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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Feb 26 2007, 07:23 AM)
    I'm preparing a new version with Adam's suggestions for the Code Repository. But I'm reading the CR requisites and seem daunting :o . I'll try to adapt the code, though.
    I'm curious, which specific requirement is daunting? We're just asking for the basics really. Nothing you shouldn't already be doing in your code. ;)
  2. QUOTE(jed @ Feb 23 2007, 04:16 PM)
    Are there additional RSS feeds for specific forums? The "All of LAVA" feature is nice, but I prefer to have multiple specific feeds.
    I could add this. I'd like to get some feedback from others. Is this a feature I should look into?
  3. I've created an xnodes category in the code repository. Please post this code there.

    Also, please post the xnodes presentation there.

    Thanks for the hint on the 2Mb limit, I've increased it to 10Mb.

    Don't want to be all administrative and stuff but I might just end up shutting down threads in the future that would rather be initiated via the code repository.

  4. Well, it appears to be a LabVIEW bug. I would report this to NI.

    When the VI is idle and you popup on it to use a generic probe the probe reference bubble is greyed out. I DID however manage to use a custom probe. That works fine.

    Typedefs or NOT, this is not normal. Typedefs can be probed. The image of the grey bubble was after I disconnected typdefs so this wasn't an issue in my test.

    Here is a LV 8.2 version which has this problem too.

    Download File:post-2-1172175648.vi

  5. QUOTE(eaolson @ Feb 22 2007, 10:47 AM)
    He's talking about collecting 16 channels of data at 1kHz for 200 hrs. By my quick calculation, that would be an 87 GB data file. I'm sure that's not impossible, but it probably opens up entirely new avenues of challenges. Does TDMS perform any compression on the data it streams to disk?
    That's not exactly what I meant. The OP does not specify what the sampling rate is for the 200hrs btw. In any case, you would continue to save data at the slow rate to file A, however you would also have a file B that would always contain the last 5 mins of data at the high speed rate. Basically creating a buffer on disk. Appending to a file is faster than you might think (OS disk caching is pretty smart and writes in chunks anyway). Also, there is the chance that the application will hang or even crash when you try to save a large file of data from memory at the end. You might even run out of physical memory and the OS will resort to swapping which has it's own slowdown problems.
  6. Typically, when doing streaming to disk, you want to append the data to a file as you collect inside the loop, not after the collection. This means you don't have to build up a large array. That's my opinion. Write everything to disk all the time and after the test is over extract the last 5 mins you want. Also, why are you assuming 16 nodes of data collection? Normally you can sweep all 16 channels with one daq node. Have you considered TDMS files? They are optimized for high speed disk streaming (NI claims). Anyway, just my 2 cents worth. In the end you're the one who has to get it working...

  7. Nice work.

    QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Feb 22 2007, 06:18 AM)

    BTW: Keep in mind this is just a proof of concept. Is not perfectly done (for example, if you save and reload a VI with these XControls, the polymorphism will be lost since is included in the init ability).



    Init Ability always runs when XControl instance is loaded. The problem is you put your code in the frame. You need to put it in the default frame. Delete the frame altogether.
  8. QUOTE(TiT @ Feb 21 2007, 11:37 PM)

    It does, but only for OpenG packages, if I have some custom packages added VIPM will not deal with then ;)
    I'm not exactly sure how the OpenG packages create the palette items. I haven't gotten involved in that aspect of it. Perhaps Jim can shed some light.

    However, I know for a fact that VIPM does not do anything special with OpenG packages compared to any other package you may install (besides the internet connection of course). So my point is if you add the menu creation in your package, VIPM will gladly set it up for you :) . Perhaps that is the real problem that should be addressed.

  9. QUOTE(TiT @ Feb 21 2007, 01:39 PM)
    This would be a very nice new feature for the VIPM, on the old computer, save an archive file that contains the packages, subpalettes desciption and so on and then install labview and VIPM on the brand new computer, load that archive file and VIPM does everything to reconfigure the tool and function palettes. That would be so lovely !!
    Well, VIPM does some of that to an extent. Once you install all of your packages to the new computer via VIPM, you will also get the palletes setup for that package. This is part of the standard package installation process. Of course it doesn't handle customized palette sets or INI settings... yet. ;)
  10. QUOTE(yen @ Feb 21 2007, 10:00 AM)

    Well, I have to admit that is the best version of the song I've heard, but that one is far from being my favorite, even from the first album, where you have Down to the waterline, Lions and of course Sultans of swing.

    Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing '78 (live)

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCP10oa3Slg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCP10oa3Slg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

  11. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-N9RrxLDG4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-N9RrxLDG4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Amazing guitar work. One of my favorite groups. :wub: I grew up on Dire Straits.

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