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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. "Dequeue Element" with a "-1" wired to the Timeout seems consistant. Ben
  2. "I have heard of negative posts but this is news to me if you posted one SOOOO negative it counted aginst your totals..." (Ben says with tongue in cheek). I am sorry I missed it (them). Ben
  3. Not suprisded that Wiki-leakes revealed WMD. See the Chewbacka (SP?) defense.

  4. Presenting LV tips and techniques @ Pittsburgh NITS on Thursday, after lunch bring a pillow.

    1. Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden


      No sleepers, I'll call that a sucess.

  5. Thanks for the heads up on that one! It is possible to get at interupts if we are dealing a widget where we know the regiser definitions addresses and functionality and are lacking a driver. The VISA driver development wizard will let us define our own interupt service routines. Ben
  6. ... adding to the above... In the old version of DAQ there used to be "DAQ Occurences" Ben
  7. Drivers should mask the hardware functions for us but what can be done is to set up a trggered acquisition :: the switch trggers the acquisition. Use a loop waiting to a read and when one appears, the switch was pressed and you can act. Ben
  8. When in the Navy I used to play chess with a guy who ws rated. After some time he said to me "Ben I have to stop playing chess with you, I am getting dumber." In the same way that we gather together (virtually) to learn from those better than us gather only with those behind us can retard us. I have seen developers pick-up bad habits after spending time maintaning bad code developed by others. I have also known one developer that had trouble re-certifying since it was soooo long since he worked on good code. SO the idea hit me that this situation should warrent "battle pay". So the question I lay before you is; Is it ethical to charge a premium to work on bad code? Note: I don't control such things where I work so it will never happen here but I am still interested in hearing how other react to such an idea. Thank you, Ben PS If I rented mules for a living and one customer always brought them back beaten, I'd would be concidering the same.
  9. It was appreciated by myself since I didn ot know it was available. Ben
  10. I am not trying to start a flame war but I do agree with the statement (paraphrased) "All that is neccesary for evil to thrive in the world is for good men to remain silent." NO I am NOT implying you or your comment are evil, far from it. I am saying that I would be neglegent ifg I remained silent on this point (it my problem, please excuse me). Those numbers show that bugs got fixed. The issues that don't get fixed are the issues that are of low priority. If you think NI is ignoring major bugs they will listen to your story. If it is convincing enough the priority will get bumped. And let me be clear that I am not claiming that ALL bugs get fixed. The "old" state diagram toolkit was one of my favorites and I actually encouraged its use in house for development. After I reported a couple of serious bugs in it, NI's response was to drop it and replace it with something completely different. OK, I have delt with my issue. Please excuse the soap-box thing. Ben And the world, will be better for this, that one man scorn and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to fix the un-fixable bug!
  11. Thank you! The LV Champion fought long and hard to get the bugs into the public forum and tracked and I was just starting to believe that old rumour of bugs not getting fixed had been squashed. Take care, Ben
  12. There will always be bugs that carry over from one version to the next. That does not mean that none of the bugs are being fixed. For all bugs to be fixed all development would have to come to a halt and about six versions of BETAs would have to be run. As long as the show-stoppers get fixed and progress is made on the rest, I'm happy. Ben
  13. Not directly related ... Weird syntax for GPIB devices on USB adapters. Example 1:16 Device 16 on USB 1 Ben
  14. There is no place like in-place.

  15. Wild boar chase? I was just reporting what I remembered. The good news is I found that using the LAVA search box. Ben
  16. Found that old thread! http://lavag.org/topic/4656-memory-allocation/page__p__25647__hl__%22ben%22+inplace+%22array+size%22__fromsearch__1#entry25647 Ben
  17. Sorry about the hit-an-miss replies... many distractions. The show bufers will let you compare various code constructs to find one that minimize the number of buffer copies. What is in the Other case in the original image? That thread I linked from the dark-side included annotations about the buffers. The same approach could/should help. Re: seq structure Somewhere in the old LAVA I responded to a thread froma user with a pig icon (?) about memory. In that case the array size was forcing a "buffer copy on wire branch" and a seq structure helped LV figure out that it could check the size THEN latter do something in the same buffer. I hope that helps, Ben
  18. Depends... on what is in that case structure. WIth a helper seq structure we can help LV "see" that the data buffer can be used in place so if the code is scheduled to do the opearations in the correct order, the copy is not required. Ben
  19. My wife was laughing and giggling each time she watched it. I had to stop her at the end. All it takes is a bear here or there... Thanks you for sharing! Ben
  20. URL for Dark-side discusion. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/cluster-array-performance-penalty/m-p/481919#M231529 Ben
  21. That code construct resembles something that Shane and I looked into a while back. Check your buffer allocations. In some cases a stategic use of seq structures will help LV figure it can re-use the bufers. Q: Is the code you show the whole sub-VI or that code inside a case structure? Ben
  22. shhhh.... That is projectile folding and is still in BETA. Ben
  23. BD >>> Right Click >>> Programming >>> Structures >>> Global Variable Ben
  24. Shaun's suggestion about the user event seems good. Each sub-VI creates and register a user event. The bottom-most passes a ref for the event to the next up the stack. When a User clicks on the top level two options Click on its button or not. THe click on its button is handled by an event in the top. If a mouse down event occurs outside the registered control, teh location of the click is wrapped and passed to the next sub-VI down in the stack. When the User event fires, it has to check if the coordinates match-up with its button and if so "Value Signalling to fire the event. If not lining up with the button for the current sub-VI, fire the user event for the next on up. But that seems like an approach that would work. Ben
  25. As others have posted no. I have played around with using abusing the attributes to extend the grouping. But of course I have to maintain the code to do so. Ben
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