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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Man I like the Joel Spolsky document. I might try to convert my personal subversion repository in the coming week. Ton
  2. I would expect that as well. You tell LabVIEW to get 20 bytes, so it gets 20 bytes (or times out), your instrument is most likely constant transmitting data. I have seen allmost correct readings with wrong start and stop bits, so do you have a manual of your device? And a screenshot of the X-CTU settings? Ton
  3. What is the contents of 'Read buffer 3'? (you know you read 18 bytes instead of 20) Are you sure you configured your RS232 settings correct (like start and stop, baud rate). I think one of those is off. Ton
  4. What kind of code are you using? Is an error generated? Ton
  5. if you set your timing to finite samples it will only output the first 100k samples, better use infinite samples. Another question have you verified that the correct waveform is outputted? With an FP control for instance Ton
  6. Antoine, could you quote a set of this blog? Our MCafee virus protection won't let met visit. Ton
  7. Yes but that is just part of the request.... Ton
  8. You could vote for this idea. Ton
  9. An official request is made here. Ton
  10. Total Commander supports two panes, and every pane can have numerous tabs. not something like finder but definitely better than any file explorer I have seen. Total commander is a must have when you want to be serious about your windows computing. It has an extensive list of available plugins. One of the most used features is the copy selectively, this lets you copy a whole tree to another location with wildcards (*.vi,*.ctl for instance). Another good feature is the built in viewer (F4) that has a hex view mode. Ton
  11. Hi Francois, I have contacted someone on Facebook that has this page as his 'website' asking him to add the notion of the source of the info. Ton
  12. I was browsing the web and found this page, this page called Space of LabVIEW has scraped the LabVIEW wiki pages and created blog postst for every page. This is in my opinion a violation of the creative commons version we use state What kind of action should we take? Report it to blogspot? Ton
  13. Does the context window mention anything? Ton
  14. Using the version number in the library name will make it possible to have multiple version of the same library in you code(base), is that what your after? I don't think that is a common thing and it migth cause broken code. I don't see the use of a class inside an lvlib, a class is a special kind of library, so it's not really usefull. Ton
  15. NI claims this is caused by Windows. The OS has for every application an 'active folder'. Which is locked until the app is closed. It might help to open a file in another folder (without a browse dialog). Ton
  16. Your second image doesn't look very 'sharp' an indication the image is rescaled. A good image editor would remove the VI snippet during the scaling. (here's why) Ton
  17. When I'm not Ton Plomp, I'm TCPlomp NI Forum / NI Community. Ton
  18. Here are my ideas (all but one super fantastic). And my latest: Add drag and drop support for OS files on any control. I wonder why this hasn't been requested before or implemented before. Ton
  19. No, I have not. I was tempted to start testing git during my holiday, but the sun was better to sit in than work in. On Stackoverlow is an extensive discussion on differences between the two distributed SCC systems. This discussion points to this blog-post by Patrick Thomson, reading that puts Git in the Linux corner and Mercurial in the more polished OS's (no flameware intended). I think you will like this comment: All in all mercurial looks better if you want to get started fast. However merging is still a pain LabVIEW. Related question has anyone ever tried to integrate it's own version control provider? I looked at it to bring a native support for SVN (without PushOK), but the API (or something that resembleds an API) provided by NI is not very well documented. Ton
  20. Ton Plomp

    USB Hub

    Are you looking to communicate with the Hub or with the USB key? I think you want to communicate with the USB key. A good start should be to read directly without the USB hub. I think that if you have that covered, you can just plug the key into the USB hub and use the same code. And what kind of USB key is it? What do you want to store? Ton
  21. I have tested this in LabVIEW 2009 and it seems to work! Ton
  22. An enqueue node has a timeout input, and if somehow you manage to run out of this timeout while enqueuing, the enqueueing will not take place (this normally happens with length limited queues). However I would check your code to work since I don't think it will work with IMAQ references. Ton
  23. Your code shows one 'enqueue' and 3 'dequeue'. When an image gets enqueued one of the three loops will get the image and starts processing, if a second image gets enqueued during process one of the other loops will get it. Then only problem is (I think) that an imaq image is basically a reference and so there might be actually just one image. So perhaps it's best to convert the image into the 2D array before enqueuing it. Ton
  24. I am working on an extension of my "Variant To Control" to convert a typedef struct or enum to a LabVIEW control. Here's a beta version of the code: ArrayToEnum.llb. Use the 'Struct to Control' VI. The actual code is in the 'Struct to Variant'. Modify to your needs. Ton
  25. I have the following construct: A 'Drop' event on a tree control. In this event I have set 'accepted' to 'False', this means that LabVIEW assumes that the drop was unsuccesfull. No problem. I handle the drop of data inside that event myself. A 'drag ended' event on the same tree control. This is triggered when the drag has ended (whether the drag and drop was succesfull or not). I use this to rearrange my data structure. Here is the drop event code: PS the equal tests the 'parent' output of the following subVI. And here is the code of the subvi: Ton
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