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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. This is a nice tool. It will help the LAVA members edit their VI's before submission to the Code Repository! Hey, we're dogfooding :o .

    Some issues and suggestions:

    • When I click load directory, the second time, it doesn't remember my previous folder I navigated too. It would be nice if it took me to where I was before.
    • During navigation of the tree I got a pop-up error. I forgot to get a screen capture. The message said something about not being able to find the file: VI Path: \\windy1\wsw\LabVIEW\SW\Projekte\DIVERSES\ICON-Editor\SERVER-ICON-Editor.vi
    • During text entry, there is no limit of the body fields. This causes the Icon to compress when too much text is entered. I recommend an autocalculation and a text entry hardstop if too long.


    • When editing thr VI description, it would be nice to be able to resize the window.
    • When editing thr VI description, it would be nice to have a button that when you select a group of text you click a button "Bold" and it would wrap the text in <B></B> tags automatically.
    • The Reload old Icon does not work if you edit the icon, save it then doubleclick the VI to open it. You cannot reload old icon anymore. It's gone?
    • It would be nice to have the ability to apply the colorset to a group of VI's at once.

    That's it for now. Keep up the excellent work!

  2. I thought this would be better for the Knowledge Base?
    Knowledge base is for material that is in mostly text and tutorial oriented. It could also be white paper type material. The code attached in the knowledge base is there to supplant the article.

    Example code goes in the code repository.

    Yep - I'd love to see a bunch of KBs on scripting and, for several reasons, LAVA's the perfect place!
    There is already a scripting category here. The nice thing about knowledge base articles is that a single document can live and breath by many contributors. It's better than a forum thread because it evolves as one continuous stream of data-flow consciousness. :P . So all it takes is for someone to start an article and then others can augment it. It's like wiki because there is revision control of the article. If someone screws up I can go back to a previous revision.
    I'd like to make more examples, and posting them to a single place would be helpful in the future when we want to point someone to a complete concise example of how to get started with scripting. I know the code repository has methods to source code control. What about the knowledge base?
    Here is the single place for VI Scripting examples...

    Please upload your code there. For now, please prefix the submission name with the word: "Example - " Articles and write-up, how to's, should go in the knowledge base. I have added links to both KB and CR at the top of the VI scripting forum here.

    Hey, look out, I'm facilitating ova eea..! :lightbulb:

    Then again, I'm not sure how much work we want to put into this, I'd be pretty surprised if NI doesn't already have this in-house. Be a bummer to put in all the work and then have NI release it. Then again, NI might not release ...

    What do the rest of you think?

    I think we have some very talented people here who are interested in being a part of something cool. Go with the flow.
    Thanks for the addition, I'd like to add it to my VI's, but I need them saved as LV 7.0. I'm doing this work on a machine that only has LV 7 installed. I'll add them to my post and zip everything up to make it easier to download.
    I think we should submit things individually for now. It makes it easier to reference specific examples with a link and is easier to search. The more resolution the better.
    I'm thinking that a code repository entry is needed with entries in the knowledge base referencing these examples for discussion.
    I agree. Also, to wrap up my input into this. In all instances, If you are just submitting code to LAVA to show people what you've done or just want others to use your stuff, I strongly recommend putting it in the code repository. Code submission within discussion threads should be limited to situations where you want to demonstrate a point, show your problem, bug reports etc. If you just want to submit code, please use the Code Repository. Every entry in the code repository Automatically gets a forum thread assigned to it anyway, so discussions on the code can continue there. Please make sure you follow the guidelines for submission, we like clean documented code here. This isn't the LabVIEW Zone you know... ;)
  3. Do you mean "Show you the Code"?

    OK I must correct myself, after looking to "digg" the code up, and it has been a while since I seen the code, I think 2004. I had the right idea, but it seems there is minor discrepancy, as that there is no "dt" input, but since the Dialog can change its "Text Message" while showing the progress, I Run the SubVI ("GetRemainingTime.vi") inside the loop and change the "TEXT" on the Dialog. I guess I can move the "GetRemainingTime.vi" inside the Dialog since ALL the inputs for it is available inside the Dialog VI. But as you asked here is the VI.

