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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Nice tool, (why wasn't I using this before???) However I got it to crash LabVIEW. I had a cluster (A) that contained another cluster (B). B is a typedef, and it is the input of a VI. So I connected A into the VI, this was broken of course, I activated this tool and I got a 'beep', and then LabVIEW hang. just plain hang. Using Alt-tab I saw a VI-window that looked like the wire that I had selected, but I couldn't activate that VI (I believe the wire selection color is a 'modal' VI. But all I could do was right click on the Windows task-bar and select 'close windows' then in a split-second LabVIEW was closed. After starting up I got a 'adfjosdiafjipf.cpp crash' , I didn't investigate, but maybe I should have written down what exactly crashed. So this crash also uncovered a feature request. If the target element is a part of the source-cluster, insert a 'Unbundle by name' node. Ton
  2. You could explore some of the application properties, if I'm not mistaken there's a 'private' or 'system' property that should make it invisible for the GSW. Or you could launch the GSW. There is a menu launch token for the GSW that loads it into the front. Try to get Christina into this discussion, since she wrote a lot of code for the GSW. Ton
  3. Try to get the specification of the file, look for words like 'float', 'unsigned', 'struct'. Try to match a LabVIEW cluster, then use 'read from file' and the cluster as described. You might need to tweak the endianess of the read function. If this fails (and it might) it's worthy to build a parser, but without a description and a demo file it's quite hard for us to help you. Ton
  4. Use the LabVIEW Data folder (default: My Documents\LabVIEW Data) to store information. You might need to create that folder for computers without LabVIEW. Ton
  5. Have you tried a different mouse? Does is happen with mouse-keys as well? Ton
  6. Here's a little toolkit that has the option to 'align and distribute' rectangles, and can be used for your solution. It does not deal with resizing, but when you figured out the new size, the 'distribute' function will return the new positions of the control on request. Here's a little demo for this: And a little video: <object id="scPlayer" class="embeddedObject" width="630" height="547" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/b7173873-b25e-4506-96a3-c27f2c0bae48/jingswfplayer.swf" > <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/b7173873-b25e-4506-96a3-c27f2c0bae48/jingswfplayer.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/b7173873-b25e-4506-96a3-c27f2c0bae48/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=630&containerheight=547&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/b7173873-b25e-4506-96a3-c27f2c0bae48/Distribute.swf&blurover=false" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="scale" value="showall" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/TonPlomp/folders/Jing/media/b7173873-b25e-4506-96a3-c27f2c0bae48/" /> </object> Good luck, Ton
  7. Hi Nate, Could you post the snippet that you mention? Ton
  8. Lava 1.0 officially migrated!

  9. Use a mousedown? filter event, and switch the first for the second button, this will trigger a 'Shortcut menu activation event'. Ton
  10. Yes I think i will use an occurence with the OpenG wait with a timeout of 1000 ms, that should do the trick. I am reluctant to give the destroy to the child process since I don't have control over it, and the event registration is created in the main process, and I am a fan of the 'destroy what you create' philosphy. Ton
  11. I have a code construct where I sent a user event to a listener VI, after sending the 'Close' command I need to destroy the Event Registration Refnum, I do this directly after sending the event from the main VI: Without the OpenG wait functionality (error wires connected of course) the listener VI does not get the Event triggered. The only reason I can understand is that the listener VI's event queue is destroyed before the event structure reacts. And somehow the Event structure is too slow to empty the queue. Ton
  12. A more low level approach would be to read the data twice from the DAQ device! you should be able to place this code in a Reentrant VI (do not share clones) and you can have multiple places from where you can read data. I have never tried it but it should work. Ton
  13. I think that there is a bug with the representation, I believe the trick is to hide the menu bar of the facade VI (in the VI settings). Ton
  14. If you want to control the VI direct you will need to install the RunTimeEngine. For viewing there are simple update cgi script build into the VI server. You could build a html application using javascript that controls the VI via a webservice, but I have never done that. Ton
