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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Well, I think the interesting part is to see how believable this is. I'm surprised that many of you would think that I would agree to something that let's NI shutdown some of the most popular sections of the site. I thought that the biggest give-away that this was not real was this line here: "Also any postings regarding LabVIEW 8 and its deficiencies will also be deleted" C'mon, you really think any corporation would allow this to be publicly announced? I mean this screams "big brother". Perhaps I haven't made my views obvious enough. I mean this post here should say it all. Why would I make a post like that just two days before announcing the deal? Also, why would I announce it on a Saturday, not Monday? Perhaps it's believable because NI is known for corporate take-overs? That's not a very good image now is it?

    One thing that this April Fools joke has accomplished is to make us all aware, and especially me, of how powerful a force LAVA has become in the hearts and minds of all of you. I appreciate the sentiment and I'm sorry that this caused some grief. On the other hand, if you really feel that strong about keeping LAVA free and independent then you can help solidify our future by donating anything you can here or you can purchase a Premium Membership... LAVA is still running in the red.

  2. Dear LAVA Members,

    Lately, some of you have noticed more activity on the forums from National Instruments employees. This is no coincidence. The LAVA site in its current form will cease to function as of Midnight tonight. Starting tomorrow, LAVA will be under new management. National Instruments Corporation has offered to purchase all the LAVA content, logo and all associated rights. I have agreed to this offer. The offer currently cannot be disclosed but more information will be released in the coming weeks.

    In order to comply with the new purchasing agreement, LAVA has agreed to shutdown certain sections of the forums. Starting Monday, the VI Scripting forum will no longer be accessible and all the content purged from our system. Also any postings regarding LabVIEW 8 and its deficiencies will also be deleted. The xnodes.lavag.org sub domain will also be removed. It is regrettable to see this content go but sacrifices have to be made in an effort to keep the site running. In addition NI has agreed to take over the LAVA Buglist, Wish List and FAQ forums. These forums will be assimilated into the existing NI website.

    This is an exciting moment for LAVA I hope everyone will help support this transition.


  3. You Are Rowlf the Dog


    Mellow and serious, you enjoy time alone cultivating your talents.

    You're a cool dog, and you always present a relaxed vibe.

    A talented pianist, you can play almost anything - especially songs by Beethoven.

    "My bark is worse than my bite, and my piano playing beats 'em both."

    The Muppet Personality Test


    BTW, when asked what kind of code you want, select BBCODE.

  4. By the way - sorry if I seem like I am using the forums purely for research - - that is not the message I want to send across :)

    Feel free to scream at me if you feel it is warranted...

    We don't mind. However be warned, we speak our minds here and the undesirable posts are not removed by NI, so carefull about what hornet's nest you poke a stick at. :shifty:
  5. Use the Application Item Tags. In this case, you want to use APP_SEPARATOR.

    Download File:post-17-1143199460.vi

    Thanks Jim, I was actually doing this already but it wasn't working for me. It turns out that one of the menu functions was erroring out and thus not displaying the line. I was trying to perform a "disable" action on the line by accident. You can't do that to APP items.
  6. Dear All,

    This is Willy from AUS. Waving my hands towards you all. :D

    I recently have encountered a strange problem. I developed a user interface by Labview 7.0. Then I convert it to an executable file. When it was installed at our customer end, they found they cannot control the device properly. However, it works perfectly at my side. Then I finally figure out because their language setting is French instead of English. It makes me wonder if I can seek OS language setting information through Labview and display a pop-up window to remind our cusomter to change their language setting if it is not English before they launch our GUI software.

    Do you guys know how to achieve that?

    Thank you all indeed. :P

    Usually this language problem\instrument communication issue is solved by adding the following entry to you executable ini file:


  7. A neat idea (and maybe its already the case?) is if the <customize this text> descriptor was actually able to be customized by those that manage to obtain 500 post status. Maybe Jim's got something fun and creative he'd like to put there! A sorta reward for him being so active (and beneficial) on these forums.

    Congratz Jim,


    Yes, this is true. After 500 posts you can customize your "slogan" underneath your avatar. This is available from your control panel. Click on Profile Settings.
  8. OK, people let's get back on track. :P

    This is actually a nice feature request. I think it would be very usefull. :thumbup:

    Somehow to augment this would be the ability to add a comment which acts like a strict-type. For example, I am always wanting to add comments next to enums to list descriptions documentation about what each enum element does and how it ties-in to other processes in the application. If you use an enum for messaging commands then a small description list of each command next to the enum is very helpfull. It would be nice to copy this comment to the recipient VI that handles\parses the command enum. If later you decide to add a command\enum element then you edit the comment in one place and then all other copies of the comment would get updated.

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