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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. Knowledge base? Ton
  2. QUOTE(siallid @ Feb 27 2007, 07:10 AM) You should contact your local NI rep, and update your LAVA avator (now shows 8.2 as version) Ton
  3. Hi Alnaimi, could you add your program (VI), a little documented. And try to use some proper interpunction, this allows us (at least me) to better understand your post. No, I'm not asking for perfect english Ton
  4. I like point nr. 6 :thumbup: :worship: Ton
  5. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Feb 22 2007, 10:04 AM) I looked into this, for using a similar technique for our company. Here's how it goes (according to me, me and eehhhh me) The dynamic palette package creates a new 'Categorie' in the labview palette menu by adding an OpenG.mnu file to <lv>\menus\categories which links to <userlib>\_dynamicpalette_dirs\OpenG In that folder is a .mnu file for every category, however there is a (duplicate file located) under <userlib>\_dynamicpalette_dirs\%package%, probably for older versions (6.x and 7.x) The .mnu files show the VIs under <userlib>\_openG.lib\%package%\ The placement of the *.mnu files is controlled by the package itself! So the dynamica palette package creates a pipe to a folder with the actual .mnu files Ton
  6. Hi Thang, right click on the specifier, select class -> Browse.... and browse for a file that matches exactly (type defs/names/required states) the dynamic VI Ton
  7. Hello Herbert, good answers! An Q: How do we (re)set the read marker? We were tryin to read twice the same dataset, so in one loop read all data, and after that read the whole dataset again. But we got directly a 'end of file' error on the second read structure, explicitly setting the offset 0 didn't work... The workaround was to close/open the tdms, but that's not too nice! Ton
  8. Me too On a Xp machine, just added a 5 seconds wait at the start of the program. It just means that LabVIEW is loaded faster than DAQmx... Ton
  9. Pleas add your picture with LAVA and not external, see this 'bug' thread Ton
  10. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Feb 20 2007, 11:21 AM) Mikael, How did you get the extra options? Is that something for classes? Or part of the cooperation of Endevo en NI? Ton
  11. Hi Jim/Tomi, the following code works: I had to extend {VI match XControlName} Ton
  12. QUOTE(JFM @ Feb 18 2007, 10:52 AM) To be clear this goes for lvlib's (at least my case). Ton
  13. QUOTE(mross @ Feb 17 2007, 03:30 PM) In that case I'd suggest the https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/424/' target="_blank">Wizz RSS reader It adds a pane to your browser with a tree of all sub-scribed RSS feeds. Some interesting, are listed in the 'blogs section of LAVA. Another cool feature is the listing of Info-LabVIEW in Gmail, i've added a info-labview label, and let Wizz RSS list that label as a seperate RSS-feed! On the NI-forums you can have RSS feeds for every board (LabVIEW/DIADem/Breakpoint :thumbup: ) and for specific users/keywords Ton
  14. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 16 2007, 04:22 PM) Not reported because I realize it is how it is meant to be It is more a convenience issue, we have some GPS lvlib's, where the main datatype is a typedef with 10 or so elements including 4 enum's. So for a program where I want to build data for the lvlib or display data from the lvlib I set my data-cluster to public. The reason for the public datatype is that it is just a subset of all data we've got (that is about 40 elements, mainly debug). But in order to use the public datatype, all it's enums have to be public also, not really an issue but an inconvience, the structure of the public part of the lvlib grows unnesecarily in size... So I've decided to just declare all my controls private, making it look more complicated than it is... Ton Sorry it turned kinda into a rant post, not meant to be
  15. QUOTE(berndr @ Feb 16 2007, 09:45 AM) LabVIEW has a limited set of relative paths: vi.lib, user.lib and inst.lib If you only refer to files inside these paths (or relative to the VI itself) there won't be any problem, at least we haven't seen it with SCC, just make sure you build from one root! Ton
  16. QUOTE(crelf @ Feb 15 2007, 10:05 PM) Chris, I thought you had your own http://forums.ni.com/attachments/ni/BreakPoint/1408/1/NI%20Gift.png' target="_blank">star? And why do we have to bring our own hardware? I might have a 4 slot 3M CRIO chassis, but that's all.... :laugh: Ton EDIT: The link to monster doesn't work?
  17. Consider the following, you have a library that has private controls. For use inside other VI's you construct a typedef .ctl that contains some off these controls and make the typedef .ctl public. Now if you use this typedef inside another VI/Ctl the VI/CTL will be broken since it refers directly to the private members :thumbdown: . I was hoping that the public .ctl refered to the private members allowing a good use to these items.... Does anyone have an idea why? and how to bypass this. The error: This VI cannot access the referenced item because of library access scope. Private library items can only be accessed from inside the same library or libraries contained in that library. Protected library items can only be created inside LabVIEW classes and can only be accessed from inside the same LabVIEW class or LabVIEW classes inheriting from that class. Ton
  18. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Feb 14 2007, 07:52 PM) Well now my sick twisted mind kicks in..... What we need is an Xnodes\XControls twin.... It will be kind of hard, but let's handle the xnode do the polymorphism, and convert the data into the generic datatype you'd like to use and port that into the XControl, maybe together with a datatype changed? signalling boolean. One other thought is just a normal polymorphic VI '1' (one) pixel wide stitched to the XControl, and have a merge VI contain both, maybe that is better, but true XControl polymorphism would be wonderfull!!! Ton
  19. This is not about the display of the XControl, but about the terminal and datatype of the XControl, and I think Aitor knows his way with Xnodes... Maybe this can be gold pot under the rainbow? Ton
  20. QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Feb 14 2007, 01:23 PM) Variant? I don't think there is an easy work around since the datatype is defined with the data ability, which is a typedef, and the beauty of typedefs is that they restrict the data type. Moreover you should be able to handle all kinds off data inside your facade VI, quite hard I can imagine! Ton
  21. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Feb 13 2007, 10:40 PM) Just one bug in the TDMS File viewer, it doen't respond on panel close..., So if you have it in your program, you load it automatically and the user closes the panel (not using quit) you have a running sub-vi you can't exit.... It is just a little extra programming but aaahhhhh Ton
  22. QUOTE(Omar Mussa @ Feb 10 2007, 02:14 AM) I have added one as well, because of this 'challenge'. I noticed you looked for the wrong pane when resizing. Currently renaming a pane is quite cumbersom (right click on divider, show pane label, rename, hide pane label), so I added a feature request to show a naming pop-up on adding a divider. Ton
  23. Same in 8.2 (1800 vs. 17 ms) Ton
  24. Another workaround for this is <ctrl-m> only applicable if the VI is runable and if you allow your user to resize the collumns... (I din't knew this was SCC related :worship: ) Yep, and I just comment the lines out in labview.ini. I've reported it here and here and got replies from NI confirming that the next version/patch (I'm not sure which) will solve this. Ton
  25. Have a look at this thread: Getting built exe version Ton
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