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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. How is the DSP port recognized by the computer? If it's emulating a serial port you can use the VISA functions for getting the data. Otherwise you need to roll your own USB driver. Ton
  2. Ah, that has nothing to do with recursive-ness. You shcould use a state machine that starts a 're-init' state upon certain errors. Ton
  3. If you mean by recursive that a function calls itself, you can set a VI to be 'reentrant'(vi properties->execution), now you can drop a VI on it's own block diagram. Ton
  4. You should set up an Ad-hoc network. In windows you can select your Wifi software to only connect to access points (default), change this to Ad-hoc networks. Note that you don't have a DNS so you need to set your IP addresses yourself. I think you can use a similar technique for bluetooth. Ton
  5. Hi Wim, 1 GHz doesn't sound like that much nowadays. When are the plugins loaded? Can they be the cause of the long load time? Have you tried disconnecting any network peripheral? (or connecting to any) Is the swap file being used during the starup of your application? Ton
  6. Hi Jon, unfortunately your code does not work: It works if the input is not a constant but a true ref. Ton
  7. Easy answer: Because you save them (and it's not an Excel file, but a CSV-like file). Long answer: You should start debugging your application make sure you store the right values to Excel. You see 6 zeros since you run your inner for-loops 6 times, the ouput of the for-loops is an array of 6 identical timestamps. Since you run the upper and lower for-loop in the same frame and you have no data-dependency they are basically (at least passed the 15 ms. windows accuracy) the same. Your while loop does not autoindex, this means that it outputs the last array of 6 timestamps. These are save to the file. Use Execution highlighting to debug your code, use probes and indicators. Ton
  8. Make sure the Auto-tool is on (on the tools-palette a green led should be lit), go to the right hand side of the terminal on the block diagram of an array, your mouse should turn into a wire-tool and you should see some small lines out of the terminal, click on the lines and your wire tool should be connected with a dotted line, now move to the subtraction node and perform the action on the input node. Ton
  9. That makes sense, since the OpenG toolkits generally only contain 'official' LabVIEW code and OpenG Builder dives much deeper into the core code. Ton
  10. Don't worry about the error level. In general there are two ParentApp.ErrorHandlers for each sub-vi. When both are idling the Female.ErrorHandler has a lower action threashold than the Male.ErrorHandler (source), otherwise it's usefull to make more space (or walls/doors) between the source of the error and the receiving ErrorHandler. Ater all, congratulations. Ton
  11. Hi Eric, nice tool! I've got two feature requests: Double click on the left listbox should copy to right listbox 'Delete' button should delete the current selected state Ton
  12. LAVA 1.0 DAQmx free

  13. You can install the OpenG variant config toolkit, this toolkit has 2 usefull VIs, Write panel to INI and Read panel from ini. Ton PS, please use full words and less '.' Interpunction has it's value in my opinion.
  14. Add a '[text]' to the end of the request string. That will instruct something in datasocket. And please use something else for posting (and annotating) a codesnippet. The Code Capture Tool for instance. Ton
  15. It's not very clear stated in the specs of the M-series card (6xxx-series) but only the first port has the possibility to use a clock as a timing source, for port 1 and up you rely on software timing, which is much slower and not really reliable. Your card-series of choosing (622x) has 8 inputs on port 0. To get more inputs you need the 625x series which has 24 inputs on port 0. I am not sure about the quadrature encoder but you should be able to get speed up to the clock-speed of the analogue in for all of the signals (about 1 MHz). Ton
  16. Good work, but the problem is that this only works on the computer that is used for the development. It's not working on a ' fresh' computer like it would be very cool to be used. Ton
  17. Look we are getting closer, could you post a codeshot/snippet of the exact ActiveX call that loads the data into LabVIEW? Ton
  18. Karthik, could you please answer above question(s)? Then we can help you. Ton
  19. Without any links to documentation we can only guess. But you definitely need the TCP/IP VIs to communicate with a web-service/API. Ton
  20. Yes it is. The main improvement for me is that I can commit when I am not in reach of my server. that's the main difference, I can commit every day to my local (computer based) repository and when hitting a milestone (or just fixing a bug) push this my my own Mercurial server. I like the system of Mercurial with webdir, which let you easily host multiple repositories on one computer, this keeps the code to get small. On the down side I had issues with actually working together with someone else on a mercurial repository at Sourceforge. I am still not sure what happenend but we ended up with several heads that we didn't merge (actually we quit on that stage). I am thinking about building a Mercurial provider for LabVIEW (hint, hint) so I can do the local stuff directly in the LabVIEW project. Ton
  21. The resolution of an FFT is the inverse of the acquisition time. So 2 seconds of data will make a df of 0.5 Hz. Ton
  22. I am thinking about placing a Code Capture Tool section in the LabVIEW preferences dialog. Looking at the %LabVIEW%\resource\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages folder I see a pageTemplate.vit template. I have created a new VI (prefPage_CCT.vi) and was hoping that a section would show up in the options dialog. Unfortunatly this doesn't work. Has anyone done this? Ton
  23. I am thinking about creating a mercurial Source Control Provider client. I have created a new provider based on the existing Perforce. If I copy this in the Provider folder of LabVIEW I get an extra provider in the SCC options dialog. However selecting the new provider causes an error. Does anyone have some pointers about the setup of this provider feature? Ton
  24. Be aware that if you use notifiers you can loose data if you don't read fast enough. Ton
  25. What code do you use to get the data out of Excel? The NI office toolkit, or some other toolkit? Try to define which method is used to pump the data from Excel inot LabVIEW. Ton
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