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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden
Congratulations! Do you have any notes you would like to share to help those of use who have to re-certify (next week) ? Ben
Brain always works better after the coffee kicks in. The Fearless Vampire Killers, Roman Polanski, see this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fearless_Vampire_Killers But the main reason I brought this up was to ilustrate that if the Climate rules kick in before we KNOW, the CO2 laws will be vrtual garlic to protect us from the Global Warming Vampire. Ben
I believe it was an old vampire movie that featured a scene where someone pointed out the garlic to keep vampires away. Another replied "there are no vampires around here!" and the first replied "see how well it works!" This is not just a joke in an old movie. Here in the US it is common practive and is concidered good edicate (?sp? behaviour) to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes. Strangers that would normally say nothing to you will say "God bless you." if you sneeze in public. From what i understand, that practices goes back to the dark ages when it was observed that shortly after people started sneeizing they would become ill and often act posessed afterwards. The thought at the time was that the soul left the body at the moment of a sneeze and the sound of the sneeze was the soul screaming. Since the body was temporarily devoid of a soul the person was subject to demonic possesion so say "God bless you." was a way to help prevent demonic possesion. My point is that un-founded beliefs can become part of our lives if nobody stops to question the pratice. Human nature makes me nervous when a change in behaviour is attributed to a supposed "truth". I can see a desperate move on the side of those that want to push forward with all of the possible implications if global warming is shown to be real. If they can get the rules set in stone soon they can point at the lack of global warming as a sign "Look how well it is working!". The last thing we should do in rush into something that has so many far reaching reprecusions. THe move by the EPA yesterday (I question the timing) that CO2 and five other green-house gases are now recognized as being harmful to humans. Under existing US law the EPA is now obligated to regulate these gases. Will they? I can't say. But if they do we COULD find out who Cass Sunstien is and his out-look on the methane producing cattle we insist on eating. [set Kring's Law = suspended] The fermentaion of beer produces CO2 and COULD be regulated. [set Kring's Law = active] THe remainder of this post was omitted because I already sound crazy enough. Ben
The NRA and the supposed UN Global Gun Ban
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to BobHamburger's topic in LAVA Lounge
The bait has been smelt and rejected. Ben -
DVR, SEQ, FGV, Semaphores
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to ned's topic in Application Design & Architecture
That was not one of the options listed. If you run that AE on one node you can serve it to multiple nodes using VI server Invoke Node call by reference. I would you that approach rather than a class becasue I have not figured how to implement a Singlton that will work across machines (without bending over backwards). Is is possible to implement a Singlton across PC's? Willing to learn. Ben -
DVR, SEQ, FGV, Semaphores
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to ned's topic in Application Design & Architecture
I will use a cluster to pass the inputs to the AE where there enough fields to cover all actions. each Action then gets a proper wrapper VI that has required inputs for all of the stuff we need for that action and then bundle before invoking the AE (learned from Jim Kring). Re the un-interupted work.... The AE should not return until that work is done. Ben -
since we have drifted to diets, I'll share mine but first I quote my wife who said "It ain't fair!" I used to always have a second plate so we did not have left-overs. I switched over to one plat only and to keep myself from feeling deprived, i was allowed one bowl of ice cream with no restriction on the size of the bowl. I lost 43 pounds by sticking to this diet. See my wife's quote. Ben
DVR, SEQ, FGV, Semaphores
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to ned's topic in Application Design & Architecture
The FGV would be my first thought. I have used it to do exactly the same thing. It also scales well so when my customer said they want a PC at each production line in addition to the master machine that can serve the AE to the other machines via VI Server. Ben -
My Father is retired US post office. The ineficiencies drove my Father crazy so he retired at the frist oppertunity. AS I understand it that 0.42 cents sponsored by tax dollars. Back about 1980 the US PO was offering a service where mailing could be sent electronically and printed at the local office (it ran on a PDP 11/44 and used RM03 RM02 disk drives). From what I hear from buddies still in the buisness the hardware has been upgraded and is still available. It lets them send out up to date info. Ben