  15. Since the app. is not on a network you might want to consider disabling a virus scanner and firewall to see if one of those helps. It might help to allow the app (or disallow) to connect to the network (even localhost). Ton
  16. Eric, one easy way for an undo functions is storing the current table after every edit in a shift register Each array should be packed into a cluster, which will be stored inside an array shift register. Ton
  17. Have you edited the .lvdiff file (as instructed in the readme.txt). The ini file is placed next to the lvdiff vi, so you should have write permissions in that location. (which is probably your issue since Windows 7 has restricted this in Program files), I have given the 'Users' group, write and edit permissions for that folder. Here's a screenshot where I added the rename function: Ton
  18. Align Distribute objects v1.2.0 Copyright © 2010, Ton Plomp All rights reserved. Author: Ton Plomp LAVA Name: Ton Plomp Contact Info: Contact via PM on lavag.org LabVIEW Versions: LabVIEW 2009 and up Dependencies: No dependencies, demo VI needs the OpenG time library Description: A set of VIs to align or distribute a set of points or objects, they behave similar to the align and distribute functions in the LabVIEW IDE. These tools are usefull when dealing with objects that needs to be rearranged. The set of VIs is bundled in one polymorphic VI (align_distribute.vi) that has the following tree layout -Align -Top -point -rectangle -Left -point -rectangle -Bottom -point -rectangle -Right -point -rectangle -Vertical center -point -rectangle -Horizontal center -point -rectangle -Vertical center -point -rectangle -Distribute -Top -Left -Bottom -Right -Vertical Centers -Vertical Gaps -Vertical Compress -Horizontal Centers -Horizontal Gaps -Horizontal Compress Installation and instructions: Use the VI whereever you want, or install it into your user.lib with VI Package manage (http://www.jki-soft.com/vipm) Examples: The zip-file includes one DemoVI that moves front panel controls around Known Issues: Acknowledgements: Icons are supplied by National Instruments in the LabVIEW IDE Version History: AlignDistribute - 1.2.0 (Released 2010-06-28) ============================================= - 0000021: [bug] The palette shows Align Distribute.vi as name. v1.1.0: Initial public release of the code. License: This code licensed under the BSD license ==============Start of license================== Copyright © 2010, Ton Plomp All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by the <organization>. 4. Neither the name of the <organization> nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <COPYRIGHT HOLDER> BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ==============End of license================== Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features: please go to lavag.org and Navigate to LAVA > Resources > Code Repository (Certified) and search for the "Distribute objects" support page. Distribution: This code was downloaded from the LAVA Code Repository found at lavag.org AlignDistributeV1.2LV2009.zip
  19. LabVIEW only supports one instance of every (file)name per application instance, Mercurial (and probably GIT) copy the remote file when doing a 2-way diff. My adjustment to the LVDiff file is that the second file will be renamed when both names are identical. LVCompare in LabVIEW does fail for the very same reason but it's source is locked. For 3-way merges Mercurial creates three different file names so it's not an issue. To be clear the second filename should be renamed before opening. Ton
  20. That's because the minimum word length that is stored/searched/indexed is 4 characters. There should be a message when doing a 'short search' but that one has a tendency to be gone after every (minor) upgrade. Ton
  21. One thing to add to the Panel close? event is that you should hide the front panel in that event case, that's because the user will be irritated because the front panel won't close and will click it multiple times. So handle the Panel Close? event, set your FP style to hidden and then start closing you app. when done activate a panel.close method. Ton
  22. Hi Eric, that looks really nice! It might be nice if comments were a different color (like syntax highlighting), but that is just a super silver lining request. Ton
  23. Hi Greg, I found a little bug that caused the VI to become dirty when opening a fresh VI. It should indeed ask to save the VI when you want to close the dialog. I'll have to look into the 'ordering' when reading. Yes the auto-naming and expanding would be great. The code you mention by PJM I had a copy of that and it is indeed stored in the history of the Mercurial code in Sourceforge. Ton
  24. You know the Idea exchange is part of the forums as well? Ton (I tried to find a post by you on the idea exchange but wasn't able to find any fast. )
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