    I agree, you can customize the status message text on the fly so even if the dialog doesn't do it for you can format the string and feed it in. I prefer that the dialog does a lot of the work for you. Thanks for the code. I'll make sure to incorporate it into the next release. I'm planning a lot more features for this code in the future. I just wanted to get the initial version out and get feedback. I'm planning on making it more customizable so you can make it look more to your liking. I'm planning on adding a configuration action where you would pass a cluster of parameters that would setup behaviour on start-up.
  4. Thanks David, I was hoping someone would get something out of this VI (now these VIs). It took me a couple of nights to get them right, and understand what was going on, so I thought I would document everything thus far, just to make it easier to pick it up, if I have to lay it down for a while.
    It's a pleasure to see a LAVA member comming forth and contributing tutorial\example type material. Hmm, perhaps we should open up a Scripting category in the Code Repository... :thumbup: . This code Should go there under an "examples" subcategory.
  5. Gary,

    if you have opened the right palette, click on the 'up' arrow and hold the mouse down. This will show a drop down menu with the path of the palette:



    It took you 1000 posts to learn this? Maybe you are just too quick with the mouse?
    Jesus guys, so tell me, what in the GUI gives you the slightest hint that holding down the mouse would give you this menu. A clever UI trick but not very usefull if only a handfull of people find it.
  6. Hmmm, maybe it is just my computer, but the embedded player above would not play, but the link below to Google Video worked fine. Funny vid.
    I just fixed it. The URL to the video was not complete so the player was not working. Probably a copy paste mistake...
  7. Hi again Gary,

    I can save as far back as 7.0 using "Save for previous..." under 7.1.1. I'm attaching all three versions of the 1.0.0 release to this message.

    Admin Note: For the next release, perhaps you can include the older labview versions in the zip file. Another option is to develop in LV7.0 or 7.1 and release it in that version only. People can then upconvert. Just some suggestions to streamline the process.
  8. How are you sending the application to the system tray? .NET or API? I've used the InvTray toolkit to minimize to the system tray without any problems. Maybe its problem has something to do with minimizing to system tray thats causing the problem.
    I was using .NET once to do a tray icon. For some reason it was crashing. I discovered that it was an issue with an ActiveX call I was making while the app was minimized. It turns out that the issue was related to the front panel not having the focus. This only applies if you are using .NET to do the system tray icon.
  9. Who the %#!! is Bob Saget???

    In order to see the humor in this video, you really need to watch a few episodes of Full House. Be warned! After watching the show you will get the urge to jump off a high building. :P Full House is also where the Olsen Twins got their big break.

    Bob Saget went on to host America's Funniest Videos. I actually liked watching people getting bashed in their private parts by baseball bats. The only problem with the show was Bob Saget. If only he kept his mouth shut it would have been fine. In fact, I still don't know why they even need a host for that show. Just give us the videos back to back... Why do you even need an audience?

  10. I am now in ver 8.01, so please make sure any examples are in that version.
    You should update your profile to reflect that.
    The customer liked the color changing needle and "target" area so much that he now wants the entire dial face to change color.
    Here is my solution. The problem is that you have the guages overlapping so that when one is colored, it overlaps the other. The solution is to create a round boolean and use THAT as the background. Then program the color of it as required. The guages should be transparent always in this case.

    The code is in LV801

    Download File:post-2-1161577508.vi

  11. I figure I'm probably missing something trivial, but does "show buffer allocations" still work in 8.20?


    Yep - it was something trivial - you need to run the VI to have the buffer allocations show :)

    I would say that this is a usability issue. NI should handle this with a message or a description\note on the dialog explaining that you must run the VI or save it first. We're suppose to know this magically somehow? :nono:
  12. You can already give the community many gifts here. Show us what you've got.

    As far as coding challenges, I'm up for the more challenging ones that push the envelope and the limits of LabVIEW. Bit twidling and the like is pretty boring, if you ask me. You should also throw in a little VI scripting while you're at it. For example, why not have a challenge that asks you to come up with a text representation of a VI? Then you create a tool to read-in that file and generate the VI for you. Now that's a challenge! This is LAVA after all... :shifty:

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