ftp://ftp.ni.com/support/labview/updates/windows/win3x/31-to-311 => Have fun! 😉
  12. I try to open the private data content directly from the class. Is there a way to convert the data content of "NI.LVClass.FlattenedPrivateDataCTL" back to the control? => Scripting, Private Method? How can I create these flattened strings myself. The format is very similar for icons in the XML file!
  13. My first thought about USB is always the cable and the USB port. I would exchange both once.
  14. I'll wait this time! Haha 😎
  15. It would be a communication practice to publish the problem. Just turning off the link is a bit too easy!
  16. I got the same error as you (error unable to open resource files). I did the installation as an upgrade over the existing installation. After that the licensing and LabVIEW didn't work anymore! I then switched to a previous snapshot in my VM and could continue working.
  17. I shot my installation too! Be sure to create a backup or test it in a VM! => Really NI?! :-(
  18. You can check this message to solve your problems.... https://forums.ni.com/t5/Actor-Framework-Discussions/Debugging-Actors/m-p/3445827#58984
  19. Please have a look at Datasockets. They can communicate with OPC Servers. => See examples: Datasocket
  20. Thanks for your quick response. I will try and report later....!
  21. Hi flarn2006 I always receive an error when executing this very interresting tool. The Message look like that (Calling : Error 53 occured at Invoke Node in Save VI with XML Heaps.vi possible reason: Labview: Manager call not supported Method Name: Call Internal Command Enabled: LVdebugKeys=true and changed the Settings in the NED Menu.
  22. What about using the Inline functionality? Claude Darin2_jcm.vi
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