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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. The user interfaces I build only have one button on them, and that one is pre-pushed.
  2. QUOTE(dthomson @ Oct 4 2007, 09:30 AM) Dude, I wouldn't trust anything. This worked for me, but NI drivers and installation code is unpredictable. Meaning that some subcomponent MAY still point to the old stuff. You can never be certain. Let's put it this way, you don't have much choice in the matter...
  3. Sorry, it got dropped during my crazy upgrade process. I will put it back tonight. Thank you for mentioning it.
  4. Just to remind all of you about the recent procedure compiled on the LabVIEW Wiki (See: LabVIEW Bug Reporting). All bugs submitted to the LAVA LabVIEW bug forums must have a CAR# associated with them. If they don't, they will be move out of those forums. This will apply, moving forward to the LabVIEW 8.5 bug forum.
  5. Sorry, no progress on this issue. It's still a @% pain in the buttocks. The solution for me is to upgrade to the latest driver and restart the build. So now it asks for a CD I have. The way this feature works is pretty ridiculous and needs to be fixed. There MUST be a way to tell the builder what msi files we want.
  6. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Oct 3 2007, 11:28 AM) I don't believe it! Stephen actually admitted that LabVIEW is not perfect.
  7. Don't have a solution for you but... It is probably a path somewhere that is absolute rather than relative. Check your build script. Maybe something there. BTW, are you using shared variables? I read somewhere of an issue with these in regards to absolute paths.
  8. To edit the contents you have to click on the cell and wait... for a few seconds... the field will change to edit mode. On the last example you attached, you didn't have any data in your cells AND you didn't have editing enabled.
  9. Ya, I tested it too. It works fine. The problem is that you didn't have any data in your cells AND you didn't have editing enabled.
  10. Here's a nice trick for those that don't use (or ever will use) the grid. Every time you work on a VI, change the grid settings in the VI properties to some crazy out of this world value. Then sit back and listen to the screams comming from the neighboring cubicals...
  11. Has anyone tried to use the new Unzip.vi? Everytime I run it, it just unzips the first file in the zip file then errors out with: Error code 2, System Exec.vi. Command was "touch 01191235142006 "filename"". Preview mode seems to work fine.
  12. QUOTE(alfa @ Oct 1 2007, 05:14 AM) What a coincidence... it's the fifth conference. QUOTE(alfa @ Oct 1 2007, 05:14 AM) My friend: http://ca.geocities.com/adferent@rogers.com/ROCKY.html Hey, are you trying to get our sympathy by showing us a cuddly cute puppy? Umm, it's working.
  13. QUOTE(Ben @ Oct 1 2007, 06:54 AM) In order to resolve the original posters problem (and to be 100% sure), you would have to open every single tree of every project your company produced in their lifetime. Not very practical. It seems like there should be a way to get notified, and the ClearCase triggers seem to be it, however is sounds complicated and requires a lot of setup.
  14. QUOTE(Ben @ Sep 28 2007, 03:01 PM) We should clarify... as in Template *.vit and reentrant VI's. You can't locate the template instance on a diagram because it won't exist on a diagram, only in memory. You probably meant reentrant VI instance. I know what you meant but want to make sure others got it.
  15. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 28 2007, 04:52 PM) I agree. :thumbup:
  16. I agree, this is very retarted. Why does every freakin' VI have to have it's own grid setting and why can't we globaly overide this? This is a dev. environment setting not a VI setting.
  17. Have you tried installing it, entering the SN and registering it? Doesn't hurt to try.
  18. You can try turning snap shots off and see if this changes things for you.
  19. Just to close off this topic in case someone stumbles upon it. All LabVIEW tips and tricks will be now handled through the Tips and Tricks Wiki page.
  20. Just to close off this topic in case someone stumbles upon it. All LabVIEW tips and tricks will be now handled through the Tips and Tricks Wiki page.
  21. Ya, it seems they've locked it down too much. On the other hand, I think this prevent newbies from shooting themselves in the foot. You can still hide the name if you edit the cluster, replace the text box with a classic control, shrink it down to a 1x1 pixel stub and slide it under the scaling buttons.
  22. QUOTE(yen @ Sep 24 2007, 12:01 PM) Well, many LabVIEW users (such as yourself) are wondering how much work it will be to upgrade their projects to 8.5. What better way to find out?
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