Years ago I made a living serving computers with many of my customers being hospitals. So while backups were running I'd talk to the administrators. There main use of the computer was to keep track of who was paying and who was not. They didn't really care about not getting paid because of teh Good Samaratan Law the state reimbersed them for the non-payers. My point is that required health care has been available. Yes it was only available thru the emergencies rooms. (I'll try to get back to that). Rather than throw up a cloud of examples of where the US government (apart from the miliraty) has never done anything right, I'll focus on what the one condition under which I would go with gov't health care. Under the current situation the American Indians are covered by a Us gov'g run health care system. On the reservation there is a saying "Don't get sick after July" (I may have the month wrong). This saying is due the the fact that after the years funds have dried up, there is nothing to pay for any supplies. Before we even think about doing anything about health care for anyone else, I feel the US is obligated to come thru with a good system for the Indians. So why dift off to the Idians? When the American Indians recommend the health care provided by the US gov't, then I'll concidering going along with it. Live up to our existing obligation before we commit to more. Ben
Recommended reading for fundamental data behaviour?
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to AlexA's topic in LabVIEW General
See this tag on LabVIEW performnace http://forums.ni.com/ni/tagging/view_tag?tag.text=LabVIEW_Performance and when you finish that set, chase down all of these http://forums.ni.com/ni/tagging/tagging_detail?tag.cloud_grouping=tag&tag.cloud_style=related&tag.max_age=all&tag.message_scope=all&tag.user_scope=all&tag.tag_scope=list&tag.id=671&tag.visibility=public When you finish all of those you'll be lecturing us on the topic. Ben -
She can field dress a moose so of course she's hot. Re Boring If there were not a move about to use the Global Warming as a license to create laws based on it, it would be just another boring science story. But it is being used to argue for laws that will have far reaching impacts on everyone in the US if they pass Cap and Trade or enter into the world wide argreement. Ca-n-trade will not only put a tax on every unit of energy we are consuming now as well as establish a government agency that will determine how much everyone is allowed to produce. Since the decision of the agancy will determine who is paying what, we will be taxed dispite not haveing reporesntaion in that decision. Those who lust after power would like one of those jobs. It is also not limited to the obvious energy side of things but also can extend to the amount of CO2 produced while raising that steak dinner since it turns out our livestock produce a lot of CO2. Ben
We are drifting from the topic but I'm game to wonder. I don't think there is a world wide conspirency but I would not be supporised if many people are scamming the system with the agregate effect appearing to be a conspiracy. My opion as it stand today (subject to change when i learn more) is/are Sara Palin is scary because she is completely unpredctable (did you see her resigning as governer coming?). Her face book update about "death Panels" set the news organization off to deal with that. Her book set new record for numbers of printings prior to release. I suspect this is due to many people lossing confidence in the leader we have and want to find someon outside the Washington belt-way to setp up. Her backing of the independant candidate in the 23 district of NY state almost helped him win (counting of absentee balots were getting him close). I beileve it was the 17th ammendment that changed the slection of senators from an appointment by the governor of the sates to direct election. That ammendment combined with the rules of seniority in the senate means that "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" just can't happen. THe only way to get anything done in either house is to get the party in power to run with it. I still hold out hope that a new constitutional congress will be called for so that the monopoly of powers held by the two parties in the US can be broken. There are other factors that play into what gets covered. The most imporatant being sponsor $$$s. They have to fill that screen with something that keep people watching through te commercials. One of the easiest things to present is "the talking heads" since no writters or fancy expensive graphics involved. So if the News programs want to maintain the source of cheap air-filling stuff, they don't want to piss-off the talking heads. So running off to cover a story that could upset those that keep the air filled, may be a prudent approach. FOX on the other hand is burning up the ratings and agian I can only specualte that is for the same reason that Sarah is ggeting coverage, people are looking for someone to tell them what they can accept as being the truth, nad FOX seems to be the next best thing. Re: FOX being singled out I really have to give a shout-ou to the White House press crew (proper name escapes me, association of all networks that cover the White house) refused to interview X if FOX was not included. Again thank you for the inteligent exchange. Ben
The NRA and the supposed UN Global Gun Ban
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to BobHamburger's topic in LAVA Lounge
