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Ton Plomp

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Everything posted by Ton Plomp

  1. What is combobox? First try to implement my structure with the event case Ton
  2. Hi NAGWI, I won't post the waveforms because they contain real data (measured for our clients) AND because LV has 10 (or more) VIs for creating any kind of waveform, sinus, cosinus, pink noise, flat noise. You can multiply them, divide, add or whatever. And what do I need to understand? That your lazy? I am trying to help you but it looks like you don't want to be helped. Ton
  3. When I said yesterday messed up portal I meant that the portal was so wide it wouldn't fit my (widescreen) window on my laptop, please host your pictures at lava Then you definitely need the Event structure, where you said a string to write and do a read in the timeout case: Now a trick would be set the label of the boolean to the string you want to write, and the caption to the text you want the user to see (in this case you don't even need that since you use the boolean texts), put the booleans into 2 or three clusters (the Islands you have created on your FP look nice). The following code could be yours: Download File:post-2399-1169010633.vi Ton
  4. You could use the previous cursor ID, and set it directly back. A lookup table can be made with this code: But what about the point to row with a divider width of 3 pixels? It's still not ideal but should be better. Ton
  5. In 8.2 I'd use this invoke item: (app->User Interaaction->Invoke Menu Item I'm not sure it exists in 7.1, I couldn't find it. Make sure you have the control selected, I don't know how to do that but scripting should give it to you. Ton
  6. Have you fully installed the usb-rs232 device? We saw that we could write, but not read with a default usb-rs232 device. Ton
  7. Hello NAGWI, I feel a bit of a rant coming up (please be warned). When you started as a user you had some instructions on how to use these forums, on of them whas a link to: How to ask questions the smart way Of your 7 questions in 2 weeks only 1 could sort of apply to the 'smart way', meaning a full answer can be given without asking feedback questions. Your other questions were to broad or to unclear to give a meaningfull answer. So yes I have recoderded 10s of thousands of waveforms, but what do you want to do? Ton
  8. Hi Pockey, thanks, (maybe it's just me) You should have a look at the error cluster, pass it on between several parts of your code: The wait with error is an OpenG VI downloadable with VIPM other q's: are the default serial settings OK for your device? (look at that error out as well) Have you tried communicating with the devicde from MAX? EDIT: Having looked at your code I advice some redesign. Use less states the (Reset/Begin/Status/Help) states are almost the same. Use a seperate Read and Write state. In your read state you need some timeout (10-50 ms) or so. Ton
  9. which toolkit? I know about 10-20 for LV Ton
  10. Hi pockey, I haven't looked in detail, but you should host the image at LAVA, because now the portal is messed up because of your picture (see here), or just post a link to the picture. I will look in detail later, but am in a hurry. Ton
  11. Hi all, on the NI forums a blue bar mentioned LV 8.2.1 Ton
  12. I can't replicate this in LV 8.2 EDIT: Seeing i2dx's code, I missed the fact that you have to edit the label. sorry, Ton
  13. Hello Matthieu, you need the same LV version on the CFP and computer. Your CFP has LV RT 8.0, your computer has LV 8.0 and LV RT 8.2. I advice you to install LV RT 8.2 on the CFP because it is more stable than LV 8.0, if you don't want to update the CFP you should install LV RT 8.0 on you PC. It is too bad You didn't show which FP software is installed on your computer, but I think you need the same matching set as on your target. Ton
  14. Hi pdzoon, have a look here showing a screenshot of positioning a panel (fullscreen) on a different window Ton
  15. A new link (thanks Jim): skypecast Ton So I thought people would be polite and only chime in when they wanted to talk about LabVIEW, in 15 minutes i (most likely) will kill the skypecast and start a private one, only listed here... I'll start tonight a skypecast tonight (sat 13 Januari) at 19.00 CET/12.00 CST (that's right?). In this topic you can post your preferences to talk about! Stay tuned for the link! OK it's online: I have to put my daughter into bed first, so i'll actively join later Ton (AKA albertineplomp)
