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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. When I look at my profile I see my post count is as expexted but the count of the part posted in LAVA I has been dropping. SO that prompts this Q... Why do I see the LAVA I content dropping? Curious, Ben
  2. In an ideal world I am the same page. But I feel we are not living an ideal world so we have to adapt. George Washington set a good example by walking away when they wanted to make him king. All that followed him thru the presidency followed that example until FDR. FDR was still warm when term limits were put in place for the president. I don't believe in coincidence. Ben
  3. OTher leasson we need to teach... They work for us and not the other way around. What is in the constituion does matter. Never sign (vote ) for anything you have not read. Ben
  4. Interesting thought... what have we taught them and what do we want to teach them. One of the things I beilve we have taught them is they can buy our vote by passing laws that take money from my neighbors pocket and put into ours. The progressive income tax system let them contrive a scheme where they can treat one group differently from another group thereby giving the polotcal types the option to buy-of one groups vote with the money from another. Oss the progressive income tax and switch to a flat tax system. We have also taught them that they can crate a set of rules we can't touch (senioritiy rules in congress) that put incumbants in a position where they have power over their peers just because they have been elected more times than their peers. I don't see how a history of a congresional district being consistantly stupid over a large period of time, why their rep should have more clout. So term limits and no seniority rules. I think the biggest leason we have to re-teach is "They do not make us happy when they spend our money and put or childrens future in jeopardy." Ben
  5. ? Where you don't have anyone else left to blame? ? Ben
  6. Commercial Off The Shelf Ben
  7. After you find them write down where you found them becuase you will have to repat that operation when you upgrade to the next LV version (been there done that). Ben
  8. I have seen two exceptions to that rule, one good one bad... The FG could be wrapping up a single element queue to stor the data (good) The FG could be using off-icon-connector controls to store the data (bad and down right cruel to expose a young G-babe too. I still wince thinking about it). Ben
  9. ... screen with a magic marker? THe mention of wiping reminded me of a trick I learned from a fellow engineer that may or may not be common knowlege. I fixed a white board i found in the trash that was apperently ruined becasue someone used permanent marker to write on it. Trick: color over the permanent marker with the markers made for dry-erase boards. The solvent takes the permanent stuff off with a simply wipe. Ben
  10. or set to run when open and now short cuts... Drag that VI into an empty vi and then ctrl-double click the icon to open the BD of tht VI. Ben
  11. The "docking" approach I mentioned earlier works very well with the "Scale FP Objects" when I have only object in the Undocked panel. Ben
  12. I have a set of sub-VI that let me realize "un-dockable" regions of the GUI. see reply # 18 in this thread. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=351512#M351512 The customer I developed this code for was very happy with the effect since it lets them expand what they wanted and ignore what did not matter. Ben
  13. 1) Close both 2) Open yours and makes sure all VIs that use the type def are in memory. 3) Open the type-def and doa "Save as" and save it under the name he used. 4) Save and close all callers. Your code will now be linked to the new (his) name. 5) Now open his type-def. 6) Open your code at it re-link to his version. 7) Save and clsoe all of your stuff now pointing at his. 8) Do a Source distribution and clean-up behind yourself. That all ther is to it. Ben
  14. Another example of where NI stuff shined. Customer blew out a port on a unit and when installing a spare, I needed to get the new unit to support the same port as the old. A ten minute phone call to support told me I could find "NIPortConfig.exe" in "...NI-Serial\" and I was done. I would be suprised if I could get someone knowlegeable on the phone from another supplier in ten minutes. Ben
  15. I have used the NI versions in the past and they just worked. I have alos had customers looka the price say "I'll get my own." and latter say "Yes I should have purchased the NI version." after finding out the driver would not release the device once used (i.e to switch from hyperterminal to LV they had to reboot). So the question becomes "How much do you charge an hour for the headache." In my case if the third party widget cost me an extra two hours or so, the NI version is cheaper. Ben
  16. If the following correct attribute it ti Rolf because I think it was him that posted to Info-LabVIEW the following. If its wrong blame me. THe tick count is a U32 so as long as you keep it as U32 the math will still work out, even durring the roll-over. Ben
  17. If you serach on the terms "LAVA Search trick" on the dark-side you will find a thread where Michael shared the following; "You can do a focused Google search by adding site:lavag.org after your search terms." This works very well for me. Ben
  18. I gave up on the "Instantly infinately flexible" apps a while ago. Unless you can limit what the app will be doing, I never found a single GUI that would serve all needs. So how about turning it inside out and make the TL, a launcher that once they select from the flavors they want to use, hides itself and is never seen again and all version related stuff is kept in the code that realizes each flavor. Ben
  19. I have limited experience with the DVR but it can operate in-place like the Q version you illustrated. Re: architecture Yes, but the inverse is also possible depending on the hardware architecture (cache size, type, and pipe-lining). If you array will fit into your cache and the cache writes don't interupt the pipe-line you could effectively use the memory management hardware to act as a colator running in paprallel with the CPU. But then again... If the Q or DVR version results in CPU waiting for a mutex to the shared buffer, you may be better off just letting one CPU do the work without interacting with the process scheduler (hint: Timed seq will let you dicatate which CPU it runs in so you could use the second CPU as a dedicated number cruncher.) Not claiming to know what I'm talking about, but always willing to learn, Ben
  20. Disclaimer: Any simularity between the following story and any persons alive or dead is accidental. I used to have a buddy that was diagnosed as psychotic (?) and they eventually ended up locking him away and kept him under control with thorazene (?Sp?). Every time I would try to corner him on a point, he would never reply but would respond by changing the subject. looking back over my replies in this thread left me feeling that I was not replying. If I fail to reply directly to your thoughts it is because I simply don't know the answer OR what I believe is questionable. Case in point: "the ultimate question" I think that Solomon explored that question and answered it in Eclesiasties (?sp?) where I came away with (paraphrased) "So what is the end of it all? To serve God and be happy doing it." The "to serve" part drives ME to try to calibrate my virtue space. Ben
  21. Thank you for the thought provoking response Shane. I feel a little slimey since I have been attempting to share my crazy ideas without offending so please excuse me if I try to slip out between the lines. I think we MAY agree that where we place the origin in our virtue space is an imporatant factor in who we are and our path either toward or away from that goal. "Why" Was it Shakespeare Hamlet that said "We see through a glass darkly."? Like the deep field study done with Hubble, (think data points are like photons) the more information we gather, the clearer the picture. By talking we share the data we have. Again taking an analogy too far... by doubling the number of observers, we are effectively increasing the apperture size and increasing our resolution. So again thank you for your reply! Ben
  22. Option # is a single element Q? OPtion #2 will also allow using the DVR (data value reference) to replace the SR. Before i type more are you SURE the time you are trying to optimize is due to they many values tht have to be updated and NOT due to the associate crunching you have not shown above? Ben
  23. A bunch of my co-workers attended this week-end. THere was a team from Canada (?) with an impresive entry. Almost every time it got the ball it scored and that final "lift off of the ground" challenge... 3-seconds later it was off of the floor. Ben
  24. I think that is the factory design pattern. http://zone.ni.com/wv/app/doc/p/id/wv-1295 You build an array of all of the children of "unit" and populate a ring (for example) with each option. WHen the user selects using the ring, you can then index the array of classes to chose the flavor the user selected. To configure each you can call config method for the selected path that invokes the appropriate over-ride VI to show a FP and let them configure it. I'm not sure if any of tht helped, Ben
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