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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. What are these 2 files? Your own custom files or part of LabVIEW run-time?
  2. Is your laptop connected to the same internet service provider your desktop is?
  3. RT @ALE_TNS: How to Get a Real Education http://on.wsj.com/eT2NKL (Scott Adams - Dilbert)

  4. The issue has been resolved. Please try uploading your code again.
  5. Fantastic Four - The 1994 Roger Corman Unreleased Live-Action Feature Film! http://bit.ly/dHCZi7

  6. Thanks for letting us know. Will look into it.
  7. Really? Did you open up the code? UI Plugin Framework Solution.zip UI Framework (PC-QSM).zip They are also referenced here: http://decibel.ni.co.../docs/DOC-12645 I don't think it's an exact match to your proposed solution but it has the right elements.
  8. See here: http://decibel.ni.co.../docs/DOC-15014 Specifically look at the UI Framework code. I think it kinda does what you are asking. Each message is a child class. This presentation was given at the CLA summit this year. I am very interested in this design pattern as well.
  9. I'm glad it all worked out.
  10. Is anyone else having issues accessing LAVA?
  11. Please try now. It's fixed. There was a glitch due to the recent server upgrade.
  12. I think this is what it's suppose to do since you are using a chart? You are updating the chart from inside the loop with new data. Once the chart buffer is full it will sweep from the beginning again. What is the update mode? Switch it to strip chart and see if that helps.
  13. What version of LabVIEW did you upgrade your current LabVIEW application from? I assume it was working before (on the previous LV version) and now it's not working? How are you testing this on older LV versions? Are you down-saving the VIs? When you say the DLL returns all the correct info. How is that possible if it cannot communicate with the hardware? What is returned?
  14. This issue is now resolved.
  15. A visual compendium of notable haircuts in popular music: http://bit.ly/ff7ByO

  16. Hey folks... Sorry about the delay in responding. Looks like LAVA ran out of disk space... We're working on it.
  17. Just here pimpin' my idea: Make adding label wires super easy (Step 1: Select Wire, Step 2: Start Typing, Step 3: Profits!)
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