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Everything posted by pallen

  1. Well met! I just wanted to post a little follow-up to my inquiries about the Toronto LabVIEW User Group Meeting. The meeting had 10 or 11 LabVIEW users from around the area. Local NI sales rep, Tong Yang gave us a short demonstration of new FPGA technology and showed off a little Compact RIO. This reminded me of the Compact Vision system I've yet to play with. Now I'm really keen to see what that baby can do. Ted White then gave a presentation on State Machines. I took a few good tips home with me from this one, as most of the work I do in LabVIEW involves State Machines in one way or another. Of course the best part of these meetings is actually meeting and chatting with other folks that share similar interests. It's always interesting to learn about all the different ways people use LabVIEW. Very cool stuff. I'd like to thank Ted and Averna for hosting this meeting. The space was very nice and the sandwiches were tasty. (Did I mention there was food?) Hopefully we can do stuff like this on a regular basis. Although I'm no guru, I'm looking at a new project that will be more or less a vision guided pick and place. If I can manage to get that working without looking too much like a complete hack, I'd even try my hand at a basis presentation. (I hear it's difficult to get people to do presentations at these things) Hopefully we'll see even more folks out at the next one.
  2. I managed to get the time off for this one. So.....hope to see a few folks there!
  3. QUOTE(LV Punk @ May 29 2007, 09:38 AM) I've been told I have a "Joey Ramone" thing going on. Although I'm not sure that's helping my career much.
  4. Interesting. Some of the poster names look familiar too. Parallel programing in LabVIEW is super easy. Heck, even I can do it.
  5. QUOTE(crelf @ May 26 2007, 01:52 PM) Thanks! :worship: I do have long hair, but I'm afraid I would make a very ugly woman. (Although I've never actually tried. Probably be more a Tim Curry/Rocky Horror thing)
  6. Wow. A milestone. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  7. The event has now been changed to June 6th, and is listed here: http://www.ni.com/seminars/canada.htm Unfortunately the meeting is on a Wednesday at 11:30 in the morning. I'm not sure how many people will be able to get away from work for this sort of thing. My chances of doing so are pretty low, but I'll try anyway.
  8. Feels pretty cold seeing no reply as if no one in Toronto region doing LabVIEW . Which I know is not the case. There's quite a few LabVIEW programmers in the area. Maybe we're all just too busy programming to make it to a User Group Meeting? and also not sure how to say "hello" to people that I don't know, so I am not going. Awww. Don't be shy. I remember briefly meeting you at one of the LAVA meetings some time ago. I really wish I'd been to more of them now. I sent NI an email last week to see if there were anymore detials on the meetings. But so far I've had no response.
  9. Here's a strange one. I recieved a mailing from NI; "Events in your Area". It indicated that there are upcoming user group meetings in both Toronto and Kitchener/Waterloo Ontario on May 29th. But when I went looking for the details that were supposed to be located at ni.com/seminars I found that neither event was listed. I realize these won't be Lava Group meetings. As far as I know those haven't happened around here since Michael moved to the left coast. But it would still be nice to hook-up again with local LV programmers and users. Did anyone else receive this information? Does anyone know any details? Hopefully there actually is a UG meeting this month. -- Patrick Allen
  10. Awesome! Now all I need is some time out of the field to actually sit down and go through all this great information.
  11. Most of my LabVIEW programming is done for new machines. Typically each new machine is outfitted with a new Dell PC. So whenever they start shipping with Vista is when we'll likely start using it. -- Patrick Allen
  12. I could be wrong here. But I've been told that getting rid or the .ini file and letting it be recreated can sometimes help with strange problems like this one.
  13. Where's my "Any" key? I thought I ordered a Tab?
  14. Hmmm....maybe that's why they're sending everyone a Roach Clip.
  15. Thanks Jim!! I just put together a new desktop, and this was the first time I'd seen this error. The fix worked perfectly. :worship:
  16. I can't really offer any suggestions to you, as I've not even begun to look at LVOOP yet, and that appears to be part of the problem. However, our newest programmer where I work has decided to be the first to implement 8.2 in a project. (He was actually specifically told not to do this...but did anyway) Comparatively speaking, this project is very small. It's a glorified vise with some sensors and a barcode reader. But already he has lost "all his work" several times. Many of his problems seem to be related to the State Diagram Toolkit as he's experiencing many crashes during it's use. Often these crashes leave his project corrupted and unable to open. Or when it does open, there is no visible code at all and the scroll bars on the BD window are non functional. I've never seen this in 7.1 Considering my average alloted development time is now measured in hours and days, there's no way I'd have the time to debug my DE. Hopefully you'll find a solution in time for your project. -- Patrick Allen
  17. pallen


    Hiya Bob. Don't feel so bad about asking easier questions. :laugh: Not everyone here is a super LabVIEW guru.
  18. I guess I'll add my "me too" reply as well. My own situation is similar. But I'm probably a little "greener" with LV code. My own "degree" wasn't even a proper technologist college course. It was focused more around consumer electronics. But since I'd already been fixing televisions and various other things for a few years before I took the course, I aced it. That got my foot in the door as a "helper" in an R&D lab for auto parts maker. When that company decided to start building it's own test fixtures, I was put into the new department. I started an industrial electrician apprenticeship and got my feet wet in the programing world with PLCs. I was always jealous of the LabVIEW programmers though. It looked so much more interesting. When that company went through reorganizing, I got cut. But I landed another job doing pretty much the same thing. Now I'm programing in LabView all the time. (even in my sleep sometimes!) Even without a degree, I think skills with controls, technical writing and even seeming unrelated things like preparing SR&ED submissions (http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/taxcredit/sred/aboutus-e.html) can go a long way for the right employer. Although I have to admit, I've been looking for way to fast-track one of my own. Are there any of those Cayman Island Universities around anymore? -- Patrick Allen
  19. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid; But I rarely go with Windows updates on my development machine(s). I just don't have the time to fix things if something breaks. I get paid to write code, not reinstall the operating system on my (their) computer. Generally I use Firefox and Thunderbird for browsing and email. I use a third party firewall. (Tiny) And I run a regularly updated F-Prot every few days. With all the changes IE 7 will make to Windows, has anyone run into problems with LabView after the "update"?
  20. Big contributors make LAVA more better.
  21. In the end I reinstalled Windows and all my NI stuff. It's working fine. ....for now.
  22. This is a strange one, and of course it comes at the worst possible time. I have a brand new installation of LV 7.1 on a brand new Dell Precision 380. Everything seemed fine on Friday. But this morning when I attempt to open a VIs properties, LabView completely hangs. The process cannot be stopped and the computer must be rebooted. I've tried reinstalling LabView. I've tried un-installing, then reinstalling. So far nothing has changed. Even if I open up a blank VI and try to open it's properties LV hangs. I'm not sure what else is broken. But I'm sure there's got to be other problems as well. It's looking like I'm going to have to format the machine and reinstall everything. I'm hoping for a way around this.
  23. Might want to check out the Open Office package.
  24. There was a discussion here: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...id=60156#M70366 On using the invoke node to close a front panel.
  25. Unfortunately no. I've not had a chance to try LV 8.2 for Linux....or even for Windows yet. (Although the shiny new box for the Windows version is sitting beside me now) Hopefully you'll be able to find some info somewhere.
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