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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. Got to the NI web-site and search for "VISA Driver development Wizard". It will let you poke and peek at the registers. Not sure if it supports ISA but PCI yes. No NI hardware required. Ben
  2. After many years of trying, I finally got a MIG welder set-up that works without blowing breakers. I never thought I'd have so much fun vaporizing wires.

  3. Do the same thing in the sub you woul din the caller but use property nodes derived from the same ref you use to plot it. Ben
  4. Or a short-cut (that I usually take) is to enusre the graph is a Wavefrom Data type. The name attribute can be set for the Waveform adn provided "ignore attributes" is NOT set for the graph, the names will update with the data. I use this approach when the display code has no idea what it is plotting but the source of the data does. So with the right kind of wire it will work. Ben
  5. Post a link to the syllabus ( trhe one above does not work) and I'll take a look. RE: Syllabus in general. They always use words explained in the course, so if you have not taken the course you really don't know what they cover. If they read more like a dictionary the world would be much better off. Ben
  6. Remember, there are more of US than there are of THEM.

  7. "Syllabus" I always refered to those as documents that you can only understand after taking the course. I'll see if I can get myself into the class when it is offered here. If so I will be able to report which version I liked more. Ben
  8. Is it changed enough to convince my boss that he should let me do it again? Ben
  9. And now for something completely different... I think you would be better off using Datasocket or the like, where all you have to do is change the URL for differnet environnets. Ben
  10. Thank you to all the Veterans!

  11. I am torn between wondering if I created a monster or if I am just feeding one. RE:Big Brother The less you post about holes the longer it will be until that board grad student decides they will implement the first LV virus. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more say no more." (M Python) Ben
  12. I don't use globals so I can only start with some guesses. A global is a callee of the VI so start with that list. I belive you can get a type for each VI ref so look for globals. For all global type vis, open the FP of each and get a ref to all control (traverse FP controls) and find one with the name you are after then get the path to the VI that holds it. Like I said, just guessing. Ben
  13. Imagine watching the dial spin on a rotary telephone and trying to guess the message based on the three possble letters assigened to each number. Yes I know the phone company charges a premium for dial phones but I never saw one break when knocked of the counter. Ben
  14. Put me in the "fool" catagory. I have enough going on in my life and I don't need any twitters other than the birds outside my workshop on Saturday mornings. Ben
  15. I believe it was code from the MS web-site called "Procmon" or something similar. When run it logs all system calls and access to dll's etc. Run it while LV is running and you may find a hook. That is all I can offer. Ben
  16. I posted an example using that approach somewhere on the Dark-side. Ben
  17. Rule 32 Be happy with the little things in life, like getting that diagram down to only 8 screens wide.

  18. Oh what a tangled web we weive when by globals lure we are decieved. Wire-em, Shake-spear, sleep.

  19. Oh what a tngled web we weive when by globals lure we are decieved. Wire-em, Shake-spear, sleep.

  20. About four years ago, the topic of discusion turned to one of the test in the VI Analyzer that did not make sense and even Darren could not explian why it was doing that check and could only tell us that "Greg McKaskle said to put that in there." (paraphrasing of course). The check in question was enusirng the connector on the VI icon connector where located on the root of the diagram. I posted that I shut that ceck off since it did not make sense blah blah blah. Well it turns out that if we constrcut our sub-VIs correctly LV can "look into" the sub-VI call and determine if it can pass the data as a ref or by value. The thread in qwuestion can be found here http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/case-structure-parameter-efficiency/m-p/383019#M191864 I included benchmark code so you can try it for yourself. Ben
  21. A quick loo at that first one reminds me of the condition we learned about in the "Clear as Mud" thread on the dark-side. WIring that buffer through the VI may let LV re-sue the buffer. I say "may" because I'd need to watch some buffer dots to be convinced. Ben
  22. I find it funny that the add showing for non-members has the same effect on the web-site as their policies have on the economy. Bring back Flo!

  23. "Once apon a time in a basement far far away..." after I threw my son out of the house and before I became a gradfather, there was this quiet time when ... But maybe that was a dream. Ben
  24. Working on code that warrents combat pay.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      You have not lived until you fix cross-linking that spans four sites, and three continents.

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