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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. My wife and I were sitting in the window seat of one of those eateries when my Wife nodded toward a group walking down the street and asked "What about them?" I looked up and saw Jim, Michael, and the JKI crew. But using the term to "geeks" to distinguish yourselves during NI week is like saying "Look for me at the prom, I'll be wearing a tuxedo." Ben
  2. "Ctrl-a followed by an allign left and then allign top" would generate a lot of violations. Same for the FP. Ben
  3. To avoids the extra data copy LV has to be able to "see" that the original data buffer is no longer required. In that example the data buffer being queued up is a constant in the code. If LV passed that buffer in-place and the consumer inverted all the bits, IN THE ORIGINAL BUFFER (sorry for yelling) then the next time you ran that code it would pass teh inverter version. I used queues to get data from my DAQ devices. The output from DAQmx is passed to the enqueue and since the wire is not branching, the data gets transfered in-place so the bufer from DAQmx read is the same buffer holding the data after the dequeue operation. Ben
  4. Since the output of the init array is used for multiple iterations, that buffer can not be re-used because the consumer loop mod of that buffer could goof what get queued up next time. I'd expect an "always copy" in the wire after teh init but before the enqueue would let LV transfer the data 'in-place" and eliminate the buffer on the dequeue. Just my two cents, Ben
  5. Last I checked the SDE was available as an add-on. I stopped using it because it turned my code into a white elephant since only my machine had it installed (Yes I know I can right-click disconnect but if I did that on-iste without the SDE, when I got back to the office, I could not "un-disconnect"). THe Statchart was "supposed to be" the replacement but unless you where already familiar with all of the fancy words used the State Chart Toolkit, there was a steep learning curve. In early version it did not handle the local data (the stuff you would normally put in a SR) and would do buffer copies every time you looked. That would be very un-popular with my customers so I dropped learning that critter. since then I have been told that the data copies isue was fixed but I can not confirm. So for now, I draw them up on napkins or whatever and code em up manually. Just my two cents. Others taht have a differnet environment may have different opions. Ben
  6. When you have a property node re-sized for multiple inputs , yes the required data may arrive at different times but one they are all there, the execution is from top to bottom, unless there is an error... Ben
  7. Better? Just wire the string and let LV do the conversion? Everytime I benchmarked explicit coercion vs implied the implied wins. Ben
  8. I am sorry! The tickle in the back of my brains says I know the answer but ... ( Ithink it has something to do with CRIOs or FPGA but I will not put money on either). But with the image up somebody maybe be able to reply better than I. Ben
  9. Bubbles, Butterflies, Bunnies, and Flowers

  10. Can you post an image? Ben
  11. Bubbles Butterflies and flowers

  12. I think Mark answered that question in his final line. answer the question "where does the hardware find the next sample to output when it gets to the end of the buffer?" If the next location in memory is not mapped to the hardware... crash. Ben
  13. Rep = rep + 1 for both for asking and answering. Thanks for letting me eaves drop, Ben
  14. Parity errors are gnerally a hardware issue. After seeing that error message I am leaning toward a hardware issue. You did not reply to my thought. If you are using hardware exteranlly clocked outputs, you have to make sure the data is ther when the clock clicks. Still betting hardware. Ben
  15. It has been a while but ... Try cranking up the size of your output buffer to make sure there is enough data in it to fill any delays due to the OS going off into la-la-land. Ben
  16. We should surround the homes of all scientist and engineers with crowds with bull-horns. One of them is supposed to invent what replaces oil but have been shirking their duties!

    1. Michael Aivaliotis

      Michael Aivaliotis

      I can provide any LaBVIEW coding support if needed.

  17. Worth chasing that down since hubs are "what I hear is what i say" widgets passing all packets. Switches can be configured to pass UDP packets which is not neccesarily the default. We used that approach (switch configured to route our messages) to be able to sync a bunch of cRIO is a coal mine (We were trying to answer the question "How fast does Indiana Jones really have to run to out-run the blast under-ground?"). Ben
  18. I was just reading the LV Performance Course book yesterday and I recall it. Clump 1 Reads the two controls. Clump2 Sub-VI 1 Clump 3 Sub-VI 2 Clump 4 Sub-VI 3 and 4 Clump 5 I would have to guess so I will not. There is also a possibility that the Add subtract and GUI updates happen in Clump 1 Ben
  19. Try duplicating this post on the dark-side. Dennis Knutson was working with a network hardware company for a while. I believe that same applies to Tbob so they may have something to say on this topic. Ben
  20. I'll venture a guess that "them" know there is memory in a switch and that "them" have the domain password and failing to comply with "them" will result in potential prison time at one extreme or "them" taking the PC and shreading the hard-drive. But I'm just guessing. Ben
  21. I did not now anyone still made hubs! Wacky idea! Systran makes fiber switching hardware that I have used fro SCRAMnet applications. I believe thier switch supported ethernet and may be able to act as hub while maintaining that throughput. Don't bother chasing this idea down unless you have no other options. The entry level switching hardware starts at about $30K with all of the duaghter modules being add-ons. BUT If you (data) packages absolutely has to get there (in less than a femtosecond) its the way to go. Ben
  22. Thank you very much for the offer! But for myself don't knock yourselves out. If you run across one of mine, skip it and move on to the others. Ben
  23. What threw me for a loop was turning a string into a DAQmx channel (purple wire). Did not think to just try wiring the string and let LV do the conversion. NI Support was also at a loss. Ben
  24. Congratulations! Ben
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