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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Michael,

    Have you tried updating a version 7.1 VI that contained this diagram reference to see if it makes it through the update intact?

    Yes, it appears to make it through intact. Interesting however, LV doesn't color it light blue. This would lead me to believe that there is a mask in place. Well, I know PJM_LabVIEW has built a tool here that pulls everything out. Let me try that...

    Ho hum...

    Oops, LV8 throws an insane object error!! :ninja:

  2. Hey,

    I was browsing around to see what new scripting stuff is in LV8.0 (the old ini keys seem to work) :thumbup: . I couldn't find the diagram reference property. Has it been moved... or removed? :(

    Also, I noticed a nice feature. All the private methods and properties are now light blue in color. This will be nice for quick recognition of scripting stuff in your code.


  3. Problem solved! (sort of)

    Loaded VISA on the slave computer and now it works.

    This prompts the question, Why doesn't the installer bundle up VISA?

    I guess we made the classic blunder of debugging 101: is it plugged in?

    Of course GPIB will not work without VISA. I guess you take certain things for granted after a few years.

    Thanks Rolf. I wouldn't think that you would need the entire bulky 488 and VISA packages on a computer that you are not doing any development with. I know that with CVI, the standalone executables are pretty skinny and they include all of the support modules required to run. I don't understand why NI cant do the same with LabView.

    CVI includes all support modules? Even the entire VISA install? I haven't built an executable with CVI, if you have, then you probably know better.

    There is one simple workaround... don't use VISA. Use the basic GPIB functions. I've been using them on and off for over 10 years now without any headaches. Of course there are good use cases and arguments for using VISA. However, none of those arguments justify their usage in the applications I have written.

  4. The important thing to note: The front panel of Tmp_Called.vi MUST be opened before it can register for events. So the panel must be opened and then the Vi must be run. Also why not send a TRUE event to BooEve? How can you tell if it's working if you are sending a FALSE?

  5. Hmm, If you look into you 6.1 Installation CD, you will see a folder called LVAppBuilder. Have you tried running the LVAppBuilder.msi that's inside that folder? I can't see why you would get this issue if you just run that installer.

    Another option is to run the installer on another machine and then copy the App Builder files into the machine that needs the app builder. I don't think registry keys are necessary for App builder to run.

  6. Well Folks,

    Guess what, the seamless activation NI promissed us with this new Activation theme is not working that well for us! !@#!@#!@


    We could not activate LV8.0 with our Software Lease....


    Ok, Last Update: After Trying On and Off for over 2 hours, it enventually worked. So may be we were trying to soon ?


    It worked fine for me on the first try. I guess you already primed it for me huh? :thumbup:

    I guess the drivers portion is not included with the download eh? It prompted me for it. BUT, this time, the installer doesn't abort the installation if the driver CD is missing. Unlike 7.1 which uninstalled everything if you didn't have the driver CD.

  7. Thanks. I am only using three devices besides the USB-GPIB interface. In my program, they are addressed as GPIB0::16, GPIB0::18, and GPIB0::19 in the VISA constant.

    Is there a way for you to verify that the VISA constant is populated with the values you assume are there in an EXE? I would make that contant a control and bring it up to the GUI. Build an EXE with it like this and then you know %100 that the VISA control has this populated properly.

  8. I like your avatar. What did they call those things? curiously large rodents? Don't remember but it was funny. One of my many favorite movies.

    Getting to the LLB stuff now. I would say ditch them... However it seems like your employer is stuck in the stone ages for some reason. I'm curious, do they use source code control? I bet not. Otherwise they would not be using LLB's. How can you do source code control on individual files when they're wrapped in an LLB.

    Don't forget the dangers of LLB corruption! This is the biggest gotcha in LLB's. When VI's are saved into LLB's the file must be kept open and if there is a glitch during the save, the entire LLB is toast. There go all your VI's. NI support can fix this but who needs the hassle?

    He's not dead, just mostly dead... :P
  9. Maybe some of you have ran into this and know of a fix, because I am :headbang:

    I am trying to figure out how to use datasocket without having the EXE wait ten seconds before it closes. For an easy test vi I just put a control on the front panel and set it up for datasocket in the control properties (subscribe, local system). If I run the vi and exit from LabVIEW, it takes LabVIEW about ten seconds to close (same with an EXE). I have tried setting the default setting for the datasocket as disabled and then enabling it in the vi and then disabling it before I exit. Same ten seconds. I even tried just opening a datasocket up and then closing it (datasocket primitives) with the same issue.

    I am using 7.1.1 right now so I can't use the Shared Variables, plus I am needing to communicate with applications in LV 5.1.1 so that wouldn't work anyway. I could add some TCP-IP drivers to accomphish the data transfer, but I wanted to see if there is an easy solution before I started down that path.

    Thanks for any input.

    Have you tried running the close datasocket server VI?


  10. And let me guess, you liked it mainly because of Burtie boy's "surprisingly good performance" and not at all because of, oh, let's say, things like the topic or like Heather Graham's "scenes", right?

    Did your wife like it as much? :nono:

    No, I didn't like it for Burt Reynolds. I liked it as a movie in general. Yes the sex scenes were enjoyable, but the rest of the movie was great too. As far as my wife, actually her favorite part was the final scene. Her eyes were bulging :blink: while I was looking down trying to figure out what was wrong with me... :unsure: hehe...
  11. I have some VIs you can use to get you started. I also have a manual I could scan into a pdf for you. I'm attaching the VIs in the zip. These are currently being used here so they should work. They are rather old don't follow the device driver style usually used but it should get you started. Let me know if you want the manual scanned too.Download File:post-2473-1129065255.zip
    Thanks for the contribution to the forums... this type of generosity makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... :wub:
  12. We could do this in an analyzer version with scripting now. Another variant would be to count up the total number of nodes or structures or nesting level of structures, etc, etc, and then allow you to set alarm/warning level.

    PIE in the sky extra credit feature: after analysis, if certain thresholds are exceeded, then do a second analysis and suggest structures or groups of code to be converted into a subVI (do we have a subVI scripting function?) by the user. Present the suggestions in a table and highlight the currently selected group.

    Now THAT would be useful.

    Interesting concept but impractical I think. Reducing complexity into a subvi is not a mechanical task isolated from its surroundings. It has to make sense. The VI must encapsulate specific functionality.
  13. On another note here...

    How many of you are really finding the Navigation window to be a help in your own work? I'm not talking about refactoring someone else's work, but in initial development or maintenance of your own (or your team's) code?

    If you start from scratch then it's totally unnecesary. You must have standards to confine your diagram size. If you don't then you're asking for diagram chaos. The standards should evolve based on screen hardware developments but they still should be in place.
  14. I just want to make the GUI better on my VI.

    And I realy want to use pictures innsted of normal "square" buttons from labview.

    Is this possible?

    Lots of good suggestions here. I would lean towards replacing the button images with imported *.png images (for transparency). Easy enough to do in the control editor.

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