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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. If I thought I was correct, I'd fight to make the point. But since I don't know what I'm talking about, .... Re: "anywhere we SHOULD be. We just are." Well that highlights the fact I left out a lot of ideas! maybe this belongs in another thread but I'll share just to hear if anyone else can relate. When stuying The Republic, I read about virtue and the idea that virtue is an intermediate state between two extremes. Being vituous in a cetain aspect of ones nature was a way of saying they are balanced and not to far one way or the other. The discusion in The Republic talked about the balance being struck along many possible lines "spend-thrift vs waster" Coward vs berzerker .... This lead to my own idea of a "virtue space" which has as many dimensions as there are virtues. Anyone of us can be plotted into virtue space and each of use would have a unique postition in that space. When turing my attention to the nature of the person who plots at the origin. The next step in the Saturday morning while drinking my coffee adventure lead me to think that since we all are located at different locations and our goal MAY be teh same (the origin of virtue space) then it makes sense to me that no two of us have the same path to tread. So the direction that is appropriate for me is the wrong path for others. So in the limited sense of my virtue-space there a place where I should move toward. Just my thoughts, Ben
  2. All anaolgies break down when stretched to far, which may be the case for every analogy applied to God since attempts by limited being to understand an unlimited simply can not work ( A set can not be prooved from within a set Goedl?). What I expressed was me attempting to exercise the phrase "we were created in God's image." by looking at our nauture to try an understand a little more about what is beyond our capability to understand. The understanding that I shared, is just what works for me when I am trying to understand "why" God would let be screw-up and what purpose it would serve in his plan. I don't know the validity. I only know that where I am is not where I should be and its up to me to decide on the direction and stick with it. Ben
  3. Correct! Ben
  4. I don't have anything above 8.2 where I am so I have to ask... Does it do the dame thing if you insert a seq frame in the wire after the For loop and before the Serach? Mike Porter told me about an issue where he was checking all VI's in memory after loading them and they fialed to show up. A seq structure after the Open and before the "all VI in Memory" fixed the issue for him. This could be similar. Ben
  5. I once read/heard a story of when a company first went to a vendor in another country to supply resistors (?). They spec'd it at 100 ohms plus or minus 5%. ..... The vendor was inserting resistors that were 95 adn 105 ohms plus or minus 0.1% to meet the spec. In that case as well as the one you are speaking about, language may be playing a part. Maybe we should be asking for fail-safe cars instead of quality cars. Speaking for myself I concider LV a quality product with some versions having a higher quality than others. As long as we don't bend over backwards, a license comes with updates that fix the worst problems as long as we don't introduce any new stuff when applying the fixes. Years ago people didn't want to buy cars of the first model year assuming there would be problems. It was assumed you would get a better product with the next year. Same applies to LV and we do get a more powerful and robust development environment with each update. But as they evolves over the years changes to the design can introduce problems. In both cases crashes are bad and should and are fixed through recalls or updates. But in the case of cars you never hear an add that says "Buy the new 2010 model, it does not crash!" (Yes I'm getting to a point). Adds that claim "Our new software is not as buggy as the old stuff!" have probably been copyrighted by MS. Ben
  6. Intersting that the majority stock-holder in Government Motors is highlighting flaws in the competion's quality? Ben
  7. I clicked this AM and only saw a definition of LabVIEW. Was there more there that is now down OR is ther another link involved? Ben
  8. I fully understand. When you are used to threads like in the link that follows (5 posts in 5 months) it can be overwelming. http://lavag.org/topic/11156-steer-by-wire/page__pid__72353__st__0entry72353 Ben
  9. [Emphesis added] X 5 Ben
  10. " From my post of 3 Dec 2008 ... 46949 Since that number looks funny it was given to me on SR# 1290801. This is supposed to document an issue where LV does not always close files when it returns to the splash screen. I have to close LV completely before I can delete the directory where I was working. The note from the PSE passed to me from the AE was; 1- The PSE said the root cause of this behavior is due to Windows: "Windows is updating the application's working directory when the file dialog is called. This can be easily tested by opening another VI/ project at a different path and then rename/move the original project (which should work). " ... " Ben
  11. Its possible to purchase a license without the SSP. A couple of weeks ago a customer wanted to clone an app certified by the FAA that was in LV 7.0. They purchased teh license for LV 2009 so they could leaglly install LV 7. In that case the SSp did not make any sense for them. Ben
  12. I have customer that had to drop the SSP due to budget reasons besides they were running of closet space for all of the update disks that were not installed) and then latter needed to upgrade. Rather than buy a new license NI let them pay for the SSP on their old license (or something like that). In my experience Ni has always given the customer the best possible options. Ben
  13. The voluntary Beta Program can be improved in a couple of simple ways. 1) Change the EULA that comes with the Beta to back us up if the Beta testing goes sour on us. If I try out a Beta and it steps on my machine (renders the official releases inoperative) then one of the tools I use to make a living (my mahcine) is jeopardized and according to the EULA "Tough luck Ben!". This translates as "Wait until you retire." for me so I am out of Beta test cycle on those grounds alone. 2) Use the Bug Report records to find the people that have found and reported the most bugs and offer them a resonable rate to use BETA code (with full support if something goes wrong after codding for a moth or so) in there every day work. Since neither of the two items above apply to the BETA, I wait for the "dot-zero" version where I do have support and my boss does pay me to use it and will not fire me if I do. As I find the bugs I report them. So until there is a serious change in the policies this situation will not change. Now for what may be a retorical or just a philosophical Q What other industry can expect serious product testing by people that are volunteers? Just my 2 cents, Ben
  14. I reported that bug and gave up trying to fight for it being a bug since other software (other than LV) does not do that. If you get the fixed great. Ben
  15. Confession time! I only looked at the links from the original post and the second one takes you to "Groovy Thermometer" which simply can not work. Ben
  16. Just look at Snippets as if they where a "Public BETA" for the time being. THe good news is that "Create Sub-VI" did not get damaged along the way. Ben
  17. Snippets only work ofr the most trivial examples. Virtually every Snippet that uses a property nodes is bad because it repalce the explicitly linkedproperty node with a ref and a property node where the ref is not for the original control. If you want to make it work, pop-up on the control and select create ref and use THAT ref instead of the one used in the Snippet. Confirmed bug by the way, Ben
  18. You are drifting off-topic (the thread topic is "Cross-Poster" not Cross-Dressers). If you really want to discuss if Norm is cute, I suggest you start a new thread. Ben
  19. I have managed to work out some of the people that post to both the NI Forum and here on LAVA, but I am sure there are more. I would like this thread to serve as a look-up table so we can know who we are talking to. You don't have to write book or anything and since this is voluntary, I'll start it out. NeBulus = Ben http://forums.ni.com/ni/profile?user.id=9539 Ben
  20. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Yes my math was a little off with that title. S0 I switched over to something that is more consistant with my attempts to unifying our two forums. Re: 100K post... I still have another 1K to go to join you in that rare class of people that have posted more than 2K on both forums. Give me another year or so to work on that one. Ben
  21. Da#$ it Paul you always post after I use up my dialy quota of postive votes! Ben
  22. Thank you Phillip! I will resit the oppertunity to tell you about what I was doing with my spare time in the 70's ( I wonder where that pooka shell necklace is now?) Ben
  23. Thank you Chris, Now all I have to do is post about 700 more that are NOT in the Lounge to feel legitimate. Ben
  24. I reviewed all of the config pages I have and looked at the help but could not figure out how to set my title. This machine is running IE6 if that makes a difference. Thank you, Ben
  25. The indexed sort is superior to my simplistic method described previously. If you do your own try what ned posted. Ben
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