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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Sounds like homework. The examples shipped with LabVIEW have some input for this (look for dynamic mouse). The first thing to do is create your rules and some code to store the different modes the game can be in. Ton
  2. Also posted here, and I have no idea what this has to do with hardware. Ton
  3. Hi Karthik, check your keyboard, it looks like the shift key is stuck. On topic, go deep inside the Office Toolkit to find out which method is used to load the data from Excel into LabVIEW, perhaps there is a Uni-code aware method you can use. Keep us posted, Ton
  4. Make sure that the DLL is run as thread safe (or not), I never dealt with such an issue but it sounds like both processes run in the UI thread. Ton
  5. Add a wait of 100 ms to the while loop. Be glad you have a dual core, on a single core this would take 100% Ton
  6. If you are going to make your own copy VI, the following should be the fastest: Read original file size Create target file Set target file size to original file size Read chunks in multiples of Sectors (1024?) write these chunks to the target file (this is only neccesary if you want a queue). As far as I'm concerned there is no copy.vi, there is only a copy primitive (or am I absolutly mistaken) Ton
  7. I did some digging and first I converted my large SVN repo (60 folders) into a large Mercurial Repo. Then I found out I could not get a single folder with clone or pull. Using the convert command and some LabVIEW voodoo I converted this into 60 subrepos in one main repository. Works much faster and I can check out a single project. Ton
  8. Hi Prince, I find this a very good approach, for such a task, looking up some help for a direction, good idea . What course are you in and at what level (please describe the level, since I'm from the netherlands I'll propably have a hard time understanding non-dutch school systems). What direction are you studying? -computer sciences -physics -chemistry -..... It might be usefull to post the assignment text you got from your profressor so we help you decide what kind of task you need. Do you have some hardware and sensors you must or may use? Perhaps you can help with some open source labview projects! Ton
  9. Yes you should, or you need some valid internet DNS address. However when I try to go to I get nothing, if you are connected through a switch you should use port-forwarding to get the incoming port 80 on your computer. Contact you sysadmin, or if you are the sysadmin read your switch documentation. Be aware that you should not open unnessecary ports. Ton
  10. Try getting your hands on 'Head first design patterns' bol.com. It leans heavenly on the Java design patterns but is written quite good, and a lot of design patterns are covered. Ton
  11. I finally found a use for the 'View unread content' due to this RSS behaviour change. Ton
  12. What type do you use? and is there some online documentation? Ton
  13. If I was about to resize programmatically I would stop auto-resizing. TOn
  14. Do by chance resize the graph in multiple locations? What code do you have, does our snippet work? Ton
  15. I tried it in 8.6 with a graph, xy-graph and chart and in all cases the PlotAreaSize property resizes the bounds as well. Ton
  16. Strange, it works for me (LV 2009 and with a graph): <object id="scPlayer" width="741" height="503"> <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/jingswfplayer.swf"></param>'>http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/jingswfplayer.swf"></param> <param name="quality" value="high"></param> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"></param> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=741&containerheight=503&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/2010-05-20_2145.swf"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="scale" value="showall"></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/"></param>'>http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/"></param> <embed src="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/jingswfplayer.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="741" height="503" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" flashVars="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=741&containerheight=503&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/2010-05-20_2145.swf" allowFullScreen="true" base="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/9ae3148f-d7a9-4255-91d8-ee0e1c48dfac/" scale="showall"></embed> </object> Ton
  17. I think you are looking for the 'PlorAreaSize' and 'PlotAreaPosition' these seem to do what you want: <Plug>: have you looked at my Resize/Align/Distribute toolset? </plug> Ton
  18. What info is returned on the broken XControl. What is listed in your dependencies? I have had this once in 8.5 with the Variant Probe Ton
  19. You have two options: Make the control bigger Scale the image Here are the two possibilities: Ton
  20. The hypertext is the bug. The image being appended is a feature of the forum software. Any attached image that is not used in the post is automagically shown. Ton
  21. What style were those indicators? 3D (modern) and were they overlaying other indicators/controls/GUI elements? I think the latter is most likely the cause of your slowdown. Ton
  22. Could you provide more info on this bug? What are the exact limitations? ton
  23. It's defenitley an image, because a simple HTTP GET returns a datastream that can be saved to disc and read by LabVIEW PNG routines. It's probably bad form by NI not to include an extension at all. Ton
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