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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE(alfa @ Mar 7 2007, 09:28 PM)

    The teenagers want music; they listen to music, they have theirs favorite songs, they want new songs, they want to change the songs, to compose others…

    The solution for them is a M-LabVIEW. A LabVIEW only for music, not expensive, with a controls palette only for music…

    I believe National Instruments will sell a huge number of M-LabVIEW programs.

    Call me Alpha, but I think this is the first time he has written something that sounds a bit normal... :blink: .
  2. QUOTE(TiT @ Mar 7 2007, 02:12 AM)

    Yes, I did German last weekend. I'm doing French this weekend. Hang in there...

    QUOTE(yen @ Mar 7 2007, 10:04 AM)

    BTW, Michael, I like the new button look. :thumbup:

    Thanks for noticing. I was just cleaning up some loose ends around the site and I didn't think it warranted an announcement but, ya!

  3. I love that we can spin a whole discussion out of "set to default".


    there's nothing wrong with defaults either - as long as you know what they are

    Well, again, that's my point. Do I have to check every front panel Item to prove to myself that it has the right value?


    User's right-lciking on FP items under and exe doesn't allow them to set a defualt for the next time the app is run, so I'm not sure what the problem is

    I wasn't referring to end users. I was referring to other programmers. They are more dangerous. End users should always be forgiven when it comes to software. It's programmers that know better, but decide deliberately to behave badly.


    Next you'll be telling me that the "use default" option on the output tunnel of a structure is bad form...

    I'm 50/50 on that one. One thing I like about it is that no-one can override what the default is by right-clicking on it or anything. The default is defined by LabVIEW and stays that way... until NI decides to "fix it".

  4. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Mar 7 2007, 10:25 AM)
    I think using ReInit to Default is completely the correct solution for a user interface component. ... As a UI component, it's very useful for a "reset to inital state", such as a Clear button for some output, or a Reset To Defaults button on an Options dialog.
    Ok, re-init to default. Putting the performance issues aside (which are also important), can you tell me what the "default" is? That's a pretty blind approach considering that anyone can right-click on the front panel and define their own "default". While writing apps for years, I've learned to always be explicit when setting values to avoid ambiguity and hair pulling.
  5. I've finally gotten around to updating the German language settings on LAVA. This means all the pages should show properly now without errors. :thumbup: . There are however some minor areas that are still in English. I've attached the PHP files that need translating. If any German speaking member wants to help out please reply to this post with your translated versions of the files. Basically, the format is for example:

    'keyword'	 => 'Translated Text',


    'mess_inbox'				   => "zum Posteingang",'mess_archive'				 => "Nachrichten archivieren",

    You just need to fill in the part: Translated Text

    I've also attached an already translated German file as an example. Please try not to touch the html formatting if any. Also, please use a good text editor like TEXTPAD, don't use notepad.

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