Thank you! I agree with most of what you said and I am not a student of the Supreme Court so I can't comment on their historical findings. RE: Rights and Responsibilities I also agree that my right end where anothers begins. One of the ushers at my wedding accidently shot and killed his brother when they found their dad's gun (he was a police officer). I am responsible for what I do with my gun and nobody else. I also see my responsiblity extending beyond judicial use of the gun. I feel I was given a gift from my fore-fathers of the freedom that was built into the US plan. This was part of teh reason I served in the military when I was young since I was taught that it exists only because people where willing to put their lives on the line to defend it. So I raised my hand and swore an oath to defend it from all enemies both forign and domestic. A move to change the system that I swore to defend in such a way that its existiance is threatened is also my responsiblity to defend. Guns in the hands of responsible citizen willing to stand up to enemies that defend that system seems to me to be a wonderful fail-safe to safe-gaurd the system from domestic threats. This idea is not just mine or what my father taught me. Thomas Jefferson wrote; "When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." http://www.davar.net/QUOTES/LIBERTY.HTM From where I sit (short of a another contituional congress) I see no other way the US government will ever fear us. Again thank you for the exchange of ideas. Ben -
From Physics Today dated 2 Dec 2009 "Jones Steps Down as head of climate unit" http://blogs.physicstoday.org/politics/2009/12/jones-steps-down-at-head-of-cl.html?type=PTALERT Ben
The NRA and the supposed UN Global Gun Ban
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to BobHamburger's topic in LAVA Lounge
I don't want to fight but I do enjoy a good discusion. It is importatnt that we share these thoughts. I could drive any type of vehicle I want as long as I never leave my own property. To drive a car on a public road, I need a license. Roads are a shared resource built and maintained by the community for our mutual benefit. THe community agrees on the rules under which that sharde resource is used. I can't drive a tank on the roads and render them useless for others. Similarly I can't drive on the road with a vehicle that is not inspected. Use of the public road ways is a privledge that is accesable via a license as per the public agreement. The right to own and bear arms can not be impinged apon. This is right that I received as result of being born a US citizen and has been mine ever since. To place restriction on my access to acquiring guns is in effect determining if I have one that I can bear. I feel that is was no accident that this was ammendment #2 right after the right to free speech. The founding fathers set up the FEDERAL government (not national, the states agreed to associate) in such a way as to limit it powers (the tenth ammendment is currently being threatened). I am glad they explicitly spelled out hte right to own guns. Thank you for reading and I welcome your thoughts. Ben That image illustrates what the recent G20 in Pittsburgh looked like from a residents point of view. Ben -
The NRA and the supposed UN Global Gun Ban
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to BobHamburger's topic in LAVA Lounge
And yet another nice post! Thank you. In the event anyone was wondering I am one of those "that cling to God and guns..." (Obama 2008 compaign rally) residents of Westrn PA who lives within walking distance of the place where the Whiskey Rebelion started. Speaking only for myself, I view my gun as my last line of defence against an out of control government. Judging by conversations with friends, I am not alone. Ben [insert your favorite pro-gun bumper sticker slogan here] My favorite is "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." -
strange Labview behavior on server
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to NPI Chris's topic in LabVIEW General
Trouble shooting intermitant problem is not easy particularly if I can't see the code (not implying I want to ). As I wrote above I was just guessing at it being a race condition since globals are wonderful for demonstrating them. The best I can do now is (and it will sound drastic) recomend you wrap all of the functionality associated with that reference in an Action Engine with an approriate set of actions so that the the reference never leaves the AE but is used exclusitvely in the AE. Here is the Nugget I wrote on AE's if you are curious. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=240328#M240328 Ben -
strange Labview behavior on server
Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden replied to NPI Chris's topic in LabVIEW General
With the limited data I can only guess that the Global holding the reference is suffering from a race condition. Ben -
See here for Ton's Nuget on dynamice events. http://forums.ni.com...=242266#M242266 I can't attach an example or image but I'll try with words. USe Dynamic events to register for the value change (you will be shutting this on and off so its dynamci). In your event strture create the following events Mouse donw or Mosue enter >>> Re-register the value change against a ref contant ( this shuts down value change events while in the guage) Mouse Up or Mouse Leve >>> re-register against the guage... use property node value to read the value and write it to the value(signal) property to fire the value change event. If you put it together right it should only update the guage when you release the mouse and it will fire when you use the digital control. Have fun, Ben Edit: When I started to reply this thread had no replies. By the time I delt with questions at my desk and completed my reply, I found a pile of replies. I did not intend to duplicate the earlier suggestion.
