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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Join me live tomorrow. Presenting on #LabVIEW code reuse: http://bit.ly/b9tyBD

  2. I'm posting this reply from the Iphone App. Hey it works!
  3. A new feature on LAVA is Twitter and Facebook Integration. Watch a short video on how to enable this. This video has audio, so turn up the volume. Link to Video if embed below doesn't work. <object id="scPlayer" width="856" height="618"> <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/Twitter%20and%20Facebook%20Integration_controller.swf">'>http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/Twitter%20and%20Facebook%20Integration_controller.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/FirstFrame.png&containerwidth=856&containerheight=618&showstartscreen=false&showendscreen=false&loop=false&autostart=false&color=1A1A1A,1A1A1A&thumb=FirstFrame.png&thumbscale=45&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/Twitter%20and%20Facebook%20Integration.mp4"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <param name="scale" value="showall"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/">'>http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/"> <embed src="http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/Twitter%20and%20Facebook%20Integration_controller.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="856" height="618" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/FirstFrame.png&containerwidth=856&containerheight=618&showstartscreen=false&showendscreen=false&loop=false&autostart=false&color=1A1A1A,1A1A1A&thumb=FirstFrame.png&thumbscale=45&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/Twitter%20and%20Facebook%20Integration.mp4" allowfullscreen="true" base="http://content.screencast.com/users/Michael_Aivaliotis/folders/LAVA%20Tutorials/media/b306704e-2017-4560-8505-1c85f8592118/" scale="showall"> </object> In addition to allowing bidirectional data transfer between LAVA and Twitter\Facebook. You can also login to LAVA via your Twitter or Facebook login. As seen in the screenshot below:
  4. Am loving the new LAVA Site upgrade.

  5. Another neat feature is there is now an iPhone App that has been released to read and participate on the forums. However it only works with the newest forum version which we will be installing on Saturday.
  6. Well, the array contains a typedef cluster and the change is adding a new element to that cluster. Moving forward. What is the best practice in this case to support proper up-conversion? Should I disconnect all typedefs? Will that be enough, or should I convert them to objects? And if I switch to all objects, will the old clusters up-convert to objects properly?
  7. I'm not understanding this suggestion. Are you saying I should try resaving the data in I already did that and it didn't help. Even if this suggestion works, it doesn't help me at the moment. V1.0.0.1 of the class is already built into an executable and released to my customer. They've saved hundreds of records with that class data. The data exists and now I need to read it with my new executable that uses class v1.0.0.2. I found the following folder: vi.lib\utility\LVClass but nothing useful is in there.
  8. We'll be going through a major site upgrade this weekend. It will start Saturday night and should only last a few hours. It's a very exciting upgrade and will give the site some cool features. You can read about them here. One of the key improvements is search. We'll have to see how that works in practice but anything is better than what we have now I guess.
  9. I have some class data that was flattened and saved in class version I can open the data fine with my class of version It's a complicated cluster structure with many sub-clusters. One of the sub-clusters contains an array of cluster data. When I try to read the data and unflatten it with my class of version, I get all the data back correctly with the exception of that one sub-cluster. the array comes back as empty. The unflatten function doesn't return any errors. At this point i'm basically screwed. Any suggestions? I love the idea of automatic up-conversion but right now I'm burned badly.
  10. See here: http://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/labview-add-on-dev-center/blog/2010/06/03/accepting-submissions-for-niweek-2010-award-labview-add-on-of-the-year-deadline-july-9th
  11. We upgraded the site and this got changed. I'll try to get the author info back. You are correct that now only new topics are posted to the RSS. I'm trying this for a while. How do you like it? Isn't it better than getting the entire thread posted every time? No more RSS bombs.
  12. The old LAVA site used the Google Custom search embedded in the site. There are good things and bad things about it. It's unfortunate that the built in search sucks.
  13. This issue should be fixed now. Guests should be able to download previous versions now.
  14. I'll look into this. The intent is to be able to download stuff in CR whether you are logged in or not.
  15. I just got a notification from IPB (the makers of the LAVA site script engine) that there is a new version of The downloads script (Code Repository) currently in Beta. There are some new things in there. Here's an excerpt of their announcement which indicates the most usefull features in my opinion: Having multiple files is great. Now we can have files for various LabVIEW versions or even one zipped *.zip version and a packaged version *.vip.
  16. We've created a special Quick drop plugins category. And yours is the first in there.
  17. All. Let's keep this conversation civilized please. The Earth's been here for millions of years and it will still be here for millions more, even after we've become extinct. So at least, for the short amount of time we have, let's try to give each other some respect.
  18. I'm not a fan of substates or nested states. I've gone down that road many years ago and came to the conclusion that it's simply too hard to work with. It makes the code harder to trace and debug. I had a colleague that swore by that technique. I hated working on his code. If the code on the diagram is so complex that you need to break it down into nested states then I would consider using more subVIs instead. Makes the code easier to work with and debug.
  19. crelf, I don't think the crowd here on LAVA have the programming skills to write any interesting games in LabVIEW.
  20. Are you just trying to bait me? Hmm, I guess it worked.
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