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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I'm surprised that NI support was no help. I was able to reproduce it in 2 mins even in 711. Must be a reported bug already... strange. All I did was:

    1. New VI
    2. Placed a Chart
    3. Right-Click>select>stack plots
    4. Right-Click>select>Visible Items>Scale Legend
    5. Then click on the bottom right corner of the scale legend and stretch it down one element (it's an array).
    6. Click on the lock button.



  2. Hmm, I never had my hands on the Lego Robolab development system but I believe that it is a special version of LabVIEW in such a way that the VIs are somehow signed to only work in the Robolab software. On the other hand normal VIs will also not run in the Robolab software, much like the limitations of VIs with earlier evaluation versions of LabVIEW. Probably not something you couldn't overcome with some digging, but well..

    Well, you know what can happen if our advanced LV developers here on the forums get an idea stuck in their heads:


    Let's not go down that path...

    My son was a little too young or the mindstorms kit this past Christmas, so I held off. I think i will definitly look into NXT this year.

  3. I think you missed where I said in the 2nd sentance; "My laptop" = no PCI/AGP slots and no way to upgrade other than memory. But yes, the quick and dirty solution would be to raise the min requirements to run my program but that would take away from my target market.
    I have a hunch...

    Based on my experience, new LV developers usually pass data to the UI by using the value property and most of the time with ctrl references. I don't want to stereotype but if I'm wrong, let me know. This might be your problem since this method of passing data is slow. If you can, just wire data to the terminals of the indicators by a wire or use a local. If it is too much work to re-write your code then you can use the "defer panel updates" property.

  4. Yes, do a search on build array, shift register, x-y graph, whatever! I am just a rookie, you all can say what you like, but don't forget you also grew up from a student.

    Why not tell me to do a search in google? Everything need a beginning, don't be so pride. Still thanks that you tell me the great help by using "search" something in the LV help

    The keywords I asked you to search for are components used in building the solution.

    Based on the fragment of information you gave me in your original post, I was able to come up with something...

    Make sure to quote your sources in your school report. LAVA Forums... ya right.


  5. Anybody can tell me that how to do the following things in labview?

    Basically, I need a n dimension array which can take as much data as user inputs, after a few calculations, each entry in the array will refer to a number. At last the program can plot them on a graph whose x-axis stands for the data, and y-axis stands for result.

    Cause I am a student, teacher throw this question to me without any instruction, I need some help.

    I love this... hey guys, where's that post stupid/please-make-my-homework/offending questions here" forum? that i2dx mentioned a while back?

    Do a search on build array, shift register, while loop, xy graph, in the LV help...

  6. At the moment, no LEGO products work with LabVIEW proper.

    Jason, I can understand the marketing behind it but c'mon! Doesn't that just suck with a capital S? I mean I can use my developer suite which costs thousands of dollars to control hardware which is also worth thousands of dollars but I can't control a stupid RCX brick worth not even $100? Can't you guys throw us a bone like a driver or something? It would be so cool if my son could use the same software to program his mindstorms robot that daddy uses at work...

    If you look at this guide, it just looks like a bunch of VI's. Can't you get those VI's for standard LV?


  7. I was thinking, how to measure the Level of Evolution using LabVIEW?

    Well, maybe not along those lines but I had a discussion with someone about how you can come to a considerable conclusion about someone's personality by looking at their LV code. This would require you to look at code over several years of coding experience of the individual. All of our programming styles have evolved over time to their current state.

    For example, if you use queues a lot in your code, does that that mean you are an adventurous type? Perhaps if you used them within the first year of development...?

    What icon colours do you use? Do you create fancy icons or are you a plain text kinda person? I'm sure there is a pattern here which may even come down to the number of bends you have in your wires, if you have any :P . I'm telling ya, coding style tells a lot about a person...

  8. In LabVIEW 8.0, the Flatten To String function has an option called Convert 7.x Data that causes the familiar type descriptor output to appear.


    My question is this: If LabVIEW 8.0 and later stores type descriptors in 32-bit flat representation, how to we access LabVIEW 8.0+ type descriptors? Has anyone found a way to access and decode these? It seams like the documentation is recommending that we "rework" for this new format, but I can't seem to find anything that leads down this trail.

    Can you not use the Variant to Flattened String? This should give the current LV8 type descriptor data?


  9. No, the abort button/function does not have an event associated with it.
    No, the button does not have an event however for us developers who like to use Ctrl+Period, there is still a way to have your cake and eat it too. You can hide the button bar and trap the Ctrl+Period event. This allows you to terminate gracefully even though you are a hardcore Ctrl+Period user. Another nice perk about this feature is that when built into an exe, the APP_STOP menu event goes away automatically.


  10. I have a pet peeve of LabVIEW 7.1. :angry:

    I have a strict-typed enum constant inside of an array constant on the block diagram. Sometimes I resize the width of the enum to see the full text. When I update the strict-type of the enum with new values, the width of the enum reverts back to some standard width. I cannot figure out what LV uses as the default width and where this comes from. It doesn't appear to use the smallest text width or the largest. I wish LV kept the width as I had originally set it. If no-one has any solutions, I'll move this post to the wish list...

  11. This is the holiday cheer thread. Feel free to add a reply of greetings for all members.

    I spent the first holidays in my new home. It was strange. Christmas eve was warm, not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was warm: 20 celsius. It's really not Christmas unless you have snow on the ground...

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