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Everything posted by crelf

  1. FWIW: I work in regulated industries for about 80% of my job - and LOVE it! Oh dear.
  2. Sounds like this should go the Idea Exchange!
  3. Maybe that's the case - maybe not. My guess is that no one uses it internally at NI, and that you've tried to use it will jog their memory to include it in a subsequent release.
  4. Congratulations to our @lavag members and their great contributions to science through @labview http://t.co/PrPJbW2t

  5. Sorry to tell you this, but the 6501 doesn't have definable start up states. You could use an inverter, rewire your relays to operate oppositely, or replace the 6501 with an M-Series WSB DAQ device that does support definable start up states.
  6. Do you want them to be in one quick-disconnect? If so, what other signals do you want in there too? How many are going to be in your cable assembly? I'm confused about you saying you're connecting to bare wires to test a cable assembly: shouldn't you just connect to mating cable assembly connectors? Or does the assembly have flying leads?
  7. What kind of food can you expect at @NIWeek ? Watch the video to find out: http://t.co/ZDyCC0TD

  8. Win a flight around Austin during #NIWeek - Come to the LAVA/OpenG BBQ for FABULOUS PRIZES!!! http://t.co/Knf1Y1pb @NIWeek @labview @PXI

  9. New LAVA Code Repository release: #LabvIEW Speak Basic - download & discuss: http://t.co/6UkTLNbF

  10. Not at all - I just cringe when I see obvious engineering talent wasted on marketing
  11. I know, right?! That's the most awesome prize we've ever had - AND EVERYONE GETS ONE!
  12. Whilst I applaud the coolness of this effort, if I was an engineer on this project I can't imagine feeling particularly satisfied that I'd used my talents in a worthwhile way to make the world a better place.
  13. You don't need to know what they are - just trust that they work.
  14. Just in case you don't know, there'll be fabulous door prizes at the BBQ too! All prizes are donated by your super-awesome fellow LAVA members, so check them out here (also, feel free to offer up a prize of your own - hint, hint) Ha! No, AQ and I get along just great - especially after a few beers and some 80s music Be sure to attend the conference party to witness this.
  15. The handsome, wonderful, smart, humble and handsome administrators and moderators at LabVIEW Advanced Virtual Architects (LAVA) will be giving the first 100 BBQ attendees a free Asynchronous Avatar Advertisers Bumper Sticker! Show your pride in being an essential part of the World's Largest Independant LabVIEW Community! Make fun of colleagues that couldn't make it to NIWeek! Stick it up on your wall! Stick it up on your car! Stick it up on the outside of your laptop! Stick it up on your office door! In fact, you can stick it up wherever you like! Find this prize, and other LAVA awesomeness in the LAVAStore.
  16. Our built-in search engine only indexes terms of four or more letters. That said, you could always point them to this very convenient link: http://lavag.org/bbq All of 'em! (or, at least they *should* be!) What she said. Thanks - we'd all appreciate that. It was pretty embarassing last year when you arrived with no shorts.
  17. Want #labVIEW for less than $50 and get a bonus Arduino? Check this out: http://t.co/qZO3ntnl

  18. Cool download from MikaelH: Execution timing probe - How do you Measure #LabVIEW execution times? Download & discuss: http://t.co/911w0lSJ

  19. Strongly agree - I use these when I find the NI installer lacking, or need to bundle several NI and nonNI installers together. Inno Setup is super powerful, and free (although I strongly suggest you make a donation if you find it useful to support continued development a support of future installer/OS versions).
  20. The lack of Native Support for Dynamic Palettes: one of the great barriers to more intuitive reuse in #labview: http://t.co/HLjKdEJw

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