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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. This is the same solution I have come to as well. The problem however with exposing a reference to the end user is that this breaks encapsulation rules. There is the potential of messing around with elements that you want protected. I don't have a problem with re-creating certain properties. If only we could group related properties and use nesting then it would be one step closer. As it stands, you end up with a super long property list.
  2. I agree! I have only been exposed to XControls for a short time. I consider myself a newbie rgarding XControl, however I have already come across the need for this. I sure hope NI is working on this for an upcomming release.
  3. I'll clarify my question a bit more since your answer is not what I was looking for. If you open up the one and only Xcontrol example which ships with LabVIEW, you will see a custom property called: Fahrenheit Mode? Notice that it does not have any Context Help. How do we add help to this specific property? Now, you can add as many custom properties or methods as you desire. However, you can't add them in a nested fashion I hope this clarifies what I'm after.
  4. I wanted to know if it's possible to create nested properties with XControls. See the built-in boolean properties as an example. Also, how do we create custom help so that when someone hovers over the custom XControl property node you can see help in the floating help window?
  5. Well, there's another way to detect a change. You can detect the column width size before and after and compare the two.
  6. This is easily fixed if you remove the checking in the mouse up case to see if it's in the column. Don't need this check anyway.
  7. Wow jimi, thanks! The VI you posted works great! The trick is the mouse down+up combination.
  8. Using LV8.2. I'm working on an Xcontrol that contains a multi-column listbox (MCL). I wanted to do certain things from inside the Xcontrol based on if a column was resized by the end user. One snag is that there are no events for this on MCL. I tried putting the code inside the timeout event case in the xcontrol but this case only executes under certain conditions. In other words it's not always called. One solution I was thinking was to spawn a parallel process VI (from within the Xcontrol) to monitor this continuously. Any other suggestions?
  9. I opened up the Read Write Class Data To File.lvproj Example and did some experimenting. It appears to work well. I assume the magic is in the datalog read function.
  10. Actually, the S in TDMS stands for "Streaming". So I assume it should be optimized for speed, however we shouldn't assume anything. With version 8.0 and previous, the format was called TDM. It was changed and enhanced in 8.2 and is now called TDMS. I would be curious to see some benchmarks.
  11. Actually, this feature was always there even in older LV versions. The lowest VI in the hierarchy causing the break went to the top of the list. NI broke it in 8.0 and then fixed it in 8.2. I think they added listbox icons in 8.2 as well.
  12. Thanks for the link. I find it curious that people still like to see fake LED displays. I mean it's neat, but that's about it.
  13. And NI is? Are you implying that LAbVIEW is Open?
  14. The behavior was changed in 8.x.x I TOTALLY agree with you. This behavior SUCKS. I have beaten my head for hours trying to find workarounds. Even tried using window transparency, but no luck.
  15. Sounds like an update with a resizable window is in order.
  16. I am not ruling out banner ads. In fact, I have been experimenting with this to see how it can fit into LAVA. I am considering banner ads for normal members and hiding them for Premium Members.
  17. PayPal is the payment processor for LAVA however you don't HAVE to have a Paypal membership. At the bottom of the PayPal processing page it gives you the option to use a credit card of your choice. I'm not sure if this is available in all countries.Premium membership is a way to get some additional features, indicate your support to the community and give the contribution a name so accounting can reimburse you. If, after getting a membership, you feel that you want to contribute more, click on the donate button and enter the amount of your choice. My goal for next year is to get enough funding to support a dedicated server. This will provide more bandwidth and eliminate the downtime that occurs about once a week (server reboot fixes this right now).
  18. Can you describe it? I don't mean the shape and color.
  19. Well, if it's warmer weather you desire then perhaps JKI is for you.
  20. It seems like almost yesterday when I was the only person answering questions. I think LAVA is progressing well and I hope that more members surpass me in the number of posts...
  21. Oh, OK. So I guess I should just send an email to NI and ask for a Licence? Great, I'll do that. Gee, I didn't think it would be so easy.
  22. Ok, let's start the rumour mill... What @#$%& scripting licence?
  23. AutoMessageRouting.zip CRELF Hey guys and gals. This thread is the beginning of a potentially long thread. Here, whenever the need arises, I will select a LAVA member who I feel has been a significant contributor and or helper. I think it's fitting to start this thread by spotlighting a member who has helped me quit a bit over the last few months: crelf. Chris has helped a lot in supporting the code repository by reviewing code submissions. He has also posted an astounding number of posts. I think he will surpass me as the number one poster pretty soon. Keep up the good work!!
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