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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Oh ya? Well how about if I block all IE users from accessing LAVA. How about that? Is that reason enough?
  2. I guess it serves me right by hanging out with the wrong crowd eh?
  3. Along the same line... why not just shutdown LAVA and let's all go over to the NI forums. It's just a tool right? poke poke, prod prod...
  4. No I wouldn't. As any colonial citizen knows, you only bring out the photos when she visits (your home or workplace). Then it's back in the trunk. . Let me guess, you line up at the airport next to the little 80 year old granny's waving your flag? Give me a break!
  5. Just to add more fuel to the fire... Firefox 2 Released Download it here.
  6. Clear your browser cache (shift+reload for ff).
  7. I've updated searchview.net with some more information to guide people to the right place. Hopefully this will reduce the confusion.
  8. Why not develop your code on your very own LabVIEW workstation. The Labview Series Collection
  9. I apologize for this technical issue. I am aware of this. Currently, when you submit a file, it creates a page that is ONLY visible by the CR reviewers. Once your submission is approved, it will then be visible to yourself and everyone. Then, you can click on the "edit" link to update the file, no need to start again. This issue is already noted and is going to be addressed in a future release of the LAVA CR. For now... I will go ahead and approve your old submission, however you MUST go and update it with the new file. Look here at the bottom for instructions on how to update an exisitng file: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=3470 So now if you go here you should be able to edit your file and replace it with a new one. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?automodu...amp;showfile=48
  10. Why does this NOT excite me? Oh... I know why. Because Firefox was there first! Internet Explorer 7 Released.
  11. I disagree. I continue using ini's and still will well into the future. XML is great but it's not very human readable.
  12. That moon pumkin rocks! Never seen anything like that before.
  13. Check out these pumpkin computers... http://www3.uark.edu/bkst/pumpkin/
  14. OK, I'll start it off with my masterpiece.
  15. Ya, the moment I read that one I thought of this thread. You beat me to it.
  16. Someone from NI circa 2000 vs. now.
  17. That's funny... My Dream App. I already have mine. It's called LabVIEW! :thumbup:
  18. One thing I noticed was that one of your dialog boxes had text in German. It's fed by a constant on the diagram.
  19. This is a nice tool. It will help the LAVA members edit their VI's before submission to the Code Repository! Hey, we're dogfooding . Some issues and suggestions: When I click load directory, the second time, it doesn't remember my previous folder I navigated too. It would be nice if it took me to where I was before. During navigation of the tree I got a pop-up error. I forgot to get a screen capture. The message said something about not being able to find the file: VI Path: \\windy1\wsw\LabVIEW\SW\Projekte\DIVERSES\ICON-Editor\SERVER-ICON-Editor.vi During text entry, there is no limit of the body fields. This causes the Icon to compress when too much text is entered. I recommend an autocalculation and a text entry hardstop if too long. When editing thr VI description, it would be nice to be able to resize the window. When editing thr VI description, it would be nice to have a button that when you select a group of text you click a button "Bold" and it would wrap the text in <B></B> tags automatically. The Reload old Icon does not work if you edit the icon, save it then doubleclick the VI to open it. You cannot reload old icon anymore. It's gone? It would be nice to have the ability to apply the colorset to a group of VI's at once. That's it for now. Keep up the excellent work!
  20. Knowledge base is for material that is in mostly text and tutorial oriented. It could also be white paper type material. The code attached in the knowledge base is there to supplant the article.Example code goes in the code repository. There is already a scripting category here. The nice thing about knowledge base articles is that a single document can live and breath by many contributors. It's better than a forum thread because it evolves as one continuous stream of data-flow consciousness. . So all it takes is for someone to start an article and then others can augment it. It's like wiki because there is revision control of the article. If someone screws up I can go back to a previous revision. Here is the single place for VI Scripting examples... Please upload your code there. For now, please prefix the submission name with the word: "Example - " Articles and write-up, how to's, should go in the knowledge base. I have added links to both KB and CR at the top of the VI scripting forum here. Hey, look out, I'm facilitating ova eea..! I think we have some very talented people here who are interested in being a part of something cool. Go with the flow. I think we should submit things individually for now. It makes it easier to reference specific examples with a link and is easier to search. The more resolution the better. I agree. Also, to wrap up my input into this. In all instances, If you are just submitting code to LAVA to show people what you've done or just want others to use your stuff, I strongly recommend putting it in the code repository. Code submission within discussion threads should be limited to situations where you want to demonstrate a point, show your problem, bug reports etc. If you just want to submit code, please use the Code Repository. Every entry in the code repository Automatically gets a forum thread assigned to it anyway, so discussions on the code can continue there. Please make sure you follow the guidelines for submission, we like clean documented code here. This isn't the LabVIEW Zone you know...
  21. I agree, you can customize the status message text on the fly so even if the dialog doesn't do it for you can format the string and feed it in. I prefer that the dialog does a lot of the work for you. Thanks for the code. I'll make sure to incorporate it into the next release. I'm planning a lot more features for this code in the future. I just wanted to get the initial version out and get feedback. I'm planning on making it more customizable so you can make it look more to your liking. I'm planning on adding a configuration action where you would pass a cluster of parameters that would setup behaviour on start-up.
  22. It's a pleasure to see a LAVA member comming forth and contributing tutorial\example type material. Hmm, perhaps we should open up a Scripting category in the Code Repository... :thumbup: . This code Should go there under an "examples" subcategory.
  23. Nice idea. I guess time remaining has to be an estimate based on how long it took to execute a certain amount of work? Also a built in tally of time elapsed would be nice.
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