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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. I favor that, one bug is that multiple panes don't work. However I'll try to upload a bugfree version of XControl Inheritance creator and I'd like to dare the community members to include method creation Ton
  2. Hi Marrco, could you add your code? I have Nero 6 Ton
  3. Normally it pays off directly, like the next morning (this morning... felt like :headbang: ) And I promised a mate to take down his bathroom... Ton
  4. I think you need to create a callback event vi (right click-> create callback vi) And inside that VI generate the method? Ton
  5. Allright I will post it into the CR, but I just noticied some issues with the 'new XControl options' (BTW the version on the net will not create those), but it looks like I left my usb-drive at work :headbang: , and the debugging steps I take are weird. So I'll do some debugging on the code, and hopefully finish it early next week Ton
  6. Hi All, here is an update for the XControl Inheritance Creator: Download File:post-2399-1170369672.zip Contained in a .ogp After installation with VIPM, and a restart of LV, in the tools menu the XControl Inheritance submenu will show up. Two options: New and edit. New will create an XControl prepared for the XControl Inheritance Creator in the current project Edit will allow to edit the XControl Inheritance properties Why didn't I post this into the CR? It is not finished yet. I can't create methods, I will propose this as a challenge in mballa post. Ton Micheal, I couldn't add the .ogp file directly.... Micheal/Crelf I took the liberty to create a resource\Lavacr directory in the labview dir, since I will post this in the CR when the methods are available
  7. I have been thinking about this as well, what you could do if the format of the control is a 'control' display a message in the xcontrol that it is intended to be used as an indicator. It would be wonderfull if we could limit the state of the xcontrol into control or indicator Ton
  8. What was the solution? Ton
  9. NAGWI, this is going to sound harsh: Drop the express VIs, and move over to DAQmx VIs, otherwise we can't see what you have configured so we can't help you! Ton
  10. Thought about that but it just seem unnatural. At home it works, I think I seriously have to reinstall my work laptop... (that will cost me a day or 2!). On interesting thing is that at home I couldn't find my controls palette when editing. Had to edit my labview.ini to get it back. (was probably gone when dual monitoring) Ton
  11. Crosspost warning Has anybody succeeded in placing an Xcontrol in the palette of the Front Panel? I tried but have not succeeded..... :thumbdown: Ton
  12. He moved into the rusty nails forum Ton
  13. Hi Nagwi, could you tell how the channel is configured? It should be RSE and not NRSE/differential(default) Ton
  14. Good you cought the bug but this could be tested with VI Analyzer as well! Ton
  15. Sorry to come in late, we just got our hands on 'On Time' by axosoft, still figuring it out. We got the program from another project which was killed by the client, so it was targeted for a Visual Studio team, but hey we got it now: Multi-user Yes Multi-project Definitely Web based It has a web interface, which is just like the windows interface Open source No Good performance across distant networks Should work, it has his own web server were you can log in on Inuative interface Not really, however I only looked at it, but I think it covers everything Comprehensive reporting functions Definitely, it looks very powerfull The manager who bought this is used to work on SIL4 level programming so the documentation of stuff is very well coverd with this program. The single user version is free! We are starting using this program in the next month or so. It has integration with MS Visual Studio and SourceSafe, I am not aware about subversion. However it is rather pricy. Ton
  16. Jimi the following code (8.2) should do that: Download File:post-2399-1169973721.viDownload File:post-2399-1169973693.vi Ton
  17. and the laptop? My dell is just one year old... Ton
  18. One reason not to buy a Mac, my boss doesn't have a mac LV license. Now if that came in the box (I don't need the baret), i'd consider Ton
  19. Maybe someone was shortening a part of a wire until the length became -1, and U16 turned that into (2^16)-1. Scripting gone bad :ninja: Ton
  20. PJM since you found it, could you do that? Ton
  21. Your what? Ton (looking at 1280x1024)
  22. You made a programming error, you should read the start time of the second loop at the start of the second loop not at the start of the VI.You could use a sequence, with in each sequence frame one of the two methods with their own timing. Ton
  23. What about the 'exit LabVIEW' function? But I don't think you can shutdown the RT computer. One option might be close all references, and just finish your BD. Externally use a time-relais that after missing of digital output of the RT-system will give you 5 minutes of power and then cuts the power. Ton
  24. If I remember we did that recently... The only way to find them is using executed highlighting.... Ton
  25. I didn't say it was easy, and please note it was the last advice in a list of 3... Ton :laugh:
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