  16. Maybe here: VISA\Serial Instr\Version INformation\Resource Manufacturer Name Found it with the class browser (ctrl-shift-b): Ton
  17. Yes I missed that in the demo XControl, here it is. Download File:post-2399-1168586343.vi Please overwrite the original Facade_1.vi Ton
  18. Hopefully you misunderstood me In the property VI I use the XCTLRefs array to get a valid reference to the control inside the XControl. In order to get the reference there I use the Display State Change. To load them into the Display State Change I use the shown snippet in the time-out case. I got the feeling you thought I used it the other way round, am I right? So I am not updating the display state changed, and I don't have to set the State Changed to true. I have used it on some simple properties, but it is not fully tested. If the property couldn't locate the right control it will give an error saying which it found. Sometimes it just found nothing.... :headbang: When I get the methods right (haven't started yet) I'll probably start with a tree control and tables because if you resize them the collumns visible change ahhhhhh Ton
  19. I think I go with Aristos Idea (the XML idea reminded me of this) For instance Jimi's Class Iconizer could be expanded with XControls, lvlibs, projects and even just hierarchies. It could be merged with other LAVA CR Icon editors. For me, I'm thinking about expanding my XControl Hierarchical Property creator with a Method creation. Maybe a LAVA toolbar is an option, I have some things already done (more than 4 months back now so I'll have to dig) Ton
  20. I believe it is (unfortunately), let me explain. An XControl property VI (Prop.VI) has no knowledge about it's facade VI beside the display state in. So you need to get the reference to the facade controls from the facade VI into the Prop.VI. There are just 2 interfaces: "Container State" and "Display State In". The "Container State" has a reference to the instance of the control on the owning VI, not what we need. "Display State In" is configurable as you want. So I added a cluster member called "XCTRLRefs", this is an array with all the references I need for my custom properties. I identify the Array members by the label.text property: So I'll need the control reference in the "Display State In", this should be done inside the facade VI. Now I need to be sure that always the references are loaded into memory, the issue is that documentation about the working of XControls is (to say the least) sloppy. When does which event occure? I need the event that happens when: The XControl is executed (eg. the containing VI is running), but I'm not sure the "Exec State Change" when a VI is loaded into memory and runs directly. I only know one event that covers this: "TimeOut", so.... I use this: (oh, I see the Facade VI I added was not correct, it missed this piece of code, please update) Ton
  21. Jim, done! Ton
  22. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think LabVIEW can only work with 1 (one) Network Interface Card. So creating a bridge between two networks never work with LabVIEW Ton
  23. This post has the beta version of the "XControl Hierarchical Property" creator Alpha is found here (that thread also discusses the need for Hierachical properties A screenshot: The code: Download File:post-2399-1168457690.zip The main VI is called: GenerateProperties\GeneratePropsMethsMainVI.vi You will get a warning two VIs are missing, they are located under the LabVIEW 8.2 directory, at the location of the vi in the code the path to the vi is given! You will need a special XControl: Download File:post-2399-1168457877.zip Which is slightly modified, the state.ctl has an array of control references! and the time-out of the facade vi will load the references into the control! This XControl is rather big, but it has 48 property VI's already created. Have fun and please give some feedback! If you have some errors inside the XControl, save the xcontrol and close it and then reload it into memory. Ton PS Thanks Micheal for the ':'
  24. "Get Contorl from TypeDescriptor" [sIC!] \project\_NewProbeWizard.llb\Get Contorl From Type Descriptor.vi because it is the basic of scripting (in LV 8.x the name should be "Get contorl from variant") Some of the project VI's for working on builds The traverse VI of NI: Utility\traverseref.llb\TRef Traverse for References.vi So I'll keep one bean in stock :laugh: Ton
  25. That was way back, if I recal correctly even Windows 3.1 had a corporate edition: Windows for Workgroups. Ton
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