That sounds like you are coming around to the point I was was making earlier, Scientist and Engineers fill the societal gap previously filled by clergy. "The numbers" are our "bones", "entrails" etc. We are looked too by society to help them decide what is truth and what is fiction. If this is goes on too long and is never closed with a definative answer, the religion of "science" will be called into question. Quoting from Winston Churchill ( The Second World War Vol 4 "The Hinge of Fate" pg 53) where he wrote; "There is no worse mistake in public leadership than to hold out false hopes soon to be swept away." So the earlier we get this over with the better off the science types will be. Ben
Thank you very much for that post! You expressed my thought better than I could. Going forward... 1) As Scieintist and engineers our collective integrety may be has been threatened. 2) I only see self-governance of our actions as a readily available mechanism to prevent further potential incidents. 3) We can urge our counter-parts to "come clean" and let them expose their errors. 4) We can do a better job of teaching what are the limitaions of our science. 5) We can speak out to those around us to help the general public come to understand that our works are subject to question and change over time (as we learn more) so SCIENCE can not be viewed as an absolute by which we can develop rules and and laws tht govern us. Paul, I want to thank you for breaking the ice on this topic. YOU are a better man than me. Ben
A couple of ideas come to mind, sorry but no references to back me up. 1) ".... so this topic further investigation." or something to that effect is what I was taught is how all research papers should end. The explanation that came with that note to me is that nothing gets researched without funding and there will be no funding without a reason so ... more research dollars. 2) "Power" durring recent climate hearing in congress all of the pro-change people were scheduled early so that teir version would make the news before it was too late to go to press. The con arguement was little covered. 3) "Power" the meeting that is scheduled for helsinky (spelled very badly, sorry) include provision to enforce climate regualtions on a global scale effectively setting the first hints of a World Government with power to enforce climate laws. 4) No mention of atomic energy in all of the "solutions" unless we happen to be talking about a country other the the US and then it is OK fro them but not us. 5) According to an interview given by Lord Monkton (again bad spelling) indicated that they predicted phenomenon on which global warming was based (CO2 concentration increase inhibits radiating heat) has been measured using new satalite data and was shown to be false. Just trying to help, and am full aware of how crazy i sound but still desire to help any one willing to read. Ben
I can't find the old LV Champions blog but I did write an entry to address the great responsibility that we carry in modern society. I also mentioned this particular issue in this post from a year and a half ago; http://lavag.org/topic/7352-earth-hour/ (See post #18). In the blog I can not find I tried to cast the role of engineers and scietist of today playing the roles of "high priest" in earlier generations, where once the "people" turned to the high-preist to settle what is truth and what is not, now they turn to us. So it is important for each of us to "do the right thing" whenever the "bones are cast into our laps". Ben