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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Ya, I believe this is an oversight on NI's part, however there is a workaround, albeit cludgy. You need to trap the menu Activation event. From there you can detect the state of the checkmark with the "Get Menu Item Info" menu primitive. Then you need to pass that state boolean via a shift register to the menu Selection event case. You don't even have to worry about initializing the shift register since the menu Activation event always fires before the menu Selection event case

  2. Sure, ";" is a valid char., however the help states:


    The pattern matching in this function is similar to the matching used in matching wildcards in Windows and Linux
    The Windows file dialogs accept ";" as a seperator. Also, The LV File dialog function accepts ";" as a delimiter for pattern input. This is used to filter the directory listing. From the help in the file dialog:


    To match multiple patterns, use a semicolon ( ; ) to separate the patterns. White space, such as blanks, tabs, and carriage returns, are taken literally. Avoid using white spaces unless they are part of the extension pattern. For example, if you use *.html;*.doc, the dialog box displays all files that end with .html and .doc. If you use *.html; *.doc, the dialog box displays only files that end with .html.

    So all i'm stating is that there is a descrepancy somewhere.

  3. Nobody cares but hey, this girl who goes by Lisa Nova on YouTube, had several funny videos up and now she's been cast on MadTV.

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmWIY_C7XUw"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmWIY_C7XUw"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmWIY_C7XUw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object><br><br>

    More of Lisa :http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=LisaNova

  4. QUOTE(AndyDm @ Feb 13 2007, 04:16 AM)

    ...but possible. Its not a very complicated. You can do following:

    1. Copy or rename your *.exe to *.llb

    2. Open this llb in any hex editor (I'm using Editor from FAR Manager - its good enough)

    3. Found signature RSRC (not .rsrc)

    4. Remove "header" from the start up to RSRC signature. LLB should be started from RSRC.

    5. Save you llb. Now you can do anything, for example, convert this llb to dir, replace some VIs and convert dir to llb back and so on.

    Of course, you haven't block diagrams, as result LLB can be opened only in the same version of LabVIEW which was used for exe creation.

    best regards,


    Nice one! I guess NI chose obfuscation?
  5. QUOTE(martin@aerodynamics @ Feb 11 2007, 11:08 AM)

    Not for me... :(

    But maybe I should change to a faster internet-connection at home...

    Still a 56k modem...

    Ya, I thought of upgrading all LAVA members to high speed internet but it's just not in the budget right now.
  6. I want to announce that LAVA and all affiliated domains are now hosted on a dedicated server. This changeover was just completed today. Previously, LAVA was hosted on a VPS (virtual server). The new server specs:

    CPU: Celeron 3.0Ghz

    Memory: 1GB

    HD: 80GB

    Ethernet port: 100Mbps

    In addition to a server change, I switched to a different, more reliable, hosting company. The bottom line is we will all experience a much faster LAVA and a more reliable one. All of this is part of a continuous effort and commitment by me to provide you, the community member with the best experience possible.

    I want to take this opportunity to thank the continuous support of the community via donations and subscriptions. I'm also very excited by the in-depth discussions and threads that appear on the forums on a daily basis by all members. All of this gets me excited to keep supporting LAVA and the recent server upgrade is an example of this.

    PS: If you notice anything broken here on LAVA, please let me know via the support forum. It's possible that this happened during the transfer.

  7. This is a difficult move for NI to make. It's also a marketing issue. The only way to justify a $995 price point would be to cripple the existing Teststand somehow in order to lower the price. Then you would have two levels, but what do you take out? I've used Teststand and I must say, I don't think I could live without most of the features. Also, I don't think NI will invest R&D just to develop a secondary product which competes against the flagship Teststand. The only option is for someone else to move forward on something. That however requires too much organization with too many players. I'm afraid that from what I've seen, the existing LabVIEW open source community cannot support that type of endeavor.

  8. Is there any way to turn off the "feature" of a Multicolumn List Box (MCL) where a tip strip pops up with the full text contents of the cell? It becomes annoying when it pops-up just as you are trying to navigate to the column seperator to resize the column. I feel like smashing my head throught the screen when that happens. :headbang:



  9. This won't work, you can't place an XControl inside an array....
    Well that sucks!

    You can, however, place them inside a cluster. With some programmatic trickery, you can position them automatically and you can get an array of references where you can set properties (color, etc) to a specific element. Cluster to array and array to cluster primitives help here. i think this type of thing was also on the CLA test. :)

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